Just thought I would share the remote I have done for my Sony Andoird TV. I just grabbed a pic of a remote off the web and did some GIMP wizardry on it! The volume buttons are waiting on a Broadlink IR receiver to arrive so I can control the amplifier.
The main part of the remote is controlled through the standard integration Sony Bravia TV - Home Assistant
However, I also noticed that all the apps on the TV appear as a source for the media_player entity so all the icons at the bottom change the source which launches the app even with the TV in standby. Rule simply is
Here is another remote I made up; this time for my media room. I hadn’t used multiple floorplan layers before so I wanted to learn how to do that and it worked out really well. Hopefully some more floorplan inspiration for you! Here is a video tour!
Thought I would share my floorplan as I’ve been working on so much lately. It’s relatively simple and 2D with simple colours, but it’s neat and gives a nice overview of where the devices are around the house and what state everything is in.
Great job and a really nice writeup that will help many others. The relationship between Sweet Home 3D, Inkscape and Home Assistant gets many questions!
I highly recommend Interactive Floor 3D Plan. It lives up to its descriptive name. You can rotate, zoom in or out, click on objects to turn them on, open and close doors and windows, and display information in real time.
My latest floorplan! Some might use picture elements for this sort of thing but I find issues with scaling when using that. This just works perfectly for me.
Hi. I have contact sensors on my windows. I want it to pulse when it is opened (on) but only when this input_boolean.set_alarm state is on. Tried to find sample code with no luck. This is what I have so far and is working, but it pulse everytime the window is opened.
“mdc-circular-progress” doesn’t appear anywhere in the ha-floorplan github so I am thinking it is not related. How have you set floorplan up? Have you done anything non-standard? Are you running it in an unsupported environment? You can test by creating another floorplan with a single rectangle in it or something else super simple and see if it happens with that? If not then maybe you have done something unusual with your SVG?