Save a camera snapshot with archive when motion is detected

Github Gist:


Added the ability to save a camera snapshot to two folders one for latest and one for archive. I’m using it for taking snapshots of when my mailbox is opened.

Known issues:

There seems to be a bug with templates where it doesn’t pick up the defaults for file and archive file. Please copy those values from the blueprint.

Blueprint Code

  name: Save a camera snapshot when motion is detected
  description: Save a camera snapshot with archive when motion is detected
  domain: automation
      name: Motion sensor
      description: The sensor wich triggers the snapshot creation
          domain: binary_sensor
          device_class: motion
      name: Camera
      description: The camera which creates the snapshot
          domain: camera
      name: File Path
      description: The file path to store the most current snapshot.
      default: '/media/CAMERA_NAME/last_motion.jpg'
      name: Archive File Path
      description: The file path to store the snapshot in an archive folder.
      default: '/media/CAMERA_NAME/archive/motion_{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") }}.jpg'
      name: Delay (Optional)
      description: Wait before creating camera snapshot
      default: ''
          min: 0.0
          max: 60.0
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
  platform: state
  entity_id: !input motion_sensor
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'
  motion_sensor: !input 'motion_sensor'
  camera: !input 'camera'
  file: !input file
  archive_file: !input archive_file
  delay: !input 'delay'
- delay: '{{ delay }}'
- service: camera.snapshot
  entity_id: !input 'camera'
    filename: !input file
- service: camera.snapshot
  entity_id: !input 'camera'
    filename: !input archive_file

Could you ad delay as an option as the original?

Best Regards

I’ve added the delay

Thank you :smiley:

Excellent !
Thanks @niemyjski for your sharing !
It works perfectly and is super simple!

I have a question: I would like to take a sequence of photos.
For example 4 pictures during the next minute after motion detection.
How can I modify the Blueprint to get such a sequence?
Thanks for your feedback

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Welcome and thanks for reaching out! I would probably put the actions inside of a sequence:

Awesome !
Thanks for the Quick Reply !
Also, if I want to put a condition to trigger the snapshot, what would you advise?
Directly put this condition in the automation YAML ?
Thanks for your help :pray:

Is it possible to add VIBRATION in device_class? i’m using a Xiaomi Aqara vibration sensor put in front of the camera to trigger the automation.


What kind of condition do you want to put? You’d probably have to modify the blueprint. I thought they were going to allow you to override a conditions section of a blueprint but I’m not sure if this is still the plan.

I’m wondering if we should just remove the device class completely. What are your thoughts?

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It would be great to be able to add more than one trigger entity too. For example both a motion sensor and a door sensor.


Yes ! +1 with @teachingbirds


Hey quick question … how do you manage your archive folder ? do you keep like infinite snapshot ?


I have a ton of storage so I don’t clear anything out. But you could always use the samba addon or ssh addon to quickly remove images.

if you could add the option that you also receive a notification - it would be great!

I have home assistant running in a docker and when running automation i get the following error.

Can’t write /media/sonoff_01/last_motion.jpg, no access to path!
Can’t write /media/sonoff_01/archive/motion_20211208-172553.jpg, no access to path!

I’ve already looked at the folder’s permissions in the container but I still can’t.


Sounds like you need to mount storage with read write permissions

I have the home assistant running on container. I’ve already given permission both on the local folder (/usr/share/hassio/media) and on the container that runs the home assistant (/media) and I have the same problem. Where would it be necessary to give permission?


I’m not sure as you’ve done what I would have tried. I’d reach out to support on discord as it’s a bit out of the scope of this blueprint.

First thanks for sharing and I am a newbie!

I am trying to use your blueprint with this automation:

- id: '1642174438258'
  alias: New Automation
  description: ''
    path: homeassistant/camera.yaml
      archive_file: /media/CAMERA_NAME/archive/motion_{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
      motion_sensor: binary_sensor.ring_upstairs_motion
      camera: camera.ring_upstairs

and I am getting the following error:

and in the logs I get
" Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.new_automation
Source: helpers/
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 3:34:03 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:34:54 PM

New Automation: Error rendering New Automation delay template: offset should be format ‘HH:MM’, ‘HH:MM:SS’ or ‘HH:MM:SS.F’"

any suggestion? Thanks