Setup failed for tado

With the version 0.90.1 now I’m able to see again my Tado Thermostats.
The problem is that I’m not able to set the “off” mode, there is an error:

HTTP Error 422:

12:33 PM components/tado/ (ERROR) - message first occured at 12:32 PM and shows up 3 times

Edit: The problem seems in all the set_operation_mode and not only in the the off state.

Smart schedule, manual and tado mode are working fine for me. Though when pressing “off” or “timer” it will throw a 422 error.

I can confirm that HA Version 0.90.1 did the tricks, at least for most of the Tado functions.
Device Tracking: It works
Temp tracking: It works
Switch ON: It works
Switch OFF: It doesn’t work as already reported (422 error)

@wmalgadey is working on a fix for the ‘off mode’, see this issue. Fingers crossed for 0.90.2! :crossed_fingers:

Unfortunately the problem still present also in the 0.90.2

Today i got Setup failed for tado: Component failed to initialize. and Unable to connect to mytado with username and password again on 0.90.2
Any chance to fix this?

90.1 all worked except the on/off. now nothing works anymore :frowning:

edit: weird, few restarts later it seems to work like in 90.1

Yes, i confirm, it is working again…

Also the off function? This still does not work for me at 90.2

The Tado component state changed from “Off” (capital “O”) to “off” (small “o”) which broke some of my automations. The corresponding operation_mode still is “Off” though.

Does anyone know why this was changed?

I have been thinking for the people that rely on automations with this component (I still use the subscription and their proprietary app, so I haven’t started working on automating the Tado stuff yet). However I have been thinking on how to do it if this component stays broken for a while and I thought I might share my idea here.

I have not tried this, this is just an idea in my head but I think it might actually work.

Step 1: Open the Tado app and configure smart schedule for each device
Step 2: Configure smart schedule to be “off” at all times
Step 3 and 4: Create an automation for Tado in HA. When you want it to turn on, use the Tado Mode (I believe this is already the standard way of automating this). But now when you want to turn it off, instead of creating an automation to turn them “off”, create one that activates “smart schedule”. The smart schedule operation mode still works and will turn the devices “off” if that is what is set in the smart schedule configuration from Steps 1 and 2.

Remember that this is just an idea and I might try it later this week. It might work, it might be a dumb idea, but hey I thought lets try and think here and maybe come up with a (temporary) solution.

On/off should be solved with the next release. @wmalgadey fixed it today - see this issue. :tada:

Great work, so I can try automating it with hass soon. Still using the Tado app with subscription (as I was too lazy at the time). They are available in HA already though.

Amazing work

With the last release (0.91.2) seems fixed the problem of the state Off!

@gigios Looks like the climate sensor is not working?

@raxpa, I have tested now with my thermostat and I’m able to set the schedule mode, and after set the off without the error seen in the previous version.

I have seen only a problem, but I don’t know if this condition is new or was present also in the older versions.
If I set the thermostat on OFF with the Tado application, in the HA the value of temperature is null.
With this condition seems not possible to change the state of the thermostat.
Before it’s necessary to set a temperature and after HA is able to change, correctly, the state.

@gigios thanks a lot!!!

Hello, I take the post to ask you for help. I still have the same problem with my Tado and HA v.0.91.3 I have the display of my thermostat Tado but as soon as I want to change the temperature or other I always have an HTTP error 422.
I just stated in my configuration.yaml
username: login
password: password
Did I miss something?

Started working for me after I deleted manually my “PyTado” folder in “\config\deps\lib\python3.7\site-packages” and restarted my hassio device

Hi All,

I’m having the same issues than fabien. I’ve been looking all the post and I could not find any solution for my issue. I’m seeing the temperatures from the sensors, but I cannot change any temperature settings.

My system is the following:

Hostname hassio
System HassOS 2.11
Deployment production

