SmartThings SmartSense Multi (2013) works on zigbee, but then hours later vanishes

I picked up an old multi smart sense sensor for £5 - it was missing the contact, so a glued magnet did the trick.

I use a Connect ZBT-1 / Sky Connect device (via a usb cable) and the sensor has worked fine without issue, except all of a sudden today, it’s become entirely unavailable twice.

The first time, I disassembled, pulled the battery, and rediscovered it.

The latest time I’m wondering if there’s something I should configure in my zigbee network (but I’m pretty new to being in the weeds of zigbee so not sure where to look).

I don’t think it’s useful, but when all the sensors (on the multi sensor) become unavailable, the last thing that fires is Zha Event was fired.

Is there anything I should be looking at to get this back online? (or is there more details I can provide to help diagnose?).

Thanks in advance.

Can you tell us more about your Zigbee network? ZHA integration, apparently - how many routers and how many end devices?

Again, being newish to zigbee, I’m hoping this answers the question:

And actually looking at that, I had assumed that my hue lights (also zigbee…I thought) would act as routers, but I’m now thinking that’s not the case, because they’re part of the completely separate Hue zigbee network - is that right?

If that’s all correct, then it’s more of a matter of the zigbee sensor being able to reach the usb sky connect I’ve got attached to my HA instance on my Pi4.

All exactly right.

If your lights are on a Hue bridge, that’s a separate network. You can run Hue and SkyConnect side by side, but there’s no crossover.

If you want to keep the Hue bridge you could try a few more routing devices on the Skyconnect. If you don’t need more lights etc. you can get “repeater” devices that don’t do anything else.

There are several recommended products here (towards the end of the post), along with lots of other good advice.


So would you say it’s more that the sensor couldn’t be reached, rather than some odd error?

I noticed when it was showing unavailable, in that network view, the node was red (I’m guessing “can’t be reached”). It’s a bit annoying since both the sky connect and the sensor itself are in static positions throughout the house!

Thanks again for the help.

That’s more likely, yes. Read the post I linked to - Zigbee works by providing many possible routes for messages to take across the network; each message may take a different route depending on conditions and traffic. It’s quite different from a point to point connection.

Yeah Zigbee Router devices will only route devices that are part of the same Zigbee network (it it is a secure private nework after all that uses encryption). Check put these regardless: