SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

Migrated across fine. Had a few hiccups due to reading the instructions too fast and missing a step.

None of the codes worked for my Mitsubishi Electric A/C’s. I have 2 different systems, but they share the same codes, so I converted my existing ones which went flawless.

What exactly does the humidity_sensor do with this component?

The humidity_sensor is used to report the humidity from voice assistants that support this feature.


ah. ok. :+1:

Sorry for the noob question i had the broadlink component working with my tv and my ac … i saw the update so far i have managed to get the custom updater to work … i already added the link… but i am a bit lost on how to proceed then … there is no info on the readme.

Dear do i need to put media config as said on github
as in example it tells us to put media_player config in climate,
or we need to put media_player config in media


Example (using broadlink controller):


  • platform: broadlink
    mac: ‘00:00:00:00:00:00’


  • platform: smartir
    name: Living room TV
    device_code: 1000
    controller_send_service: switch.broadlink_send_packet_192_168_10_10
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.tv_power


JUst finished migrating, worked flawlessly, The codes migrator was easy as. well done

quick question, is there plans to move the fan controller over to this new one?

Yes, there are.

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In the previous addon there was an option to ping the media device to get the status of that device in case it was switched on with the remote control (no power sensor on old TV). Is there a way to achieve this with SmartIR?

Yes. Please make a ping binary_sensor

  - platform: ping
    name: Living room TV
    scan_interval: 10
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I just switched over from the broadlink component and all is working well, thanks!

I had an issue with the old component where it doesn’t sync up with google home properly. This component has the same problem, google sees Auto mode as cool/heat mode and doesn’t let me set a temperature in this mode. If I set it to cool or heat mode only then I can set a temp, any ideas?


Worked like a charm :+1:

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I’m not sure if Google Home is supporting the Auto mode. Alexa works fine with this mode.

Could you try to say “Set to heatcool”?

Thanks, glad to know its not just me :slight_smile:
Yes I tried that and it doesn’t work. I think there is a deeper problem because when I set it to heat/cool via the Google home app it doesn’t let me set the temp. Alexa works well.

So, HA translates google’s home heatcool keyword to auto and also google home does not allow to set the temperature in heatcool mode.

`hass_to_google = {
    climate.STATE_HEAT: 'heat',
    climate.STATE_COOL: 'cool',
    STATE_OFF: 'off',
    climate.STATE_AUTO: 'heatcool',
    climate.STATE_FAN_ONLY: 'fan-only',
    climate.STATE_DRY: 'dry',
    climate.STATE_ECO: 'eco'

I’ve updated the first post with instructions on how to setup the component. I’m not a native English speaker, so please excuse any mistakes.

Instructions are perfect mate

This component really needs to be integrated into the official HA branch. I don’t see any reason not to. I mean, yeah, it doesn’t have the IR codes for every a/c, but hey, HA itself is in beta right now, isn’t it?))

Today, after finish my work. Like for this component I was code this tool.

That support for create Climate code faster. I will update it …