šŸ”† Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers


This Automation is slightly different to the sensor Light Blueprint. But I will look into itā€¦ Being Xmas I going to have a break but I see what I can do. It is on the list to look at but not making any promises as there will be a bit of logic.

Blacky :smiley:

Really appreciate your help! Ive done some trouble shooting and your code is working with my Hue strip but not Govee which leads me to believe its on my side.

EDIT: It was my Govee integration all along causing the issue!

I love love love this blueprint. Thank you @Blacky for all the hard work on this. Iā€™m a long time fan of your Sensor Light blueprint and only just recently found this one perfect to cover standard or timed automations vs. event-driven lighting. With this one blueprint Iā€™ve been able to streamline a whole load of automatons Iā€™ve cobbled together over the past year or so.

Just one thing Iā€™m not sure onā€¦ how to set the automation to ignore lights which are already on? Itā€™s got to be through the ā€œbypassā€ settings, surely, but Iā€™m damned if I can figure it out!

Has anybody here got a similar use case to this and can point me in the right direction please?

Use case:

Automate the turning on of lights to a set brightness at a certain time
UNLESS the wife has already turned them on and set a colour, brightness etc., in which case leave them alone
Still turn them off on the schedule


Nice one, thanks for letting us know, glad you found the issue and it is now working :+1:


Blacky :smiley:


Thanks for letting us know. This will be something I will need to fix and should just happen / work. I will put it on my list to do.

Blacky :smiley:

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Move from sensor light blueprint

There are a few things to consider. When you turn OFF your router do you loose your network? If so then how will HA communicate and turn it back ON? If not then it will work. Below is your code you needed to enable the ON / OFF options and set your correct time.

alias: Smart Light Fritz!Box 7490 - Reset (Tapo 10)
description: Smart Light voor uit- en aanschakelen Fritz!Box 7490
  path: Blackshome/smart-light.yaml
    after_time: "02:15:00"
    before_time: "02:00:00"
      entity_id: switch.tapo_smart_wcd_10
      - time_on
      - time_off

Blacky :smiley:


Hi Ian

I have had a look at this and it already done. If the light is ON and the automation triggers the light to turn ON the light will stay as is and the light settings will not be effected.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hi @Blacky, Thank you for your reply and the advice about the unavailability of my LAN when I switch off my router. To be honnest I had missed that. But I have two releaters in my network and hopefully these can keep the local LAN active.

But I have yet to test this.
Thankā€™s for your reaction. Bert

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This blueprint look great. Can you tell me if the countdown is restarted when the trigger goes ON before the end of the timer?

In other words, I donā€™t want the scene goes off when a motion is still detected.

Hi Blacky,
I saw that @psyko_chewbacca reported an issue that his lights turned on after a HA restart. In 2.3 you fixed some of these bugs, however, for me I still turns on all the connected lights of my automations after a restart/update.
Not 100% but I think it only applies to the Smart Light blueprint, not the Sensor Light.


Hi All,

I have a couple different simple automations to turn lights on and off. A weekday schedule and a weekend schedule. Using the sun to turn them on an a time to turn them off with weekday enabled. Iā€™m having trouble figuring out why my weekday automation is triggering on days that itā€™s not enabled for. It shows being triggered last night at 11pm.

alias: Light On/Off - Sun Schedule Weekday
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/smart-light.yaml
      - sun_falling
    sun_elevation: 0.5
      - time_off
    before_time: "23:00:00"
        - light.lamp
        - light.tree
    include_weekdays: weekday_enabled
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - thu
      - fri

Also, if I want the lights to shut off on the weekend at say 1am for Fri and Sat night do I use Sat and Sun as the days for enabling that or does that carry over from the day the light was switched on?

Thanks, friend. There must be something crazy hanging around in the background from my old manual scripts and automations. Will re-visit all config areas in forensic detail and remove anything which could compete with this incredible blueprint. Cheers, and Merry Christmas to you and yours :beers: :christmas_tree:

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Hi Olivier,

Welcome to the community.

In this blueprint it uses triggers to turn entities ON and OFF so there is no countdown. If you are referring to the new Cross Over - Time Delay feature in night lights then the time delay only starts once the motion sensor is cleared. If for some reason the motion sensor is triggered again within your time delay, the dime delay will be canceled and the process will start all over again.

Blacky :smiley:


I think I have seen that here once, I will need to look into it. Thanks for the heads up.

Blacky :smiley:


I made it so it will always turn the light OFF (as a safe guard) but I think I should change that. I will have to fix this and release a new update.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hello Blacky and thanks for your amazing blueprints!

One thing I would like to see in this blueprint is support for Dynamic Lighting using time of day. A kind of artificial circadian lighting or sun elevation.

Reasoning behind this is that for us living in the far north using sun elevation makes very little sense during winter as we have only a few hours of daylight if at all. Vice versa during summer time the sun doesnā€™t set below the horizon at all. So it is better to mimic daylight and circadian rhythm indoors using adaptive / dynamic lighting simply using time of day instead of sun elevation.

Would it be possible to consider adding this kind of functionality as well? To summarize it could include simulated user electable sunrise and sunset times + ā€œsimulated dusk and dawn durationā€.

Heikki M


Thanks for your kind words.

I have developed this alreadyā€¦ but I have to find were I saved it :thinking:

So your looking for time control with brightness and colour temp in one option?

Blacky :smiley:

@Blacky Ideally I would like to have the existing Dynamic Lighting functionality but with ā€œSun Elevationā€ being replaced by artificial time based sun elevation, meaning e.g.:

Sun Elevation Rising - Start point: 6 am instead of real elevation
Sun Elevation Rising - End point: 9 am ā€¦
Sun Elevation Descending - Start point: 5 pm ā€¦
Sun Elevation Descending - End point: 7 pm ā€¦

Looks like Iā€™m hitting same kind of bug with Smart Light blueprint also:

After adding Bypass entity functionality my Night Light trigger stopped working.

Heikki M


Thanks for your feedback, I have fixed a lot of the bugs toā€¦ keep an eye out for the update as I am in the QA stage of it.

Blacky :smiley: