Scheduler card/custom component

Hi there,
let me first say this component wonderfully fills a gap. I’ve been using schedy which is very powerful but it’s a bit elaborate and doesn’t (in my opinion) justify the effort for simple schedules.

I have a question, I’d like to set the volume of my google home speakers depending on the time of the day. However, the only actions I can find on the media player entities are to turn on or off. Is there a workaround, through the the UI or possibly directly editing the configuration file?

Also, there is a feature of schedy which I would really miss, which is a temporary override of the schedule. For example, even if a time slot is scheduled for a given temperature, a manual adjustment on the termostat can be set on schedy to override the schedule for say 2 hours. After 2 hours the temperature is set again to the scheduled one. Is something like that possible in scheduler-component?


Yes, this is possible by adding customize to the card config (YAML-only feature), it will show up in the actions list automatically.
I didn’t add this by default, since I wouldn’t expect anyone to set volume based on time.


type: scheduler-card
# rest of card configuration (included entities etc)
  media_player: #or media_player.my_specifc_device
      - service: volume_up
        name: "Increase volume"
        icon: "hass:volume-plus"
      - service: volume_down
        name: "Decrease volume"
        icon: "hass:volume-minus"

Depending on the device, it might also be possible to set a volume level (e.g. 0-100%), in this case you might want to define a variable for it.

You can override the temperature at any time, but when a schedule reaches a next timeslot it will trigger its action. There is a request for a ‘skip next job’ function, I think this is a useful addition which may help for your usage. I will probably add this in the near future.

I cannot decide for all users that override should work for 2 hours, after which the schedule kicks in again. Some might like it, others not. I don’t feel much for making this configurable, since I expect such a (advanced) setting will raise questions for a lot of users. Note that this feature may be useful for thermostats specifically, but scheduler is designed for all entity types and I like to keep things generic.

You can also create an automation which watches for changes in the thermostat setpoint, and temporarily disables a schedule if so. Note that when turning it back on, the schedule will always execute the job of the current timeslot.

Yes, this is possible by adding customize to the card config (YAML-only feature), it will show up in the actions list automatically.

That is perfect, thanks

For the override, I understand and it makes sense. Also, I now understand that the default behaviour is to only execute the jobs when the next timeslot is reached. This certainly fits most uses and probably also mine! Lastly, your suggestion to disable the schedule at manual adjustment and re-enable to return to the scheduled solves any other use case.

Many thanks!

I’m using scheduler since a long time and it’s great. I have one device that is not listed in the device list. Is there a way to manually add missing devices. It’s a zigbee power controller connected via ZHA. Many other zigbee devices connected via ZHA are fine. It’s just that one that is missing. The device is switch.chargeur_auto_on_off, I have many other zigbee switch that are listed correctly.

It should show up if the card is configured correctly. Please check if this entity is included (or all switch entities are included). The card should only hide switches which are schedules.

Stupid me, I use the scheduler card since so long that I’ve forgot to look in my ui-lovelace config. Thank you for your fast help

Hi ! I love the scheduler and using it quite intensively ! One use case I have is : 11 thermostats (1 per room). All these thermostats are configured in 4 scheduler cards (with tags), for workdays, holidays, and “special electricity rates alert for cold days” again for workdays and holidays.
If I want to add another card for these thermostats (let’s say a summer one for A/C), is there a simple way to duplicate, or import / export an existing schedule configuration and adapt it instead of redoing all the config on the UI ? The entities, hours, etc… would be almost the same, only the action & values change. I love the UI but when “mass duplicating” schedules it’s a bit long :wink: Thanks all, and I appreciate the great job again !

Start using decluttering-card and your life will be a lot easier with recreating cards with slightly different variables. It works best in YAML mode though, but I don’t think it’s required.

I switched to YAML mode after one month of HA and never looked back. So I don’t know what does/doesn’t work in GUI mode.

That must be quite some work to set up and maintain.
In my own house I only have around 15 schedules and all are in a single card, so you’re a way more advanced user than myself.

There is a scheduler.copy service which you can use for duplicating an existing schedule. It is not ideal but it might help a bit.
If you’re brave enough, you could also edit the file in the .storage folder to create duplicates with changes.
I’m also thinking about a way to allow editing schedules (and preferably also storing them) in YAML format. But this is not in place yet, it might take some months to roll this out.

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I didn’t know this card existed :wink: Not sure it will work in this particular scenario as the real thing I want to duplicate is not the card but the schedules, which are not entities in HA if I’m correct. But it can definitely be useful for many other use cases !!!

It is indeed :wink:

Thanks a lot, I’ll definitely take a look in the storage and the service ! Thanks again for your great work in this component !

Do each of the climate controls have a separate schedule or do you have some combined schedules?

I’m asking because my climate control presents itself with two separate thermostats and I’ve got the scheduler card configured to set both thermostats the same in my schedule. The problem is that it doesn’t always seem to trigger properly and I need to toggle the schedule off and back on to get it to pick up, or manually fiddle with both thermostat entities.

I’ll say that the most recent release has improved on my situation some, but I still regular run into issues with my daytime schedule not triggering properly. My night time schedule tends to fire more consistently, but it too see the same sort of issue :frowning:

Well that is strange. I am not aware of such issue.
If you catch this again, please create a bug report for it. Don’t accept such glitches :slightly_smiling_face:
You could also (temporarily) enable debug logging for scheduler by adding this to configuration.yaml:

  default: info
    custom_components.scheduler: critical

It should be helpful to trace back what went wrong when this happens.

It’s pretty regular enough for me right now.

I agree on not accepting glitches, I just haven’t sat down to try and figure out a repro on it as I only have 2 times a day that my thermostats are changing right now. @ 09:00 (bring temp up) and again at 20:30 to drop the temp for the night.

As an FYI, I’ve just enabled critical logging for the component and have a tail on the logs. Granted I don’t expect to see any issues until 20:30 this evening at this point.

Anyway, if I get back something I’ll raise an issue.

I have an automation that should trigger 25 min after a switch changes state from off to on.

When the switch is turned on using this Scheduler, the automation doesn’t trigger.

Any thoughts as to why this is?

Did you try using a regular automation with off as the trigger and 00:25:00 as the “For (optional)” option?

I have a schedule to turn on some Phillips Hue lights, daily, 1 hour before sunset and it works fine.

However, if I then restart Home Assistant after the lights are on, the lights are turned off. Is this likely something the scheduler is doing or a setting elsewhere else?

Scheduler will only turn off your lights when restarting HA, if you have some other schedule configured with a timeslot which has a task to turn them off, and this timeslot is active at the time of restarting.
A schedule which only has a task to turn on lights, will not turn off lights ever.

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Thanks. I also had a schedule to turn the lights on via the “MAKE SCHEME” between 6 and 8 in the morning, with the other times being off. So I think it was this schedule that was triggering the light to turn off when HA restart. I’ll change this to separate turn on and turn off schedules which should fix it.

Maybe this can help to keep your entities state on HA restart