๐Ÿ”† Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers

Thanks for the quick reply. I am fairly certain that this sensor gives the lux:

And tried the dynamic_lighting_min_brightness: 2 anywhere from 0% to 10% without any changes. The only time I get this automation to trigger now, is by restarting HA, then it triggers on the boolean I guess. Well, wellโ€ฆ guess I have to sit in the dark (pun intended) a little while longer :smiley:


Can you try this. Disable dynamic lighting and in light control enable Use Brightness and set the brightness to 50%. What I am trying is to see if the boolean will turn the light ON at 50% without dynamic lighting and your LUX sensor. Below is your YAML with the adjustments.

alias: _Smart Lights - Stue
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/smart-light.yaml
    include_sun: []
    include_ambient: []
    ambient_light_value: 0
    ambient_light_value_off: 0
        - light.kobberlampe
        - light.kartell
        - light.gul
        - light.leselys
      - use_brightness
    light_brightness: 50
    include_dynamic_lighting: disable_dynamic_lighting
    dynamic_lighting_max_lux: 150
    dynamic_lighting_min_lux: 10
    dynamic_lighting_max_brightness: 70
    dynamic_lighting_min_brightness: 2
    dynamic_lighting_min_colour_temp: 2000
    dynamic_lighting_lux_sensor: sensor.sensor_spisestue_belysningsstyrke ##This is a HUE sensor
    include_bypass: []
    bypass_lights_on: []
    bypass_lights_off: []
    dynamic_lighting_heartbeat: 0.25
    dynamic_lighting_step_value: 10
      - entity_on
      - entity_off
    include_light_colour_control: disable_colour_control
    dynamic_lighting_dead_zone: 5
    dynamic_lighting_max_colour_temp: 4500
    include_time: []
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_end_rising: 35.52
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_start_falling: 35.52
    bypass_lights_stop: []
    entity_input: input_boolean.hus_aktivt ##the bool triggering ON/OFF
    light_transition_on: 2
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_end_falling: 0
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_start_rising: 1
    dynamic_lighting_boolean: input_boolean.dynamic_lighting_helper
    after_time: "00:00:00"
    bypass_time_delay: 0

Blacky :smiley:

I can confirm that this worked. Toggled the boolean and the lights turned on to 50%.
What does this say you think?

Okay that is good. It tells me that your boolean, lights and brightness works.

I have added the sun elevation as your LUX sensor. Hope you have this entity in HA if not can you use a temperature sensor rather than the lux sensor. Just copy the entity ID of your temp sensor and paste it in the Dynamic Lighting - Ambient Light Sensor.

I also removed your helper and I am trying to testing your LUX sensor.

alias: _Smart Lights - Stue
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/smart-light.yaml
    include_sun: []
    include_ambient: []
    ambient_light_value: 0
    ambient_light_value_off: 0
        - light.kobberlampe
        - light.kartell
        - light.gul
        - light.leselys
      - use_brightness
    light_brightness: 50
    include_dynamic_lighting: enable_lux_controled_brightness
    dynamic_lighting_max_lux: 150
    dynamic_lighting_min_lux: 10
    dynamic_lighting_max_brightness: 70
    dynamic_lighting_min_brightness: 20
    dynamic_lighting_min_colour_temp: 2000
    dynamic_lighting_lux_sensor: sensor.sun_solar_elevation
    include_bypass: []
    bypass_lights_on: []
    bypass_lights_off: []
    dynamic_lighting_heartbeat: 0.25
    dynamic_lighting_step_value: 10
      - entity_on
      - entity_off
    include_light_colour_control: disable_colour_control
    dynamic_lighting_dead_zone: 5
    dynamic_lighting_max_colour_temp: 4500
    include_time: []
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_end_rising: 35.52
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_start_falling: 35.52
    bypass_lights_stop: []
    entity_input: input_boolean.hus_aktivt ##the bool triggering ON/OFF
    light_transition_on: 2
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_end_falling: 0
    dynamic_lighting_sun_elevation_start_rising: 1
    after_time: "00:00:00"
    bypass_time_delay: 0

EDIT: I updated your YAML again and change the min brightness to 20% for now just to make sure the light will come on.

Sorry for the late reply to this. I created a sensor for the elevation, and this seems to work now with dynamic set to option 8 :slight_smile:


All goodโ€ฆ glad you got it working. If you need mare help just let us know.

Blacky :smiley: