Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint

Sorry I didn’t noticed your answer.
I might have misunderstood what a relay is. I thought it is what makes the switch smart and comes in addition to the dumb switch.

However, I think this solution will fit my requirements. A huge thanks to you :+1:

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Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) languages - We need help with translations · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint · Discussion #1447 (

same issue did you figure this out?

I am on version 4.1.4 and can’t seem to find the option to wake up to the climate page (introduced in 4.1.2). If someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.



I found it in the device page, I expected it in the blueprint so I didn’t think to look there. Thank you very much for adding that feature.

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I even re-did the blueprint from scratch. Works, but still won’t load the current blueprint once I save it.

The blueprint works great for me, however I have two questions left:

  • Where does it pull the time zone from? Here NSPanel Time is Out by 1 Hour - #11 by Cabletwister it says “set the timezone in the appdaemon dockerfile” - but I don’t have this thing.
  • When is a recommended best practice to get custom fields onto the starting page like “Bus 123 leaves in 2min and 22min, Bus 456 leaves in 13min and 33min”?

hello my friend do you get acess to ESPHOME in home assistant in docker container?i know it’s a silly question i heard docker container is not same as a raspberry pi installation ! i got the same problem with time on my NSPANEL but now i fixed it after 2 days.

There are currently four containers running:

  • Z2M
  • MQTT
  • Home Assistant
  • ESPHome

But no Appdaemon

So the NSPanels pulls the time zone from ESPHome?

The timezone is provided by ESPHome when building/compiling your device’s firmware, but you can enforce a specific time zone as described here: (EN) Customization · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint Wiki · GitHub

This project is not using app daemon and that post looks to be related to another NSPanel implementation.
Please use the instructions from link I’ve shared: (EN) Customization · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint Wiki · GitHub

I would suggest you open a discussion on the GitHub repository as I’m sure other users will have ideas (and feature requests) to share, but I can anticipate you can use one of the 3 values shown on the home page to show the content of a text sensor with whatever info is there.

Yes! That is the case,

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I know this is an older message but I was wondering the same, is there a way to add a microphone to the NSPanel to support voice commands in HA?

There are a few gpio available, but the space is very limited, so it might be a bit challenging to fit a microphone without compromising sound quality.
Also, the system only have a buzz which is probably not suitable for voice, so you might have to fit an audio output also.

I’m yet to test it as I’ve so far not had any success getting a microphone with a standard D1 Mini ESP32 to work. Once I get that working I’ll try the NS Panel.


I’ve added the blueprint and all works fine. But then I got this. The panel is working fine . I’m a noob so not sure where to go from here or just ignore it

You need to go to Settings > Devices & Services > Esphome and click on “Configure” in front of your NSPanel device then tick “Allow the device to make Home Assistant service calls.”


This is used by Alarm Control Panel when you have a pin code: (EN) Alarm Control Panel · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint Wiki · GitHub

As @makai said, you can enable it following those instructions.

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Thank you both!

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thank you for the blueprint, I got a panel for christmas and it really helped to get it up and running :slight_smile:
I was wondering it there’s a way to have the buttons resize either via blueprint or another way. Even something similar to this:

These are from a figma design from around here for the Pro Panel. I was mostly after the 3 (or even just 2) big buttons on touch screen as it would help usability in the home for guests and… older people :smiley:

Even with the default white HA button design!

Thx for this verry cool blueprint etc. After a few hours playing and trying its working.
But at the moment i googled en looked around to change the background, is there somebody who can lead me the right way to do this ?

Please take a look at this discussion: Issues · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

just one other question, i renamed this NS panel , and after that i did this i’ll get

ESPHome version: 4.1.4
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2176]: TFT version: 4.1.4
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2178]: Blueprint version: 
[18:36:59][E][script.check_versions:2179]: Blueprint version mismatch!
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2187]: Framework: arduino
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2188]: Baud rate: 115200
[18:37:04][D][text_sensor:064]: 'nspanel_hal_boven NSPanel event': Sending state '{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 1, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}'
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1452]: Starting
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1460]: page: boot
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1461]: component: null
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1462]: value: 1
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1463]: entity: 
[18:37:04][D][nextion_textsensor:014]: Processed text_sensor "nspanelevent" state "{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 1, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}"
[18:37:30][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.67400 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[18:37:30][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11530.6Ω
[18:37:30][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11530.62793 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[18:37:30][D][ntc:026]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature' - Temperature: 21.8°C
[18:37:30][D][sensor:094]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature': Sending state 21.82893 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[18:38:10][D][text_sensor:064]: 'nspanel_hal_boven NSPanel event': Sending state '{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 2, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}'
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1452]: Starting
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1460]: page: boot
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1461]: component: null
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1462]: value: 2
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1463]: entity: 
[18:38:10][D][nextion_textsensor:014]: Processed text_sensor "nspanelevent" state "{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 2, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}"
[18:38:30][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.67100 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[18:38:30][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11488.8Ω
[18:38:30][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11488.76660 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[18:38:30][D][ntc:026]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature' - Temperature: 21.9°C
[18:38:30][D][sensor:094]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature': Sending state 21.90907 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy

I tried to delete the blueprint i made before and make a new one by selecting the new / correct NSPanel device, but still the same.
What to do next

some extra info, i tried to rename the NSpanel by changing the

  device_name: nspanel_hal_boven


  device_name: nspanel