Smappee sensors no longer working

If you have some questions, just ask…

For the water and gas sensors, you can compare the data in MQTT-Explorer and your smappee app

So are mine. My understanding is that the development team is working on an updated version. see:

there will be a fix in update 0.112.4, lets see whether that solves the problems

Does anyone know if you can control the Smappee plugs via mqtt? My understanding of mqtt is limited, but if I understand correctly the monitor only mqtt information to a server. It doesn’t receive commands. Correct me if I’m wrong.

I’m still rather disappointed that the devs chose to support an integration built by the manufacturer that forces you to pay for access to the api, or settle for a lesser integration with more complications to set up. Especially with it being so nonchalantly glossed over in the release, no prior mention of it anywhere in the blog or forum, and nothing being wrong with the previous integration (from what I can tell from reviewing prior logs). It’s also in poor taste (though I’m not surprised) at smappee somewhat sneaking in their written integration and pretty much all but abandoning older hardware. The monitor was not cheap and to abandoning it in less than 2 years is crap.

Smappee sensors no longer working

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@gieljnssns thank you! I hadn’t had time to completely read through the posts yet.

Currently the API credentials are needed to complete the Smappee integration setup. We use a combination of local and cloud API/MQTT to have the best of both worlds without the need to browse for IP addresses, activating MQTT hosts, etc. Our latest Smappee series are cloud only, so this is mainly the reason why we decided to have a cloud only HA integration and still keep support for the first series.

The errors mentioned in this thread should be resolved with the latest patch release 0.112.4. Only the 401-errors will be resolved upon 0.112.5.

We are looking into the possibilities to implement a local only based integration (without the need to have or enter API credentials) that will discover all Smappee monitors on the network. Of course this will limit the number of entities.Smappee sensors no longer working

@bsmappee, thank you for your answer.
Let’s update then and see :slight_smile:

I’m leaving now on holiday, so let’s hope that the new version is there when I return.

It is being pulled. We have changes standing by for 0.113, which aren’t compatible with the builds for 0.112.5. We have decided the risk for fixing this now is to high for a patch release. As a result 0.112.5 will only be available for people using the Home Assistant Core installation method.

but i have home assistant and not home assistant core.
how can I solve the smappee token problem that expires in the meantime of the release of 0.113?

I still don’t think that @bsmappee answered all of these questions? More specifically

  • clarify the fog around the web cloud apis and the mentioned paid cloud apis?

Is it required to purchase access to the cloud api? And if it is NOT required, how do you setup access to the api without using MQTT.

Is it required to purchase access to the cloud api?

Smappee cloud API credentials are subscription based. With the renewed Smappee integration (HA 0.112) those cloud api credentials are required to complete the setup. However, to give back support for the legacy devices we immediately started implementing a local discovery feature (either by network scanning or manually entering the IP address of the device) without the need to enter cloud API credentials (see We hope to get this feature released with HA 0.113 and afterwards keep extending the integration by all needs, requirements and feedback provided.

And if it is NOT required, how do you setup access to the api without using MQTT.

Currently (0.112) this is not possible, but the local only option (API on the device itself) will be re-added.

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Awesome. Thank you for your clarifications

how do you like the gas and water integration? I plan to get one of those little devices soon

@david1, in version 0.113.3 I have the following:
Home Assistant - Smappee - Water en Gas

Can you change the gas type to be in therms? 2. how is the water measured?

@david1, didn’t see your reply. I only get an email if you use @evb in your message.

The values come directly from the smappee cloud. I configured the smappee sensor device directly with the smappee app. See for more information and configuration.
What do you mean by ‘therms’?

therms is how my bill gets calculated


i have also an older legacy smappee, HA detected it trough local IP
but i only see 2 sensors being created , like total consumption and total production
i also have the water meter … dont see it at all

what am i missing?

would be nice to see more , especially with the new energy in 2021.8
prefer to not use mqtt (if possible)

Hi, I don’t see my solar production in the new energy integration that was recently added to HA. Any chance of looking in to this?

there is a PR, Extract smappee switch energy attributes into sensors by bsmappee · Pull Request #54329 · home-assistant/core · GitHub