💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights


      name: Target Domains to turn off
          multiple: true
            - label: "automation: automation"
              value: automation
            - label: "climate: HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) devices and thermostats"
              value: climate
            - label: "fan: Fan devices"
              value: fan
            - label: "homeassistant: everything / generic function (BE CAREFUL)"
              value: homeassistant
            - label: "input_boolean: boolean values that controlled via the user interface"
              value: input_boolean
            - label: "light: various light bulbs"
              value: light
            - label: "media_player: media players on your network (e.g. chromecast)"
              value: media_player
            - label: "remote: remotes in your environment"
              value: remote
            - label: "script: specify a sequence of actions to stop"
              value: script
            - label: "siren: siren/chime devices"
              value: siren
            - label: "switch: switches in your environment"
              value: switch

instead “turn off” like this

                  - alias: Turn off the lights
                    service: homeassistant.turn_off
                    target: !input light_switch

something like the choose condition to check, which domain is really wanted?

Hi @motom001 thanks for your questions and suggestions.

Let me try and explain as I probably wasn’t clear before.

Lets look and the input selection.

You have 3 options to select from, they are “Choose area”, “Choose device” and “Choose entity”

Choose area = is everything you put into an area, devices and entities, automations, everything.
Choose device = is all the entities in the device.
Choose entity = is entity, this and item (light, switch, etc).

This is an area.

If I selected this area it will turn on and off everything in the area. See the “<>” if I click on it it will show entities and or devices in the area. In my case I only have a device in this area. You could have so many things in the area it is up to you and your set up.

If I selected this device it will turn on and off everything in the device. See the “<>” if I click on it it will show entities. I have 2 entities in this device. You could have more but it all depends on what you have done.

Now you can see the two entities I have in this device. For this automation I only what to turn ON and OFF the “Outside Front Door Lights” so I will delete the “Entry Light” by clicking on the “X”.

Now the automation will only control the one “Outside Front Door Lights”. It will not control control every device and entity in the area, including automation and so on"

Now you know this you can just select “Choose entity” at the start and not select “Choose area”.

Just select the things you would like to turn on and off. Looks like area and or device is not what your looking for, so just select the entities you would like to control and your done. Hopefully this will now meet your expectations. It will control just one light if you set it up correctly. :+1: :tada:

Hope this helps you

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks for a geat tool truly nice job :slight_smile:

Is there a way to use a state of a entities to invoke night light mode just a thought could not find a option instead of time

Hi @robertw

Nice, glad you like it :+1:

Currently the night light mode is just time based, but I would like to hear from you. If you have some time could you please provide what state your looking for i.e. Sun, ambient, on, off, numeric etc and also provide your use case so I can understand.

EDIT: The night lights will also have to pass any global optional condition set before it will consider the night lights time.

“Ideas is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Blacky :smiley:

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thanks - took out the ambient light option and all works well.

thanks for your help and for the blueprint

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Love it, thanks for letting us know :+1:

what i was trying to do was based on the state of the alarm armed disarmed etc…to engage the night mode since there is a sleep state this way i could set all the motions into a night light mode in one action…

thanks for responding

First things first: Fantastic work.
All functions work as expected.
The only thing that annoys me are the entries in the logger.

Logger: homeassistant.components.homeassistant
Source: components/homeassistant/__init__.py:119 
Integration: Home Assistant Core Integration (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 14:46:52 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 14:46:52
The service homeassistant.turn_off does not support entities scene.flur_decke_licht_motion_morgens

I just can’t find the error :frowning:
Every Sensor trigger its counting up.

The service homeassistant.turn_off does not support entities scene.theater_on
same here please let me know if you sort it out thankx

Logger: homeassistant.components.homeassistant
Source: components/homeassistant/init.py:119
Integration: Home Assistant Core Integration (documentation, issues)
First occurred: March 11, 2023 at 12:34:22 PM (26 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:59:20 AM

The service homeassistant.turn_off does not support entities scene.theater_on

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Thanks @robertw I can see what you are trying to do. :thinking:

Edit: I can see the logger, please see the below post.

Hi @Atze001

Glad you like the blueprint.

Yea I can see the error. I have put in a feature request (Click here and vote for it) so this can be resolved.

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sorry, quick question re ambient light - does the light level rising back above the set threshold turn off the light (with presence still indicated)?

Hi @ellisorgan

So if you use “YES - My Ambient Light Sensor is affected by the Lights” option then this is what should happen. Remember you must have at least one entity in your selection for this option to work. It can’t be a scene, area or device it must be a single entity or multiple entities. This also includes night lights if you are using them.

  1. Trigger because your motion was detected and your ambient light is below your set point. Lights ON.
  2. Now that your automation is running it will exclude your ambient light sensor and work of motion.
  3. Once your light/s turn off it will then reset and work of your ambient light sensor again waiting for the next trigger.

No, if you use the “YES - My Ambient Light Sensor is affected by the Lights”. It is not a trigger, it is a condition. If you don’t use that option and select “NO - My Ambient Light Sensor is not affected by the Lights” and your sensor is effected by the lights when they turn on, then if the automation gets another trigger when the lights are on, and you are above your ambient light sensor set point then your lights will turn off after your time delay.

The problem with this is if the Bathroom Fan is on already (e.g. due to another automation or manually on) this means that the Light doesn’t turn on due to motion.

Yea if you turn the fan on manually or with another automation then this is not what the tip was for.

This Tip is, if you use this automation (sensor light) and you walk into the bathroom, then the light turns ON and then if you have a shower behind a shower screen where you motion sensor can’t detect you and your light turns off then you could use the fan as a by-pass in the sensor light automation to keep your lights ON.

Hope this makes sense.

When having a bath, the lack of movement puts you in darkness. So I use the bypass to stop the light turning off when the fan is on.

However, I have an automation that turns the fan on during the day for a period to bring down the humidity in the house and give some circulation.

This combination means that the light won’t turn on if the fan is on for circulation due to an automation.

Fantastic Blueprint that stands out from the rest.

Simple feature request… can you allow for the Time Delay to be increased beyond 30min? i.e. 60min

You may consider using a different switch (not the fan) or creating a dummy switch that will be turned on when you use the “bathroom humidity exhaust fan” blueprint automation. Then put that switch into the sensor light automation by-pass. This way when you run your circulation automation the lights will still turn on and when you run the “bathroom humidity exhaust fan” blueprint automation the by-pass will be switched on (dummy switch) disabling the sensor light automation.

Hi @chassio

Glad you like our blueprint :+1:

Just simply type the value you would like in i.e. 60 and click save.

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Thanks for this blueprint, I really like it. I personally use it with an room occupancy sensor as the trigger bypass, works great to leave lights on when sitting still. But also works to ensure they don’t come back on when you happen to move in bed.

I have created a modified copy for myself to use for fans: (I live in Australia)
changed the below LUX sensor to an above temp sensor, turn on fan when above 24 deg.
changed the light brightness input to a fan speed input.

I thought I would mention it just in case you wanted to release an alternate version since you did all the work :wink:
Feature request in the fan version, some of my fans beep when turning on, so a condition to check if the fan is already on would prevent multiple beeps from repeated turn_on commands.

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