šŸ’” Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights


I will have to add it in. I can see the benefit and it the last option to have so I will put it on the list to do. Keep an eye out for the update.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

For this I would make a template binary sensor but I would have the delay only if the light is OFF and if the light is ON to have no delay. Why you ask? You would like the delay ON but once it is ON if you still had the delay it may turn your light OFF.

Blacky :smiley:

Cool, thanks! :slight_smile: I do understand why you only would want the delay for when the light is OFF, good tip!

Thanks for posting the Bypass FAQ, but could you explain how to set it up for my use case as eli5?

I have a smart plug shown as a Light entity, with Ambient light turned on.

Currently, the lights turn on with lux, however when the light switch is turned off from HA card after automation has triggered, it turns back on every time.

Iā€™d like the blueprint to respect the override by the user, and still operate as normal.


Something has changed a lot and not for the better in the last 7 version in terms of the bypass system.
I use it as a temporary light control system:
I go into the hallway and turn on the lamp
I go further and enter the bedroom, the light in the bedroom turns on and the lamp turns off.
It used to be exactly like that, but now when the light in the bedroom goes out, the lamp turns on again. I turn on the light in the bedroom - the lamp turns off, I turn off the bedroom turns on and so on in a circle. There was no such behavior before. Has something changed a lot or is there something I donā€™t understand?
Thank you for the answer.


You probably finding when you turn your light OFF the LUX value drops and then it turns it back ON. Take note of your settings.

You can do a few things but I recon that is the LUX value when you turn the light OFF.

The best way is to use the bypass option 2 and maybe a time delay. The entity for the bypass cant be your light / smart plug.

If you are just tying to turn the light ON with ambient light LUX value then try using this blueprint :high_brightness: Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers

Blacky :smiley:


I am amusing you have 2 automations one for the hallway and one for the bedroom with a bypass to turn OFF hallway if bedroom turn ON. What ever turns on the hallway it will probably be ON when you turn OFF the bedroom.

Have a look there as nothing changed to the bypass.

Blacky :smiley:

New update 7.1

Your lighting experience, your way ā€“ take control and customize it to perfection! :bulb::sparkles:

:new: New Feature

  • Dynamic Lighting - Added new option, 9 - Sun Elevation Lighting - Colour Temp + Lux Controlled Brightness Inverted. I think I got them all now :partying_face:

:bug: Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug in the bypass function where, when using a scene or script helper with sun, ambient, or time conditions enabled and the condition was false, turning off the bypass would turn off the lights but not the helper. It will now turn OFF the helper.

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

We are at 296 lets see if we can make it 500!! Link Back To Top :heart:

If you like my blueprints, and would like to show your support or just say thank you? Click Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Blacky :grinning:


Wow thatā€™s quick!!
Thx for the Dynamic Lighting - Added new option, 9 - Sun Elevation Lighting - Colour Temp + Lux Controlled Brightness Inverted

Iā€™m going to test it this afternoon!!!

1 Like


No problem, your welcome.

Let us know how you go and if all is good I will roll it out in my other blueprint.

Blacky :smiley:

Yeh I gathered it might be the illuminance. The presence sensor Iā€™m using has a flaky Lux sensor, it goes up and down randomly. Iā€™ve tried tweaking it but, thereā€™s always an issue with it, might just have to replace it all together.

Whatā€™s the difference between the two blueprints? I see they pretty much do the same thing, but the Smart Light one supports multiple settings at once?

Thanks for your help.

Could we have the ability to run a script along with activating a scene or lights? I know I can do that with turning them off but no luck with the normal turn on for day lights or night lights. Maybe Iā€™m missing something.

Here is one of the scripts

alias: Great Room Day On
  - parallel:
      - service: light.turn_on
        metadata: {}
          kelvin: 3092
          brightness_pct: 100
          entity_id: light.lights_side_table_lamp_lamp
      - service: button.press
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: button.utility_phantom_keyapd_position_1_keypad_great_room_day_on
description: ""
mode: restart

Here is YAML of the sensor light blueprint.

alias: Blacky - Great Room
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
    night_boolean_scenes_scripts: input_boolean.great_room_toggle_night
      - binary_sensor.great_room_motion_group
      entity_id: script.great_room_day_on
    boolean_scenes_scripts: input_boolean.great_room_lights_on_toggle
      - script.great_room_day_off
      - bypass_enabled_stop
      - input_boolean.auto_lights_bypass_great_room_landing
    include_night_lights: night_lights_enabled
      entity_id: script.great_room_night_on
      - manage_scripts_crossing_over
      - if_lights_are_on_adjust_when_crossing_over
      - entity_state_enabled
      - input_boolean.night_toggle
    night_time_delay: 0
    time_delay: 0
      - binary_sensor.door_master_bathroom

It may be because I am calling for a script instead of a scene?

I have a problem.
main light goes out, TV light comes on.
main light goes on, TV light goes off.
main light goes out, TV light comes on.
main light does not go on, TV light goes off.
TV light comes on.
main light goes on, TV light goes off.
and it always alternates. You always have to do the routine twice for the main light to come on.
I donā€™t understand why.


I tested it here using your YAML just replacing with my items using all scripts and it worked. I would recommend that you just input in your light entities in the blueprint and use the light control. It will work so much better. For calling your button press then just have a script for that. To get the best out of scripts with your OFF script best to use if then actions example if input_boolean.night_toggle ON then doā€¦ elseā€¦

Hope this helps you

Blacky :smiley:


Looks like you are using the add on blueprint for movies. Remember you have a time delay in your trigger section. When you push pause you have to wait for this time delay before it will turn you main light ON and TV light OFF. Donā€™t rush it or adjust your time delay. Also looks like you got some coms issues with lights or media player. If it works once then it will work every time unless you have coms issues. I tested it here the other day many times so I am confident but if you are still having issues post on the add on blueprint topic and when / if you do could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on ā€œ</>ā€ and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

Hello. Im stuck on upgrading on need some help please.

Currently using the 5.1 version. When i go to upgrade blueprint i get the message
ā€œUnable to import blueprint: source not foundā€ So i tried do import via the guthub url ā€œHome Assistant Sensor Light that can be used in Blueprints Ā· GitHubā€ and it gives me this error

Invalid blueprint: extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['ambient_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['ambient_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:theme-light-dark' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['ambient_settings']['input']. Got {'include_ambient': {'name': 'Use The Ambient Options (Optional)', 'description': "This option is used to add a condition that only allows the automation to run when it is dark or below the 'Ambient' settings. It's a global condition that can work alongside other options.\n\nFor more information on ambient settings [Click Here](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/481048/1608)", 'default': 'ambient_disabled', 'selector': {'select': {'options': [{'label': 'Enable the ambient options', 'value'... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['bypass_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['bypass_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:cog-pause-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['bypass_settings']['input']. Got {'include_bypass': {'name': 'Use The Bypass Options (Optional)', 'description': 'Select if you would like to enable an option. Each option allows manual control of your lights but alters its behaviour by either turning ON, OFF, or keeping its current state when the bypass is switched ON. When enabling an option, please enter the bypass switch into the corresponding input below.\n\nFor more information on how to use the bypass [Click Here](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/481048/895)', 'd... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['device_tracker_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['device_tracker_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:account-multiple-check-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['device_tracker_settings']['input']. Got {'include_device_tracker': {'name': 'Use The Device Tracker Options (Optional)', 'description': 'Home Assistant can track the location of your devices (such as mobile phones) within a designated zone via the mobile app device tracker. To utilize this option, you need to set up a zone and configure your devices for tracking in Home Assistant. There are two enable options available; "Zone" tracks all devices within the zone, while "Zone + People" allows you to track individuals within a zone. T... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['dynamic_lighting_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['dynamic_lighting_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:creation-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['dynamic_lighting_settings']['input']. Got {'include_dynamic_lighting': {'name': 'Use The Dynamic Lighting Options (Optional)', 'description': 'This option aims to make continual adjustments in your lighting setup by modulating brightness according to floating lux values or adapting colour temperature and brightness based on the sun\'s changing elevation. Choose from nine preset options available in the dropdown menu.\n\n1 - Lux Controlled Brightness\n2 - Lux Controlled Brightness Inverted\n3 - Sun Elevation Lighting - Colour Temp\n4 ... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['lights_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['lights_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:lightbulb-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['lights_settings']['input']. Got {'light_switch': {'name': 'Lights - Switches - Scenes - Scripts *', 'description': "The lights, switches, scenes, and scripts that will be activated by the trigger sensor/s. If adding a scene or script, please refer to the 'Scenes & Scripts - Toggle Helper' section and the 'Scenes - Scripts To Turn OFF' section below.\n\nFor more information on how to use scenes & scripts [Click Here](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/481048/1595)\n\n**NOTE** - You can only use entities. Areas, devices an... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_light_control_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_light_control_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:lightbulb-on-80' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_light_control_settings']['input']. Got {'include_night_light_control': {'name': 'Night Lights - Use The Light Control Options (Optional)', 'description': "Select if you would like to use brightness or transition. These settings will only affect a 'light' entity that supports each selected option. The settings for brightness and transition are provided below.\n\nSelecting 'If lights are ON, adjust the lights when crossing over' option ensures that the light control settings will be applied to any lights that are already ON during t... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:lightbulb-night-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_settings']['input']. Got {'night_lights': {'name': 'Night Lights', 'description': "The lights, switches, scenes, and scripts that will be activated by the trigger sensor/s. If adding a scene or script, please refer to the 'Night Lights - Scenes & Scripts - Toggle Helper' section below and the 'Scenes - Scripts To Turn OFF' section above.\n\nFor more information on how to use scenes & scripts [Click Here](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/481048/1595)\n\n**NOTE** - You can only use entities. Areas, devices and lab... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_trigger_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_trigger_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:weather-night' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['night_lights_trigger_settings']['input']. Got {'include_night_lights': {'name': 'Use The Night Lights Options (Optional)', 'description': 'Enabling the night lights options allows for separate and customizable lighting control when the night lights conditions are met. Night light condition options include entity state, time, or sun elevation. Please choose the condition option you would like to use below. This feature is particularly beneficial for creating a soothing ambiance with softer lighting at night. The flexibility of these optio... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['normal_lights_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['normal_lights_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['normal_lights_settings']['input']. Got {'include_light_control': {'name': 'Use The Light Control Options (Optional)', 'description': "Select if you would like to use brightness or transition. These settings will only affect a 'light' entity that supports each selected option. The settings for brightness and transition are provided below.", 'default': [], 'selector': {'select': {'multiple': True, 'options': [{'label': 'Use Brightness', 'value': 'use_brightness'}, {'label': 'Use Transition', 'value': 'use_transition'}]}}}, 'light_br... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['sun_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['sun_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:weather-sunny' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['sun_settings']['input']. Got {'include_sun': {'name': 'Use The Sun Option (Optional)', 'description': "This option is used to add a condition that only allows the automation to run when it is dark or below the 'Sun Elevation' settings. It's a global condition that can work alongside other options. Enabling this option is not necessary for the night lights sun elevation condition to work.\n\nFor more information on sun settings [Click Here](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/481048/37)", 'default': 'sun_disabled', 'sel... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['time_settings']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['time_settings']['icon']. Got 'mdi:clock-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['time_settings']['input']. Got {'include_time': {'name': 'Use The Time Options (Optional)', 'description': 'This option is used to add a condition that only allows the automation to run between the start time and end time settings on the selected weekdays. These time settings are global conditions that can work alongside other options. Enabling this option is not necessary for the night lights time condition to work.\n\nFor more information on time settings [Click Here](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/481048/310)', '... extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['trigger']['collapsed']. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['trigger']['icon']. Got 'mdi:cog-outline' extra keys not allowed @ data['blueprint']['input']['trigger']['input']. Got {'motion_trigger': {'name': 'Trigger Sensor - Binary Sensors - Schedule *', 'description': "The trigger sensors are responsible for turning the lights, switches, scenes, and scripts ON and OFF. You can choose any [binary sensors](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/binary_sensor/) you prefer as triggers. Alternatively, if you prefer a time-based trigger, you can also add a [schedule helper](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/481048/1616).\n\nWhen using multiple trigger sensors, it's...

Any help would be appreciated.

Definitely!! This is the most important sequence in my houseā€¦Thanks.

1 Like

Hi @Blacky
I am moving over my extensive HA from Fibaro HC2. There I used the UHAS plugin (https://forum.fibaro.com/topic/25468-sankotronic-lab-universal-home-automation-system-uhasā„¢published/#comment-118564). I am trying to get a similar functionality. I have some problems and questions I ran into (more to follow, I am sureā€¦)

1, I have setup one room, which has a motion sensor. The Sensor Light blueprint just wont trigger. I can see the motion sensor trigger in HA, but the automation says never triggered. If I use the Smart Light blueprint, and add the SAME sensor as a binary trigger, it works. Same motion sensor works fine in you Bathroom Fan blueprint. This is very strange, and has been driving me nuts for a few hours.

2, in most rooms I have several lights. In this particular room, I have an RGBW LED strip, and a ceiling light on a simple on/off switch. Most rooms have these and more. I can add several lights, but I cannot assign them separate brightness and color values. Moreover, if the brightness is anything than 100%, the simple ceiling lights wont turn on. Is there a way for separate values for each lights? Or at least each groups of lights?

3, this might be included, and I have just not worked it out yetā€¦the way I had it with UHAS, I had a day, dusk, and night setting for each room. Plus a sleep mode, and other modes such as watching TV or watching movies. So day had different lights on different light levels than dusk. watching TV had different color temps (I think these were achieved by presets in the RGBW). Is there such functionality? I found Dynamic lighting, but can this be used in a way that some lights do not come up at all? For example, I have a LED strip in my drinks cabinet I like to be on even in daylight. Similarly, the kitchen counter light needs to be on as its a bit dark. However, most of the other lights only come up at night.

Thank you very much!

@Blacky - alright, thank you very much for your quick replies and the help :blush:

One last question, since I canā€™t find anything about it (or overread it).
Is it possible to use a boolean helper (in my case for a night mode) to prevent the motion sensor activation?


Welcome to the community.

It is because you are on a older version of Home Assistant.

:warning:You must be on Home Assistant Version 2024.6 or later.

Please update HA if you can. Probably best to do it now before HA release the next update in 2 days as normally there are a few bugs in the first release of the month.

Blacky :smiley: