Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint


i would like to start with a thank you to all the creators out here. I am New to HA. but have some knowledge of flashing, etc…
I have run trough al the steps of flashing this device with the cutom NSpanel. But without succes. I have then flashed the device with the EPShome “prepare for first use” and i am able to connect this to Home assistant. But i have a black screen? (No boot up logo nothing) I have reflashed this custom but still got the black screen. Any suggestions?

I have run against the problem in the blueprint setup that it would not “hold” the device name when saving.

kind regards in advance!

Could you please share your yaml here or preferably in a issue report on GitHub?

On the automation using the Blueprint to control your panel, please select this climate entity as the main climate:

This should give you local control.

I did a reflash of everything and got it to work again!

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No luck. Deleted the Blueprint and recreated with the minimal settings.

With the climate I should be able to swipe to another page right? I did add a media player to page 1 and this works. I also added both the media player and the climate the the home screen as buttons and the media player works (it opens the controls when you tap the icon).

Could you please go to Developer Tools, select tab “States”, then look for the climate entity you are using, then share here it’s state and attributes?

By the way, GitHub Issues area is much better for this kind of troubleshooting. :wink:

I have a question about the alarm. I would like to ensure that the activation of the input entity, when it is coded, the keyboard from the alarmo is displayed.

Sorry, I’m not very familiar with Alarmo. Could you please share more details on how it works there and what are you missing?

I have US version and i installed it “upside down”. So i inverted “hmi” file in nextion editor and uploaded that one, which went great.

Now question: if i change some icons and items positions, then when a hmi update will be out - is it any way to compare two versions, or see what’s changed? I mean - will i have to do all again after each hmi file update or is there any way to see “what’s changed” ?

Not that i made a lot of changes… i increased custom buttons icons to even larger ones (in blueprint), consequently i’ve had to move icons on nspanel not to be too close of each other. Adding “48px” to a blueprint would be perhaps a good idea.

v4.3.5 - Experimenting with Bluetooth Capabilities

This patch release v4.3.5 introduces experimental Bluetooth features alongside critical fixes and enhancements. The new Bluetooth capabilities leverage the previously untapped potential of the NSPanel’s Bluetooth modem, enabled by the increased memory availability in the ESP-IDF framework.

v4.3.6 - Critical Fixes for Custom Buttons

This release of v4.3.6 is an urgent patch to address critical issues affecting the functionality of custom buttons on the NSPanel. These fixes ensure that custom buttons properly trigger actions for climate and alarm controls, and correct the integration with external thermostat entities.

Release v4.3.6 - Critical Fixes for Custom Buttons · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

v4.3.7 - Quick Fix for Captive Portal Compile Error

This patch addresses a critical compile error related to the captive portal feature, ensuring smooth and successful firmware compilations for users utilizing this feature.

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Unfortunately you will have to update that on each new release. :frowning:

We use Nextio2Text to extract some of the changes in a Nextiom file, so you will find a limited version control by looking to the changes to each page here: NSPanel_HA_Blueprint/hmi/dev/nspanel_us_code at main · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint · GitHub

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You could either create a PR to share your changes or add this as an enhancement request on the GitHub repository. :wink:


my NSPanel version v4.2.6 stopped working after update of ESPHome to current version 2024.4.1
I am getting error messages in my HA:

The automation “NSPanel Configuration” (automation.nspanel_configuration) has an action that calls an unknown service: esphome.nspanel1_set_component_color.


The automation “NSPanel Configuration” (automation.nspanel_configuration) has an action that calls an unknown service: esphome.nspanel1_send_command_text_printf.

The automation “NSPanel Configuration” (automation.nspanel_configuration) has an action that calls an unknown service: esphome.nspanel1_page_home.

Anyone knows how to repair this problem ?

Thx a lot

You have to update the Blueprint, the firmware and TFT in your display: NSPanel_HA_Blueprint/docs/ at e667aa2c82edbf09a2047ed18433ee24264aa50f · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint · GitHub

Thank you very much. This helped, everything is OK now.

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Is there a bug in latest version or it’s just me… but i can’t open weather pages when i press on weather icon. Funny enough… even if i remove weather entity icon still remains on nspanel (i guess that it should dissapear).
I’m watching old and latest touch events for “weather” button and they are different:
touch press:

  page weather01

(nothing in touch release)

touch press:


touch release:

  lastclick.txt="{\"page\": \"home\", \"event\": \"short_click\", \"component\": \""+click_comp.txt+"\"}"
  printh 92
  prints "localevent",0
  printh 00
  prints lastclick.txt,0
  printh 00
  printh FF FF FF

it seems that “page weather01” is missing…?

I did update blueprint, esphome fw and updated hmi.

I just checked it and my panel works OK including Weather pages.

Which version you have for Blueprint, ESPHome (firmware) and TFT?

TFT is 4.3.7, esphome is 4.3.4, blueprint is also 4.3.7. TFT is only changed in postition - 90 degrees instead zero, i didn’t mess with other values (yet).
Now i’m thinking… i’m sure that i updated esphome just before i reported this, but it still reports 4.3.4… is that normal? I just went into esphome addon, opened nspanel yaml and hit “update”. is there something else i must do in this case?
EDIT: hm…should i copy/paste yaml contents from your yaml to mine?

EDIT2: man, now i’m feeling stupid… i did a clean build, reflashed and now it reports esphom 4.3.7 and weather also works… As i said, i’m sure that i did fw update, it’s just…it seems that it somehow didn’t went through… i totally missed esphome’s version at bootup…

It could be related to this:

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