Samsung Gear S3 Home Assistant UI!

Please if you wouldn’t mind crossposting to the Homeassistant reddit page I know myself as well as others would really appreciate it!

Will do! Once the app makes it through the store approval

Just bought an S3 a few weeks ago and really missed the feature to control HASS with the watch.
Thank you very much! I’m excited for the app store release! Let us know when it’s available!

Hi all!! Thank you Jerrkawz for your great work!

I have installed the app in my Gear S3 watch but I’m having status code 0 error (check network connection or home assistant url in setup). The network connection status is ok and my home assitant url is local ip ( with no ssl security and no password.
My watch is in Tizen 3.0 version and, when building the app tizen studio noticed me that the app is intended for the 2 version of tizen, not for 3, but everything was correct.

Hope you can help me.

Thank you!!

Edit: I have also tried configuring the home assistant url with and without the port number, without success.
Edit 2: All working fine now!! Error due to my server firewall blocking

Sorry just saw this post. Glad you got it figured out! I have reworked the main page user interface and pushed to github. I also added some caching to make it faster.

Update on the store. My submission was rejected because they can’t test without a proper HomeAssistant server (doh) so I need to either set up a demo server or submit a video. Will take care of this shortly.

Hi all, I installed the app on gear S2 with success, but in the configuration where I have to put the URL and pad after I wrote all, after I press the save button but nothing happens…Any suggestion?
I tried in demo on laptop and after click save it go back and works, but on the watch if I press save the app not goes back, any idea?

Maybe it work with the official demo of HA: ?
Not sure the api could be accessed though.

The api isnt accessible through the demo unfortunately :frowning:

Congratulations on the work … can you put a widget on?

I definitely plan to look into adding a widget soon!

Amazing work, as soon as the binaries are live on the store, I’ll be trying this :).

Awesome. I just resubmitted the package with a video for the verification so hopefully that will be enough. Stay tuned.

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I am having the same issue as Samsung Gear S3 Home Assistant UI! nothing happens after I click save. any suggestions?

@Batman313v There was an issue with my github repository. the file services.js should be named Services.js. I fixed it earlier today so you can pull the code again and verify that /js/Services.js has a capital S. @uakkauakkafo FYI ^^^

Hey thanks, so the save button does something now. But it wont load anything. Im using an ip address when I exit and open it again it shows the url bar as blank. Autocorrect is off and I’ve tried it with the port number and its still wouldn’t work. Does it have to be a DNS name?

No it doesnt have to be a dns name. But if it is an external ip address you need to make sure you have the port forwarded. Also the url needs both the host name and port number.

Ok, thanks. Sorry im probably getting annoying but I’ve been looking for this for a long time and really want to get it to work. When I click save and go to the menu page it doesn’t load any of my devices or groups or anything, and when I go back into the settings it clears my url, and again thank you for taking the time to help

Yeah even if your url was wrong it should save the url. I’ll try to walk you through debugging it. Can you first verify that you have a js/Services.js with a capital S? Second try these steps:

  1. Right click on the HomeAssistant package and clicking Run As > Tizen Web Simulator Application. This will launch it in a browser window.
  2. Right click in the browser and hit inspect.
  3. Click the console tab at the top of the browser inspector
  4. Now try entering your creds and hitting save. See if any errors show up in the developer console

Hey, sorry it took so long I tried the web one and it worked just fine. In the watch debug log it shows “ecore_x<2371> ecore_x_events.c:1958 _ecore_x_event_handle_client_message() Received ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_PING, so send pong to root time=22189309” but it still wont work on the watch

Strange, what watch is it exactly?