Scheduler card/custom component

Install the scheduler-card with HACS, it’s a separate thing, it isn’t related to HA automations at all.

I do have scheduler component in hacks but i do not see scheduler-card?

The scheduler card is a Hacs Frontend add-on, not an integration. I did the same thing.

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Great component and card; I admire your work and patience on creating this. Very well done…

I know this component is not for this specifically but; I also use this component/card for irrigation. If i create 2 schedules per valve for Turn on at XX:XX and turn off at XX:XX (and i have 4 valves), Instead i try to create schedules with the time slot editor so i will have 4 schedules instead of 8 or if it is twice per day it goes up to 16 schedules.

If i set Time Step Resolution less than 5 minutes; then Time Slot editor is not usable. If i set it for 1min, it still moves with 3 to 5 minutes randomly. What i realized is 5min is the absolute best minimum for time slot editor. The thing is i try to set let’s say for 8 minutes or 13 minutes etc, it simply is not possible even if i use a large monitor.

I know that probably need a change in the design and i do not have the right to want this from you; i only wanted to ask if the card stores these values in any file; so that i can change the time slot values manually there?


Thanks i installed it but still do not see the card?

You need to reload, then add the card to your dashboard from the list of cards.

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Little help here. I have installed this via HACS and now I’ve done it manualy just to be sure it’s done properly.

The integration is there and the Card is there. I always get the error:

“scheduler/add. service not found”

in the log I get the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 217, in async_setup
    hass, self
  File "/config/custom_components/scheduler/", line 42, in async_setup_entry
    coordinator = SchedulerCoordinator(hass, session, entry)
  File "/config/custom_components/scheduler/", line 102, in __init__
    super().__init__(hass, _LOGGER, name=DOMAIN)
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'update_interval'

Running docker.

Any idea ?



Corrupted .storage, try uninstalling and reinstalling.

The UI doesn’t allow you to create very narrow timeslots, this is a known limitation.
I don’t think adding the ability to change the config in a file is the solution to this.
The whole point of scheduler is to avoid having to maintain your automations through YAML, but being able to do so through UI.

In my opinion the solution is to add more functionality to the editor.
Ideally I would like to combine the standard time picker with the timeslot editor, to give you the option to fine-tune the timings.
Another option would be to add some ‘zoom’ function, to be able to see only a portion of the 24 hours scale.

Both functions are likely to come at some point, but it may take a few months before i get to it. There are higher priorities currently, and my time is very limited.

I invite you to create a Feature Request for this. We can have some more discussion about how it should look like etc.

Could it be that your HA version is quite outdated?
From what I can see, the requirement for providing the update_interval keyword is already removed at least 5 months ago.

Do you still have problems?
I hate to see that people are struggling with installation.
Please don’t give up :slight_smile:
If you have any suggestions on how I could simplify the installation, please let me know.
Ideally I would bundle the card + component in a single package, but as far as I know, this is not possible.

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I’m using scheduler v 1.9.7 with HA core 0.118.1.
I have set a scheduler item for a generic_thermostat with a precison parameter configured to 0.1 but with the slider in the graphical UI of the scheduler I can only set temperature in 0.5 degree increments.
How can I align the temperature step to the generic_thermostat configuration?

You can do this through customize.
Example here.

There is an open request to have the stepsize synced with the entity properties. If you have a week (or so) of patience, the problem will be solved for you.

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You were total right. I was running 0.111. After the upgrade, and all the pain coming from it it’s finally working and it’s awesome. This will fix a lot of issues with the heating at home.

Thank you


Ok. Thank you

KTbow and fanuch thank you for your insights: I too did not perform the Configuration/Integration/+ step and was receiving the same error.

You saved me a lot of head scratching, Thanks.

Is there any way to be able to set the time for more the 2 plus or minus hours from sunset?

Also when I put a name for the schedule, where do you see it?

Thank you both!

I put a +1, but I’m using the generic_thermostat custom component edited by @snoopy1492.

Works perfect! I don’t understand why a base component doesn’t work this way.

But thank you both!

The pull request is blocked (I think). Take a look here:
I’ve added a test (as requested by @martinhjelmare). He requested an analysis of the potential impact of changes.
I’d like to ask everyone who is using this modification to comment on this.
How the system works, do you see any potential side effects?

I can create a separate thread for discussion about the generic thermostat if needed.

I tried to put in a good word for you.
Its a bit concerning trend though, because its really getting tough to have a PR merged these days.
I guess if I open a PR for scheduler-component + card, i guess it takes 6 months before it will be in core.
Meanwhile I am trying to roll out the support to have scheduler execute a sequence of actions.
This should provide a (more complicated) alternative for this.

I just installed it and will report back.

I’m trying to understand scenarios when what @martinhjelmare is asking could occur.

At the moment I’m not seeing weird side effects.

Hello everyone,

Just an idea, sometimes a card is a bit narrow to easily edit several ranges, so we can use a “Panel Mode” view to have a wider view…

The only problem is that this view only supports one card, so you’ll have to use Vertical Stack Card to stack several Scheduler cards…


Lowercase hard “de” (from) and a space after +