Smart Life (tuya) show wrong temperature

Hey all,
Have the same problem with my 3 thermostats, they all showing like 3-4 degree C
Im running hassio supervised, and have the original tuya integration for all my tuya devices (cloud)
how can i edit any file and where to fix this.

p.s. cant belive this issue is still going on, its absurd

This problem is fundamental, our thermostats don’t follow the specification, and HA-tuya integration developers refuse to include random hacks to support broken hardware (which is understandable). Now there are two ways to fix this: you can use custom component by @midstar, or you can patch couple of files. Both ways are described in this thread.
Ok, there is a 3rd way to fix this, is to reflash the thermostat with open source firmware, this is certainly the best way, but also the most complicated. (GitHub - fashberg/WThermostatBeca: Open Source firmware replacement for Tuya Wifi Thermostate from Beca and Moes with Home Assistant Autodiscovery)

@anverx @midstar
Could you help me?

Since Tuya become a standalone integration of Home assistant, you can’t install it through hacs anymore, right? This means there is no tuya folder in the custom_components folder. So option 2 described is not feasible, right?

Second method, that is patching components/tuya/ and components/tuya/ worked just fine for me on 2022.09 I’m running supervised to the actual files were in


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this saved me so many headaches. thanks!

I just bought a thermostat and try to install Tuya integration, but I got the same issue. Even if there is a conversion issue on Home Assistant, the problem is coming from Tuya site.
If you look at my screenshots, the Smart life app is displaying 23.5°C then on tuya site the value is showing 47°C so it is multiplied by two. Then it is divided by ten in HA.

So before trying to convert in HA, it would be better to open a change request to Tuya teams, but I didn’t found where to do that.


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That’s 4.7 not 47

Hi there,
My Tuya thermostates show the correct temp, but there is no indication if the boiler is heating or the termostate has cut out…is there any way to make that show :fire:?

Hi angusc
47 is the value seen by tuya’s site. 4.7 is the value seen by HA

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  - 'off'
  - heat_cool
min_temp: 1
max_temp: 7
target_temp_step: 0.5
friendly_name: thermostat
supported_features: 1
current_temperature: 4.5
temperature: 4.7

You should have two temperature values for the climate integration. current_temperature is the big display

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Where would I edit that configuration?

I don’t know. This setting was created by tuya integration

Are you using the standard integration or the Custom Tuya one?

Yes, the one available on HA 2022.11.2 in integration modules

I’m trying to set up the Tuya Custom integration I cant figure out how to get all the devices in to that integration, its blank at the moment. So i tried to add the devices manually. . Please does anyone know what I should fill in for the “HOST” below? I got all the other information and tried the IP of my HA installation as a local IP address but it doesn’t work:
EDIT and FIX: I should have used the IP address of the device im trying to connect to and NOT the HA IP.

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I’m running HA in Docker and can confirm, that this “hack” works.
Some pointers:

  • no need to remove the already installed Tuya integration, just restart HA
  • when upgrading HA by pulling a new Docker image, this “hack” will remain

Thanks @midstar !!

@krskrab That is slightly off topic as you are talking about a different integration (Tuya local) Getting device keys is somewhat involved.

@PatriceL 4.7 needs to be multiplied by 5 which is 23.5° and the beginning of this thrtead explains exactly how to fix this.

Thank you @anverx I’ve finished to understand that @krskrab was talking about Local Tuya when I was talking about Tuya cloud.
It looks that the latest version of HA doesn’t provide the same integration that was provided before and I was not able to found how to correct the calculation.
So I was able to get the right values using Local Tuya but in my case it doen’t work, because I want to install my thermostat in another house where there is no HA (parent’s home).
By the way, I gave and returned this BHT-002 to Amazon and order a meross instead.
It works perfectly and I am able to integrate it from iot.meross

So thank you all for these information