Share your Floorplan

Could be indeed. If the file needs to be downloaded and connection is bad/slow/weak…

Agree its heavy and I need to optimize it. However I tried with the sample and it still did not work so I think there is something else. Once I get it working with the sample then I can look at my specific SVG file size.

Still don’t know why the sample would not load. There is this error in the log but can’t figure it’s cause:

2020-01-28 21:00:32 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202001082] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’

What I would like to do is to reuse the same SVG and floorplan.yaml specification but include it as a card and then maximise it as a panel. Like this I could use Google Cast to cast the floorplan view with its interactions to a table.

I don’t want to have to redefine all the sensors and in s pictureelement. Was hoping that the state-card would allow me to show it

Where is everyone finding the icons/graphics for the items in their floorplan such as furniture, etc? I have the walls drawn in Sweet Home 3D but the built-in graphics do not fit the style I am after. Searching online seems to always end me up at a site trying to sell vector graphics.

EDIT: I am looking for top view 2D icons that are minimalistic, if that helps.

Any help would be appreciated!


omg this is hilarious

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I would like to Use RBG_Color value of a light, to change the color of an icon within my HAFloorplan setup, i believe this can be done just unsure how to implement it.

In simple terms i want the color in my floorplan icon to match the real colour of the RGB light

Thanks in advance

I am looking for a solution also and just asked the same question over in the main HA lovelace thread.
I can read the current colour attribute from the entity, question is whether this can be applied as a style directly in the lovelace config as it’s not possible to dynamically update the CSS for nor list 16M class states

My latest project.


Awesome @Daniel_Seitz! What wall plate is that and assuming the screen is a tablet of some kind?

Could you share some details about this project? I am interested myself as well :smiley:

Tablet is Lenovo Tab E10. Running kiosk mode. Wall plate is custom made out of MDF to suit tablet and lacquered in white.

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Hey there, not a Lovelace setup, but I tried to create a mobile app version with 3D model which you can actually use it for fully navigating around and control your stuffs from 3D interface :slight_smile:

Some more screenshots here:

I added more detailed information at 3D App for Home Assistant - Unity, RestAPI, MQTT post as I cannot make it long in this thread. This is my hobby project, but really excited to see it can integrated with HomeAssistant!!

Could you give me what you think about this? Thanks guy!


Here it’s mine (I am still working on it but is amost done):


Hi, this is my floorplan…


I love it, I would love to use that! Is it possible to import Sweet Home 3D SVG into your tool?

What software did you use for creating the floorplan?

Hey @c0revin, thank you. I used SketchUp (a 3D modeling tool). Basically you can use any 3D modeling SW tool (included SweetHome 3D). But currently I’ll working on my app. I would love to inform you when it ready for use publicly.

Here is my first attempt to build a floorplan(trying to use different possibilities in the plan) of the house that is not build yet.

I used the plans from the builder and cleaned them up in paint and colored it in.

I only have a few devices yet but it will increase when the house is ready.


I’m working in my Floor plan design. I’ve already my house design in Fusion360. I’m looking for a more realistic light effects than the layers options. I want to render 1 image for every light situation in my room. For example if I have 4 lights (16 options different). I Know that it’s a little overkill but normally I don’t have a lot of lights in all the rooms.
It’s possible to change the card image depending of which light are on or off?
I know how to change the card image depending of 1 light, but I don’t know how to change in function of multiple lights states.

Thank u for the great job!

@algirdasc, Grate information,
I have few questions in how to implement it:

  • where exactly in ha-foloorplan.html you add your code? I don’t have code up to line 527, can you share your ha-foloorplan.html?
  • where in floorplan.yaml you add fables? does it work with floorplan card? can you share your floorplan.yam?
  • I presume in your floorplan.svg you used the id’s your have in labels (climate.air_conditioner.temperature and climate.air_conditioner.current_temperature)
  • does this work in newer version of home assistant? ( Home Assistant 0.110)

Thank you in advance