Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint

Hi Edward, well I changed actually both SSID and password when changing router :slight_smile:
Worked just fine for the other ESP devices…but the NSPanel did not want to change so easily.
Now I understand why, I do have the old password and will look into it!
Many thanks for the great support!

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If I wanted to use the hardware buttons to turn the temp up and down on the climate addon , i.e the thermostat, I guess I would need to create a script and then call that script as the entity for the button press, is this correct ?

I’m still trying to work out how to write the script to increase the temp by ‘temperature’ state + 0.1

Yes, that would work.

I can only think of a way to use a template.

How do you want the buttons to work when the climate page is not visible? Also adjust temperature?
Should the panel show the climate page when you press one of the hardware buttons?

Originally I wanted it to increase/decrease the temp always, but I like your idea about it displaying the climate page also, when its not on that page.

I cannot test it right now, but this should do the job with the advantage of having all the logic in your panel, so it should work even when your Wi-Fi is out:

  - id: !extend left_button
    # on_press: !remove  # This must be included with v4.4.0 (to be released soon)
    on_multi_click: !remove
        - &open_page_climate
          lambda: |-
            if (detailed_entity->state != "embedded_climate") {
              disp1->goto_page("climate");  // Force a page reload if already there
        - climate.control:
            id: thermostat_embedded
            target_temperature: !lambda return (thermostat_embedded->current_temperature - 0.5);  # Decreases the temperature by 0.5 degrees

  - id: !extend right_button
    # on_press: !remove  # This must be included with v4.4.0 (to be released soon)
    on_multi_click: !remove
        - *open_page_climate
        - climate.control:
            id: thermostat_embedded
            target_temperature: !lambda return (thermostat_embedded->current_temperature + 0.5);  # Increases the temperature by 0.5 degrees

Please let me know the results as we probably can improve it a bit.


Wow that was incredibly quick, it would have taken me all day to come up with a mediocre example not even close to that. I will test it this morning and report back. thanks for the quick response.

I have a quick question related to another customisation I want to include, along with your hardware button example above, one from your customisation examples.

The scheduled climate section, selects mode “auto” this mode doesn’t show up as part of the “home” preset but I can see that it changes the temp when the preset time changes, should the mode in HA change to auto or is this expected behaviour as its hard coded?

# Scheduled climate
  - id: !extend time_provider
      - hours: 7
        minutes: 0
        seconds: 0
          - climate.control:
              id: thermostat_embedded
              mode: auto
              target_temperature: 22°C
      - hours: 19
        minutes: 0
        seconds: 0
          - climate.control:
              id: thermostat_embedded
              mode: auto
              target_temperature: 20°C
      - hours: 23
        minutes: 0
        seconds: 0
          - climate.control:
              id: thermostat_embedded
              mode: auto
              target_temperature: 18°C

custom preset

edit: also I tested your script and the problem seems to be that it will take the “current temperature” and either add or subtract 0.5 ( I did try with 0.1 but this was even worse) so for example its currently 19°C it will go to 18.5°C when the left button is clicked but no lower and when the right button is clicked it will go to 19.5°C but no higher, weirdly it will jump from 18.5 to 19.5 without changing to the next logical 19 ( i.e being 0.5 higher than 18.5)

edit 2: I figured the reason for the the error above is because your script example was getting the current temperature not the target temperature and adding or subtracting 0.5, changing the !lambda return to

target_temperature: !lambda return (thermostat_embedded->target_temperature - 0.5);

works perfectly, I even changed it to 0.1 steps and it works really well the only slight issue is multiple presses does keep increasing the target temp and refresh the climate page, but there must be a default timeout where it wants to go back to the home page as after several clicks it momentarily changed to home before changing to climate again following a button click.

My fault. I should have used target_temperature instead.

Please try this:

target_temperature: !lambda return (thermostat_embedded->target_temperature + 0.5);  # Increases the temperature by 0.5 degrees

And please do the same change for left button.

yep, that’s what I did, It worked perfectly, as expected, thanks for the initial script it works so well maybe worth adding to the docs?

do you happen to know why modes wont show in HA if created in the timer mentioned above? do I have to to add an addition to the HOME preset ?

something like

  - id: !extend thermostat_embedded
      temperature_step: ${temp_step}
      - name: Home
        default_target_temperature_low: 18°C
        mode: "auto" ## changed from heat to auto 

would this interfere with the scheduled default temps?

also if I add the above I get the error

mode is set to AUTO for Home but cool_action is not present in the configuration.

so I’m not sure this is the correct approach, maybe I should change the timer example to “heat” instead of “auto”

I am a noob but was ablet to flash and use the Blueprint. I have a physical light connected to the NSPanel and it worked via the physical button but now that i flashed the device the button to relay is not working. Where in the blueprint do i fix this? I have tried multiple configurations under the Hardware buttons section and i cannot figure it out.

In the hardware button section, under entity, type relay and choose the relay number you want switched by that button.

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So simple. Thank you! I wasn’t even thinking that. I was just thinking there was a button to just make it work as it did prior to flashing the firmware. I got it to work. Thanks again.

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Possible feature request - If the relay or button entity is on, don’t sleep the screen (just dim it). I have the screen wake up from a motion sensor already (great feature!), but would really nice to see state while it’s on. This will let me sleep the screen to 0.

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I’m seem to have an issue , where the weather icons shown on the display are night icons. for example it is sunny today with clear skies(which the weather integration also shows, but the icon shown on the nspanel display is a moon with stars. I have tried several different HA weather integrations with the same result. any ideas why ? its almost like the localisation is off

Could you please do to Developer Tools, tab States, and look for states of your weather entity and the entity sun.sun?
Those are used for that calculation.

Ah that will explain it , I have the sun enitity disabled :grimacing: I’ll enable it and all should be right again.

Thanks for your help with this

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Good day all, Once again, thank you for the great job on this Blueprint. I have watched grow from a simple to a sophisticated application. Very impressive.

I have two panels set up, one updates perfectly, but about 6 months ago, the second one got stuck on “System Data ERROR”. Been using this blueprint for almost two years, so have some experience, but tried everything for the display to update, from re-flashing with esp-idf to all the other options suggested in the TFT troubleshoot section, but no joy. I am attaching herein the logs for one using the local file, and another using the github url. Maybe someone can pick up the issue.The only thing I have not tried is “factory reset” option in the settings. There is not much write up in the docs on this subject, so not too sure what it does and if it going to correct the issue.

Your kind assistance is appreciated.

Log with local upload:

INFO ESPHome 2024.8.3
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/mainbedpanel.yaml...
INFO Updating
INFO Updating[email protected]
INFO Detected timezone 'Africa/Johannesburg'
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to mainbedpanel @ in 0.004s
INFO Successful handshake with mainbedpanel @ in 0.034s
[19:27:26][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 2024.8.3 compiled on Sep 16 2024, 16:17:17
[19:27:26][I][app:102]: Project esphome.NSPanel_HA_Blueprint version 4.3.11
[19:27:26][C][wifi:600]: WiFi:
[19:27:26][C][wifi:428]:   Local MAC: C4:DD:57:D9:75:34
[19:27:26][C][wifi:433]:   SSID: 'KHUSAL'[redacted]
[19:27:26][C][wifi:436]:   IP Address:
[19:27:26][C][wifi:440]:   BSSID: 54:16:51:BE:6F:A0[redacted]
[19:27:26][C][wifi:441]:   Hostname: 'mainbedpanel'
[19:27:26][C][wifi:443]:   Signal strength: -30 dB ▂▄▆█
[19:27:26][C][wifi:447]:   Channel: 11
[19:27:26][C][wifi:448]:   Subnet:
[19:27:26][C][wifi:449]:   Gateway:
[19:27:26][C][wifi:450]:   DNS1:
[19:27:26][C][wifi:451]:   DNS2:
[19:27:26][C][logger:185]: Logger:
[19:27:26][C][logger:186]:   Level: DEBUG
[19:27:26][C][logger:188]:   Log Baud Rate: 0
[19:27:26][C][logger:189]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:159]: UART Bus 0:
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:160]:   TX Pin: GPIO16
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:161]:   RX Pin: GPIO17
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:163]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:165]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:166]:   Data Bits: 8
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:167]:   Parity: NONE
[19:27:26][C][uart.idf:168]:   Stop bits: 1
[19:27:26][C][ledc.output:176]: LEDC Output:
[19:27:26][C][ledc.output:177]:   Pin GPIO21
[19:27:26][C][ledc.output:178]:   LEDC Channel: 0
[19:27:26][C][ledc.output:179]:   PWM Frequency: 1000.0 Hz
[19:27:26][C][ledc.output:180]:   Phase angle: 0.0°
[19:27:26][C][ledc.output:181]:   Bit depth: 16
[19:27:26][C][template.binary_sensor:028]: Template Binary Sensor 'Nextion display'
[19:27:26][C][template.binary_sensor:028]:   Device Class: 'connectivity'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'Display Brightness'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '%'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:26][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'Display Brightness Dimdown'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '%'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:26][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'Display Brightness Sleep'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '%'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:26][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'Temperature Correction'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:26][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'Timeout Page'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[19:27:26][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'Timeout Dimming'
[19:27:27][C][template.number:050]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[19:27:27][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[19:27:27][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'Timeout Sleep'
[19:27:27][C][template.number:050]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[19:27:27][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[19:27:27][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][C][]: Template Select 'Baud rate'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Icon: 'mdi:swap-horizontal'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][C][]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][]:   Initial Option: 115200
[19:27:27][C][]:   Restore Value: YES
[19:27:27][C][]: Template Select 'Wake-up page'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Icon: 'mdi:page-next-outline'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][C][]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][]:   Initial Option: home
[19:27:27][C][]:   Restore Value: YES
[19:27:27][C][]: Template Select 'Update TFT display - Model'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Icon: 'mdi:file-sync'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][C][]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][]:   Initial Option: NSPanel EU
[19:27:27][C][]:   Restore Value: YES
[19:27:27][C][]: Template Select 'Update TFT display - Baud rate'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Icon: 'mdi:swap-horizontal'
[19:27:27][C][]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][C][]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][]:   Initial Option: 921600
[19:27:27][C][]:   Restore Value: YES
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'Nextion display - Power'
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:091]:   Restore Mode: always ON
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:031]:   Pin: GPIO4
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'Device Name'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]:   Icon: 'mdi:identifier'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'Detailed Entity'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]:   Icon: 'mdi:tablet-dashboard'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'Notification Label'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'Notification Text'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'Version Blueprint'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]:   Icon: 'mdi:tag-text-outline'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'Version ESPHome'
[19:27:27][C][template.text_sensor:020]:   Icon: 'mdi:tag-text-outline'
[19:27:27][C][template.sensor:022]: Template Sensor 'Blueprint'
[19:27:27][C][template.sensor:022]:   State Class: ''
[19:27:27][C][template.sensor:022]:   Unit of Measurement: '%'
[19:27:27][C][template.sensor:022]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[19:27:27][C][template.sensor:022]:   Icon: 'mdi:link-variant'
[19:27:27][C][template.sensor:023]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:27:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:27:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'Left Button'
[19:27:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]:   Pin: GPIO14
[19:27:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'Right Button'
[19:27:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]:   Pin: GPIO27
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'Relay 1'
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:091]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:031]:   Pin: GPIO22
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'Relay 2'
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:091]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[19:27:27][C][switch.gpio:031]:   Pin: GPIO19
[19:27:27][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'Notification unread'
[19:27:27][C][template.switch:091]:   Restore Mode: always OFF
[19:27:27][C][template.switch:057]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'Notification sound'
[19:27:27][C][template.switch:091]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[19:27:27][C][template.switch:057]:   Optimistic: YES
[19:27:27][C][psram:020]: PSRAM:
[19:27:27][C][psram:021]:   Available: YES
[19:27:27][C][psram:024]:   Size: 2036 KB
[19:27:27][C][rtttl:029]: Rtttl
[19:27:27][C][nextion:128]: Nextion:
[19:27:27][C][nextion:129]:   Device Model:     
[19:27:27][C][nextion:130]:   Firmware Version: 
[19:27:27][C][nextion:131]:   Serial Number:    
[19:27:27][C][nextion:132]:   Flash Size:       
[19:27:27][C][nextion:133]:   Wake On Touch:    YES
[19:27:27][C][nextion:134]:   Exit reparse:     YES
[19:27:27][C][factory_reset.button:011]: Factory Reset Button 'Factory reset'
[19:27:27][C][factory_reset.button:011]:   Icon: 'mdi:restart-alert'
[19:27:27][C][restart.button:017]: Restart Button 'Restart'
[19:27:27][C][restart.button:017]:   Icon: 'mdi:restart'
[19:27:27][C][adc:097]: ADC Sensor 'ntc_source'
[19:27:27][C][adc:097]:   Device Class: 'voltage'
[19:27:27][C][adc:097]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[19:27:27][C][adc:097]:   Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[19:27:27][C][adc:097]:   Accuracy Decimals: 2
[19:27:27][C][adc:107]:   Pin: GPIO38
[19:27:27][C][adc:122]:   Attenuation: 12db
[19:27:27][C][adc:141]:   Samples: 4
[19:27:27][C][adc:142]:   Update Interval: 10.0s
[19:27:27][C][resistance:010]: Resistance Sensor 'resistance_sensor'
[19:27:27][C][resistance:010]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[19:27:27][C][resistance:010]:   Unit of Measurement: 'Ω'
[19:27:27][C][resistance:010]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[19:27:27][C][resistance:010]:   Icon: 'mdi:flash'
[19:27:27][C][resistance:011]:   Configuration: DOWNSTREAM
[19:27:27][C][resistance:012]:   Resistor: 11200.00Ω
[19:27:27][C][resistance:013]:   Reference Voltage: 3.3V
[19:27:27][C][ntc:014]: NTC Sensor 'Temperature'
[19:27:27][C][ntc:014]:   Device Class: 'temperature'
[19:27:27][C][ntc:014]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[19:27:27][C][ntc:014]:   Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[19:27:27][C][ntc:014]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[19:27:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:27:27][C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:
[19:27:27][C][homeassistant.time:011]:   Timezone: 'SAST-2'
[19:27:28][C][mdns:116]: mDNS:
[19:27:28][C][mdns:117]:   Hostname: mainbedpanel
[19:27:28][C][esphome.ota:073]: Over-The-Air updates:
[19:27:28][C][esphome.ota:074]:   Address: mainbedpanel.local:3232
[19:27:28][C][esphome.ota:075]:   Version: 2
[19:27:28][C][esphome.ota:078]:   Password configured
[19:27:28][C][safe_mode:018]: Safe Mode:
[19:27:28][C][safe_mode:020]:   Boot considered successful after 60 seconds
[19:27:28][C][safe_mode:021]:   Invoke after 3 boot attempts
[19:27:28][C][safe_mode:023]:   Remain in safe mode for 180 seconds

[19:27:36][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.48925 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[19:27:36][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9211.4Ω
[19:27:36][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9211.43262 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:27:36][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.9°C
[19:27:36][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.86005 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2224]: Wi-Fi:         Excellent (-29 dBm)
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2235]: API:           Connected
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2243]: Blueprint:
[19:27:36][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2248]:   Init steps:  0 (0.0%)
[19:27:36][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2249]:   State:       Pending
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2250]: Requesting blueprint settings
[19:27:36][D][script:077]: Script 'boot_event' restarting (mode: restart)
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2255]: ESPHome:
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2256]:   Version:     4.3.11
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2257]:   Compiler:    2024.8.3
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2262]:   Framework:   ESP-IDF
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2267]:   Free heap:
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2271]:     Internal:   206488 bytes (58.7%)
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2281]:     PSRAM:     2018063 bytes (96.8%)
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2288]: UART:
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2289]:   Baud rate:   115200 bps
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2290]:   Queue size:  0
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2294]: Nextion:
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2295]:   Queue size:  0
[19:27:36][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2299]:   Is setup:    False
[19:27:36][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2300]:   Is detected: NO
[19:27:36][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2306]:   Init:        False
[19:27:36][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2308]:   TFT:         UNKNOWN
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2311]: Packages:
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2313]:   - Core
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2322]:   - Upload TFT
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:097]: Add-on Upload TFT:
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:098]:   File model: Use nextion_update_url
[19:27:36][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:099]:   Valid TFT:  NO
[19:27:37][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 

[19:28:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Set Nextion unavailable for blueprint calls
[19:28:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Preparing for upload...
[19:28:09][D][script.nextion_status:107]: Nextion status:
[19:28:09][D][script.nextion_status:108]:   Is detected: NO
[19:28:09][D][script.nextion_status:109]:   Is setup:    NO
[19:28:09][D][script.nextion_status:110]:   Queue size:  0
[19:28:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:220]: Starting the upload script
[19:28:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:221]:   Valid TFT:               NO
[19:28:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:222]:   Current baud rate:       115200 bps
[19:28:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:223]:   Target upload baud rate: 921600 bps
[19:28:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:224]:   Upload URL:
[19:28:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:10][I][safe_mode:041]: Boot seems successful; resetting boot loop counter
[19:28:10][D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[19:28:10][D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[19:28:10][D][script.boot_log:2048]: Restart Nextion
[19:28:10][D][switch:016]: 'Nextion display - Power' Turning OFF.
[19:28:10][D][switch:055]: 'Nextion display - Power': Sending state OFF
[19:28:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.open_upload_dialog:134]: Showing upload dialog page
[19:28:11][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:11][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:12][D][switch:012]: 'Nextion display - Power' Turning ON.
[19:28:12][D][switch:055]: 'Nextion display - Power': Sending state ON
[19:28:12][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:12][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:13][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:15][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:15][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Stopping other scripts
[19:28:15][D][script.nextion_status:107]: Nextion status:
[19:28:15][D][script.nextion_status:108]:   Is detected: NO
[19:28:15][D][script.nextion_status:109]:   Is setup:    NO
[19:28:15][D][script.nextion_status:110]:   Queue size:  0
[19:28:15][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Setting baud rate
[19:28:15][D][script.set_baud_rate:3022]: Baud rate changing from 115200 to 921600 bps
[19:28:15][D][script.set_baud_rate:3023]: Flush UART
[19:28:15][D][script.set_baud_rate:3029]: Sending instruction 'baud=921600' to Nextion
[19:28:15][D][script.set_baud_rate:3031]: Flush UART
[19:28:15][D][script.set_baud_rate:3037]: Set ESPHome new baud rate to 921600 bps
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:153]: UART 0 was reloaded.
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:159]: UART Bus 0:
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:160]:   TX Pin: GPIO16
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:161]:   RX Pin: GPIO17
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:163]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:165]:   Baud Rate: 921600 baud
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:166]:   Data Bits: 8
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:167]:   Parity: NONE
[19:28:15][C][uart.idf:168]:   Stop bits: 1
[19:28:15][D][script.set_baud_rate:3040]: Current baud rate: 921600 bps
[19:28:15][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:16][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.49267 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[19:28:16][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9250.0Ω
[19:28:16][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9250.01855 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:28:16][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.8°C
[19:28:16][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.76483 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:28:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:17][D][main:403]: Attempting to upload TFT
[19:28:17][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Attempt #1 at 921600 bps
[19:28:17][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:118]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[19:28:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:18][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:18][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:19][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:19][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:126]: Starting TFT upload...
[19:28:19][D][nextion.upload.idf:157]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[19:28:19][D][nextion.upload.idf:158]: Exit reparse: YES
[19:28:19][D][nextion.upload.idf:159]: URL:
[19:28:19][D][nextion.upload.idf:174]: Exiting Nextion reparse mode
[19:28:19][D][nextion.upload.idf:188]: Baud rate: 921600
[19:28:20][D][nextion.upload.idf:235]: TFT file size: 7508308 bytes
[19:28:20][D][nextion.upload.idf:248]: Uploading Nextion
[19:28:26][D][nextion.upload.idf:287]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 byte(s)
[19:28:26][E][nextion.upload.idf:293]: Preparation for TFT upload failed 0 ""
[19:28:26][D][nextion.upload.idf:294]: Close HTTP connection
[19:28:26][D][nextion.upload.idf:342]: Nextion TFT upload finished: NO
[19:28:26][E][nextion.upload.idf:358]: Nextion TFT upload failed
[19:28:26][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:128]: TFT upload: NO
[19:28:26][W][component:237]: Component script took a long time for an operation (7012 ms).
[19:28:26][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[19:28:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:28:26][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Attempt #1 at 921600 bps returned: NO

Log for Github Upload:

[19:33:17][D][select:115]: 'Update TFT display - Model' - Set selected option to: NSPanel US
[19:33:17][D][select:015]: 'Update TFT display - Model': Sending state NSPanel US (index 3)
[19:33:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 

[19:33:21][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:21][D][button:010]: 'Update TFT display' Pressed.
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2224]: Wi-Fi:         Excellent (-29 dBm)
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2235]: API:           Connected
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2243]: Blueprint:
[19:33:21][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2248]:   Init steps:  0 (0.0%)
[19:33:21][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2249]:   State:       Pending
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2250]: Requesting blueprint settings
[19:33:21][D][script:077]: Script 'boot_event' restarting (mode: restart)
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2255]: ESPHome:
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2256]:   Version:     4.3.11
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2257]:   Compiler:    2024.8.3
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2262]:   Framework:   ESP-IDF
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2267]:   Free heap:
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2271]:     Internal:   205848 bytes (58.5%)
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2281]:     PSRAM:     2010327 bytes (96.4%)
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2288]: UART:
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2289]:   Baud rate:   115200 bps
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2290]:   Queue size:  0
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2294]: Nextion:
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2295]:   Queue size:  0
[19:33:21][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2299]:   Is setup:    False
[19:33:21][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2300]:   Is detected: NO
[19:33:21][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2306]:   Init:        False
[19:33:21][W][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2308]:   TFT:         UNKNOWN
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2311]: Packages:
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2313]:   - Core
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:2322]:   - Upload TFT
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:097]: Add-on Upload TFT:
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:098]:   File model: NSPanel US
[19:33:21][C][nspanel_ha_blueprint:099]:   Valid TFT:  NO
[19:33:21][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:22][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:22][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:23][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:23][D][addon_upload_tft.script.open_upload_dialog:134]: Showing upload dialog page
[19:33:23][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.50150 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:23][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9350.5Ω
[19:33:23][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9350.45898 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:23][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.5°C
[19:33:23][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.51910 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:23][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:25][D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[19:33:25][D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[19:33:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Set Nextion unavailable for blueprint calls
[19:33:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Preparing for upload...
[19:33:27][D][script.nextion_status:107]: Nextion status:
[19:33:27][D][script.nextion_status:108]:   Is detected: NO
[19:33:27][D][script.nextion_status:109]:   Is setup:    NO
[19:33:27][D][script.nextion_status:110]:   Queue size:  0
[19:33:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:220]: Starting the upload script
[19:33:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:221]:   Valid TFT:               NO
[19:33:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:222]:   Current baud rate:       115200 bps
[19:33:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:223]:   Target upload baud rate: 921600 bps
[19:33:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:224]:   Upload URL:
[19:33:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:29][D][addon_upload_tft.script.open_upload_dialog:134]: Showing upload dialog page
[19:33:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:29][D][sensor:094]: 'RSSI': Sending state -29.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:32][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:32][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:33][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.50217 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:33][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9358.1Ω
[19:33:33][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9358.07910 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:33][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.5°C
[19:33:33][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.50058 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:33][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Stopping other scripts
[19:33:33][D][script.nextion_status:107]: Nextion status:
[19:33:33][D][script.nextion_status:108]:   Is detected: NO
[19:33:33][D][script.nextion_status:109]:   Is setup:    NO
[19:33:33][D][script.nextion_status:110]:   Queue size:  0
[19:33:33][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Setting baud rate
[19:33:33][D][script.set_baud_rate:3022]: Baud rate changing from 115200 to 921600 bps
[19:33:33][D][script.set_baud_rate:3023]: Flush UART
[19:33:33][D][script.set_baud_rate:3029]: Sending instruction 'baud=921600' to Nextion
[19:33:33][D][script.set_baud_rate:3031]: Flush UART
[19:33:33][D][script.set_baud_rate:3037]: Set ESPHome new baud rate to 921600 bps
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:153]: UART 0 was reloaded.
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:159]: UART Bus 0:
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:160]:   TX Pin: GPIO16
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:161]:   RX Pin: GPIO17
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:163]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:165]:   Baud Rate: 921600 baud
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:166]:   Data Bits: 8
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:167]:   Parity: NONE
[19:33:33][C][uart.idf:168]:   Stop bits: 1
[19:33:33][D][script.set_baud_rate:3040]: Current baud rate: 921600 bps
[19:33:33][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:33][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:35][D][main:403]: Attempting to upload TFT
[19:33:35][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Attempt #1 at 921600 bps
[19:33:35][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:118]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[19:33:35][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:35][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:36][D][script.boot_log:2048]: init_page_home
[19:33:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:36][D][script.boot_log:2048]: init_page_settings
[19:33:36][D][script.boot_log:2048]: init_hardware
[19:33:36][D][script.boot_log:2048]: init_global
[19:33:36][I][safe_mode:041]: Boot seems successful; resetting boot loop counter
[19:33:36][D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[19:33:36][D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[19:33:36][D][script.boot_log:2048]: Restart Nextion
[19:33:36][D][switch:016]: 'Nextion display - Power' Turning OFF.
[19:33:36][D][switch:055]: 'Nextion display - Power': Sending state OFF
[19:33:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:37][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:126]: Starting TFT upload...
[19:33:37][D][nextion.upload.idf:157]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[19:33:37][D][nextion.upload.idf:158]: Exit reparse: YES
[19:33:37][D][nextion.upload.idf:159]: URL:
[19:33:37][D][nextion.upload.idf:174]: Exiting Nextion reparse mode
[19:33:37][D][nextion.upload.idf:188]: Baud rate: 921600
[19:33:38][D][nextion.upload.idf:235]: TFT file size: 7508308 bytes
[19:33:38][D][nextion.upload.idf:248]: Uploading Nextion
[19:33:44][D][nextion.upload.idf:287]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 byte(s)
[19:33:44][E][nextion.upload.idf:293]: Preparation for TFT upload failed 0 ""
[19:33:44][D][nextion.upload.idf:294]: Close HTTP connection
[19:33:44][D][nextion.upload.idf:342]: Nextion TFT upload finished: NO
[19:33:44][E][nextion.upload.idf:358]: Nextion TFT upload failed
[19:33:44][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:128]: TFT upload: NO
[19:33:44][W][component:237]: Component script took a long time for an operation (7052 ms).
[19:33:44][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[19:33:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[19:33:44][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Attempt #1 at 921600 bps returned: NO
[19:33:44][D][switch:012]: 'Nextion display - Power' Turning ON.
[19:33:44][D][switch:055]: 'Nextion display - Power': Sending state ON
[19:33:44][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.50117 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:44][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9346.6Ω
[19:33:44][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9346.64844 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:44][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.5°C
[19:33:44][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.52837 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[19:33:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 

Under your device’s page (Settings > Devices and Services > ESPHome), please find the “Upload TFT- Baud rate” and change it to 115200bps, then try the upload again and share the log, please.

Hi Edward, I changed it to 115200bps (tried it before as well) and the same negative results:

[00:14:01][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:01][D][button:010]: 'Update TFT display' Pressed.
[00:14:02][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:02][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:03][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:03][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:04][D][addon_upload_tft.script.open_upload_dialog:134]: Showing upload dialog page
[00:14:04][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:04][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:06][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:06][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.51083 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:06][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9457.7Ω
[00:14:06][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9457.66211 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:06][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.3°C
[00:14:06][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.26016 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:06][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Set Nextion unavailable for blueprint calls
[00:14:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Preparing for upload...
[00:14:08][D][script.nextion_status:107]: Nextion status:
[00:14:08][D][script.nextion_status:108]:   Is detected: NO
[00:14:08][D][script.nextion_status:109]:   Is setup:    NO
[00:14:08][D][script.nextion_status:110]:   Queue size:  0
[00:14:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:220]: Starting the upload script
[00:14:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:221]:   Valid TFT:               NO
[00:14:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:222]:   Current baud rate:       115200 bps
[00:14:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:223]:   Target upload baud rate: 115200 bps
[00:14:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft:224]:   Upload URL:
[00:14:08][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:08][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:09][D][sensor:094]: 'RSSI': Sending state -28.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:09][D][text_sensor:064]: 'Device Name': Sending state 'mainbedpanel'
[00:14:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:10][D][addon_upload_tft.script.open_upload_dialog:134]: Showing upload dialog page
[00:14:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:10][D][script.timer_sleep:3293]: Going to sleep from page 
[00:14:11][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:11][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:12][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:12][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:13][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:13][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:14][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Stopping other scripts
[00:14:14][D][script.nextion_status:107]: Nextion status:
[00:14:14][D][script.nextion_status:108]:   Is detected: NO
[00:14:14][D][script.nextion_status:109]:   Is setup:    NO
[00:14:14][D][script.nextion_status:110]:   Queue size:  0
[00:14:14][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Setting baud rate
[00:14:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:15][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:15][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:16][D][main:403]: Attempting to upload TFT
[00:14:16][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Attempt #1 at 115200 bps
[00:14:16][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:118]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[00:14:16][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.51083 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:16][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9457.7Ω
[00:14:16][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9457.66113 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:16][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.3°C
[00:14:16][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.26016 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:18][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:126]: Starting TFT upload...
[00:14:18][D][nextion.upload.idf:157]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[00:14:18][D][nextion.upload.idf:158]: Exit reparse: YES
[00:14:18][D][nextion.upload.idf:159]: URL:
[00:14:18][D][nextion.upload.idf:174]: Exiting Nextion reparse mode
[00:14:18][D][nextion.upload.idf:188]: Baud rate: 115200
[00:14:19][D][nextion.upload.idf:235]: TFT file size: 7508308 bytes
[00:14:19][D][nextion.upload.idf:248]: Uploading Nextion
[00:14:25][D][nextion.upload.idf:287]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 byte(s)
[00:14:25][E][nextion.upload.idf:293]: Preparation for TFT upload failed 0 ""
[00:14:25][D][nextion.upload.idf:294]: Close HTTP connection
[00:14:25][D][nextion.upload.idf:342]: Nextion TFT upload finished: NO
[00:14:25][E][nextion.upload.idf:358]: Nextion TFT upload failed
[00:14:25][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:128]: TFT upload: NO
[00:14:25][W][component:237]: Component script took a long time for an operation (6999 ms).
[00:14:25][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[00:14:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:25][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Attempt #1 at 115200 bps returned: NO
[00:14:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:26][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.51183 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:26][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 9469.2Ω
[00:14:26][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 9469.21387 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:26][D][ntc:026]: 'Temperature' - Temperature: 26.2°C
[00:14:26][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature': Sending state 26.23245 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[00:14:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:30][D][main:403]: Attempting to upload TFT
[00:14:30][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:158]: Attempt #2 at 115200 bps
[00:14:30][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:118]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[00:14:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[00:14:32][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:126]: Starting TFT upload...
[00:14:32][D][nextion.upload.idf:157]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[00:14:32][D][nextion.upload.idf:158]: Exit reparse: YES
[00:14:32][D][nextion.upload.idf:159]: URL:
[00:14:32][D][nextion.upload.idf:174]: Exiting Nextion reparse mode
[00:14:32][D][nextion.upload.idf:188]: Baud rate: 115200
[00:14:33][D][nextion.upload.idf:235]: TFT file size: 7508308 bytes
[00:14:33][D][nextion.upload.idf:248]: Uploading Nextion

Hi Edward, Got it working!

Decided to lower both bout rates to 57600, then pressed “Nextion display - power cycle” and started the upload using the local tft, and the log was showing “Nextion reported variable name invalid!” instead of the usual “Nextion is not connecting” and the upload started. I took about 25 minutes to complete, but got it fully working.

So, if anyone has a similar issue, trying the above may work.

Thank you so much for your assistance.

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