Satel integra

Indeed, this parameter description wasn’t added by myself, but I was the one not describing it at all in the first place :slight_smile: I’m collecting some time to fix it.

Are there any news about the encryption support?

Also I have a problem when multiple switches are changed the same time - for example two light sources in the same room, mapped as two output lines. Only way to get around this problem is map those lines as logic sum and create one virtual output to which rest of output are connected.

In example - when I say “turn on lights on living room” only one is switched on and google responds with error for rest of them.

Has someone figure out some work around for this?

No encryption supported yet, I haven’t gotten time to update the code for a while now, and honestly, there are some other, more pressing issues to fix first.

Regarding turning multiple lights - I’d have to know more to understand the issue. What kind of output? Is the code the same for all of them? what’s the config on the dloadx side as well as on the HA side?

I would suggest to raise the issue and ping me in it, this may help others: either it’s a real bug, or it’s some config issue you’ve accountered that someone else might have too.

Satel Integra + Expander INT-IORS. From INT-IORS multiple 230V lines are exposed lined to light sources. In example below there are two outputs controlling two source of light in the living room

Now those two lines are mapped as two switchable_outputs. Everything works fine except the situation there is a need to switch those two lights in the same time. Only one of them is triggered.

Since my first post I have figured out a workaround - to add at least 200ms delay in script or automation between each switch.turn_on call to different outputs.But it work a little silly in case of “turn off all lights of the house” :slight_smile:

Glad that you’ve found work around, cause I’m afraid this is the limitation of the Satel API. When I send bunch of API calls bundled together, it staggers and only processes one :frowning:
Maybe I could be smarter about this, but I need to dig into API description to be sure. Then there would be somethign smarter to do…

I am not sure if this is the best place to ask for help but I couldn’t find a better place (except for
First of all thanks for this integration, I am using it extensively and I’ve built several automations based on it. Until recent Home Assistant update ( 0.112.4) it worked perfectly. Unfortunately, since some time it became unstable and I am not sure what is the real reason for that. I did nothing in my configuration except for updating the Home Assistant.

The state of my control panel entities ( alarm_control_panel.away, alarm_control_panel.night) is always Unknown, similarly, state of contactors and motion detectors is not updated in real-time. What is even more strange is that when I click on such a sensor in Development Tools I get the correct history of state transition (like Clear/Detected for Motion sensors, and there is no Unknown state anywhere).

In my log messages I started getting thousands of messages of this type:

 Logger: satel_integra.satel_integra
 First occurred: 15 July 2020, 23:52:02 (166564 occurrences)
 Last logged: 17:02:50
 * Got exception: [Errno 32] Broken pipe. Most likely the other side has disconnected!
 * Got exception: 16 bytes read on a total of None expected bytes. Most likely the other side has  disconnected!
 * Start monitoring - no data!
 * Start monitoring failed, sleeping for 10s...
 * Ignoring data because we're disconnected!

I tried disconnecting Ethm-1 power and it helped for a short period of time but after several hours it stopped again. Satel iOS app works normally and sensors are updated in real-time.

I will really appreciate any suggestion about what could go wrong.


This is the reason of your “problem” :slight_smile: Unfortunately Ethm-1 plus only supports one connection at a time. So I bet your problems started when you started using satel iOS app.

Am I right?

Probably not. I’m not using iOS app frequently, in fact when I integrated satel in Home Assistant I stopped using it. I’ve opened it recently after Home Assistant satel integration started to be unreliable just to make sure that everything works. Anyway just to be sure, is it enough to logout iOS satel app or shall I do something else?

Ok, I got it. I am running HA in a docker container in Synology NAS, when upgrading I created a new container and accidentally two containers were running. Your hint about single connection at a time helped me a lot. Thanks and once again great integration!

Ah, that makes sense then. Glad you have worked it out!

Hi there,
Thank you very much for Satel Integra support. Most things are working but some outputs I can’t control.
2 identical outputs:

Both defined in satel.yaml as switchable_outputs:
Then both included in ui-lovelace.yaml
Looking like this

And finally aa I can control, bb I can’t, it’s always on. Control from Satel app working fine. I’ve found 2 such outputs so far, others working fine. Any idea?

Best regards,

Hi there! I’m afraid I don’t have any clear clues here.

Long shot suggestion: there seems to be an issue with very fast calls one after another - maybe you always switch them together? Then only one is processed and second ignored?
Did you turn on debugging on the component? Anything in logs ?


Fast call is not an issue here, we are talking about single calls only, each targeting output 38 or 49 fails. I have 9 INT-IORS modules, 11 blinds and many lights controlled but issue is with couple of them only. I’ve enabled debug mode and included some logs in the incident attached. I have no idea why debug log looks different. I’ve tried to rename entities in satel.yaml, but no effect, always #38 & #49 fails. Help :slight_smile:

is there a plan to support ETHM-1 module?
Is a chance to just use the official module now integrated with new HA distribution

Best Regards

This has been discussed several times, and in short: it has relatively low priority.
Though I’m now saying no.

I don’t know what do you mean by

“Is a chance to just use the official module now integrated with new HA distribution”

can you elaborate?

He probably think to add it to official HA Integration.

Ah, got it now :slight_smile:

But you think about add it ? This will be a good feature.

Hi. I integrate my alarm Satel with my HA. In Satel Intergra i have 4 zone: (in Polish) Parter, Piętro, Okna parter, Okna piętro. When i integrate it and defined zone in integration i have 4 panel alarm in HA. Is any chance to add only one panel with button ARM AWAY and second ARM NIGHT. And when use Arm Away all zone was armed , but when use ARM NIGHT only zone Parter and Okna Parter will be arm ?
Good option will be if this feature will be implement to Satel Integra integration… Sorry for my english.

Currently there’s no support for multiple zones, although it would make sense to add it. If it’s added it would be presented as separate alarm component so you could arm them independently.

If now you Will have a Little Time in pandemic maybe you can think about it please :slight_smile: