Samsung Gear S2/S3 Home Assistant UI now available in the app store!

This might be a work around, but I got my switches (not lights) to show up by doing the following:

  1. go into configuration -> entities on HA
  2. you’ll see a list of all of your entities. Sort by status
  3. You may see an exclamation mark next to some entities.
  4. Disable or delete the lights and/or switches that are no longer available
  5. reboot HA and reboot you watch
  6. When they both come back online, check to see if you can open lights and switches

My switches appeared but my lights don’t still show up, but it may take a bit of time to sync

I can confirm that if you ensure that you don’t have any light entities with the status “unavailable”, you can use the light part in the watch app :smile:

@Jerrkawz is there any possibility for you to fix this issue?


I have 35 light on HA. If any one of them is unavailable light don’t work. Having none as “unavailable” will be impossible for me as people switch the lights off at the wall switch and others are plug switches combines with smart bulbs so I will always have a few unavailable items. Why can’t these just be skipped and not put into the list?



Just installed the app, entered the address and the token, next step is an error message: An Error has Occured. Status Code 401. Message: unauthorized.

What should I do?

Hi, I am facing the same issue so I just wanted to know if you found a solution?

No… no solution found so far

I got something similar when first setting up, mostly because I took too long to get my token and I guess the config address stopped being valid. And I believe I also got the wrong URL once, as the OK button actually covers a significant portion of it.
Are you using a long-lived token?

Same issue, I’m getting:

Status code: 401
Messsage: Unauthorized

And in HA logs I see:

Logger: homeassistant.components.http.ban
Source: components/http/
Integration: HTTP (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 14:28:37 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:28:37

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from

I have tried with 3 different long-lived tokens, same result every time. It’s getting quite tedious to re-install the Home Assistant UI app on my watch, in order to get the website link. Anyone with ideas?

Existe outra forma de instalar, tenho um Gear S2 e quando tento instalar diz que não é compativel com meu relógio. Pergunto, o relogio tem que está conectado ao celular?

The problem I had was due to copying the token wrong.

After making sure to copy the entire token string (even the text that doesn’t fit in the textbox) everything works for me.

This is not working for me. No lights on my gears3 :frowning:

For me this was the problem:

      name: tablet
        - light
    - all

In the browser mod must disable the light and after restart the lights again working good.

How you copy token

The whole process is pretty easy but it makes things a lot easier when you use a computer browser.
FireFox does the trick for me.
First open a browser window, navigate to your HA and click your account
scroll all the way to the bottom, create a long lasting token with the name of your choosing and copy it somewhere
then install the Home assistant app on your watch, open another firefox tab and insert: but don’t open the link yet
now open the app on your watch and you’ll be presented the link as mentioned above and some random code at the end, add that code to and open the link
Now you’ll have to insert your token and the address of your home assistant (i’ve used the link from nabucasa) click send and it’s done.
Your watch should show all your lights, switches, scripts and so on.

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Does anyone know how to filter the entities for the watch? It’s nice to see them all there but it would be even nicer not having to go through all of them in order to find the one i’m looking for

I couldn’t see a way to filter them. So I created scripts for my frequent actions (heating boost, activate a lighting scene, make coffee etc) and assigned custom icons to them, it’s much easier to use.

Niet te doen. HTTP adres en token invoeren via mijn horloge. Kan dit via mij telefoon!?

Hi all, you beautiful community.
I had a problem, after some updates, wasn’t able to see the lights section on Samsung watch 6286, and after some investigation, found out that some lights were unavailable. I couldn’t delete them from entities list in interface, so my solution was to manually delete it from settings file.
So if the light name was 38a6adfc-950c6b2c , I got the id from that , which was 1146b0cb20abeeca9fb20db4a442bc95 , and then delete entire brackets block from HOMEASSISTANT\\core.device_registry , HOMEASSISTANT\\core.entity_registry and HOMEASSISTANT\\core.config_entries .
Please make sure you create a backup first, then please be very careful of ending brackets, and the last item in the list should not have a comma at the end.
Again, be careful editing them, but that solved my problem, was able after a HASS pi restart and update the token to properly see the lights list.

How to make shortcut to script, how to assign custom icons to them
And lights button on watch won’t open any light

I used app “PassWord - 원격키보드” in Korean galaxy app market for copy & paste the token to watch from computer