Splitting config for template:

I just tried the following and got no validation errors:


template: !include template_sensors.yaml
template binary: !include template_binary_sensors.yaml
template triggered: !include template_triggered_sensors.yaml


  - sensor:


  - binary_sensor:


  - trigger:

the only caveat is that those are exactly the way the files are written. They don’t have any actual sensor code in there at all, just the headings.

But it did pass the config check.

I assume it’s just like having multiple “automation:” or “script:” by adding another label after it to differentiate the two files/code. (“automation old:” or “script second:”)

It seemed to pass the quick config check but a restart failed miserably.


it looks like the “template binary:” and “template triggered:” entries in configuration.yaml are completely ignored.

If I put any code in those files the files aren’t loaded. Nothing even in the logs about it

That seems like it should be an issue report to me.

It should work for the template integration just as it does for any other integration using the old “method 1” and “method 2” references. I can’t specifically find those references in the docs anymore but the concept is still discussed and should be valid. Or at least it should be made to work that way for consistency.

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Sorry to dredge up this old thread, but this is exactly what I’m trying to do; migrate all my templates to the new format, and at the same time, split them off into a new templates.yaml file.

Without the workaround @123 suggested (adding his dummy triggered sensor to the beginning of the templates.yaml file) I get errors. Put that sensor back in and it passes the configuration test.

So, @tom_l, did you ever get it working without the triggered sensor, and if so, how?

This thread has already saved me a ton of time. This was driving me crazy until I found the trigger workaround. Thank you!!

Yes. Like this:

  - binary_sensor: !include template_binary_sensors.yaml
  - sensor: !include template_sensors.yaml

The template_sensors yaml file:

- name: 'Calculated Light Brightness'
  icon: "mdi:brightness-auto"
  unit_of_measurement: "Int"
  state: >
    {% if states('sensor.weatherflow_brightness') not in ['unknown', 'unavailable'] %}
      {% if now().hour >= 20 and now().hour < 23 and states('sensor.weatherflow_brightness')|float(0) <= 841 %}
        {{ ( -63.6667 * ( now().hour + now().minute / 60 ) + 1528.3333 )|int(0) }}
      {% elif now().hour == 23 or now().hour < 6 %}
      {% else %}
        {{ ( [0, (-0.0428 * states('sensor.weatherflow_brightness')|float(0) + 291 )|int(0), 255]|sort )[1] }}
      {% endif %}
    {% else %}
        {{ states('sensor.calculated_light_brightness') }}
    {% endif %}

- name: 'Calculated Light Brightness No Late Dim'
  unit_of_measurement: "Int"
  state: >
    {{ ( [0, (-0.0428 * states('sensor.weatherflow_brightness')|float(0) + 291 )|int(0), 255]|sort )[1] }}



- name: "Everyone in Bed"
  icon: "mdi:sleep"
  state: >
    {% if is_state('input_select.automation_mode', 'Guest Away') %}
      {{ is_state('binary_sensor.spare_bed_occupied', 'on') }}
    {% elif is_state('input_select.automation_mode', 'Guest Home') %}
      {{ is_state('binary_sensor.master_bed_occupied', 'on') and is_state('binary_sensor.spare_bed_occupied', 'on') }}
    {% elif is_state('input_select.automation_mode', 'Normal') %}
      {{ is_state('binary_sensor.master_bed_occupied', 'on') }}
    {% else %}
      {{ false }}
    {% endif %}

- name: "Mstr Bed Sunrise Sim Active"
  icon: "mdi:weather-sunset-up"
  state: >
    {% set d = now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d ") %}
    {% set t = now().timestamp() %}
    {% set mbr_sun_sim_active = strptime(d + states('input_datetime.mstr_bed_sunrise_sim_time'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp() %}
    {{ mbr_sun_sim_active < t < ( mbr_sun_sim_active + 1800) }}


If I ever need to use triggered sensors they have to go in my configuration.yaml file listed under the includes.


I did something very similar but using a different YAML directive:

template: !include_dir_merge_list templates/

The templates sub-directory contains separate files:

  • binary_sensor.yaml
  • number.yaml
  • select.yaml
  • sensor.yaml
  • trigger.yaml
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Yeah that was always an option but…

Thanks, both of you, for the amazingly quick response!!!

I was going to use just one templates.yaml file, but two or more will work just as well.

Is this a bug? Should it be reported? There seem to be two workarounds now, so it’s not critical. I’m sure it will trip up other users going forward, as more people (hopefully) migrate to the new template method.

I wouldn’t characterize what tom_l and I have offered as being workarounds; they’re legitimate means of structuring the information in their own right. I don’t even know if what I suggested is immune to the reported glitch because I have not tried it without a trigger.yaml file (clearly tom_l’s suggestion isn’t affected by it).

However, to your point, it does feel like a bug because there should be no need to define at least one Trigger-based Template Sensor before others can be defined. If you know if still occurs in the latest release (I haven’t tested it), report it as an Issue in the GitHub Core repository.

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I have a way to split the templates to different folders. I know OP wanted flat files, but i like to nest and have multiple files.

Folder structure:

├──  configuration.yaml
└──  templates
       ├──  binary_sensor
       │    └──* place all template binary sensors in here *
       ├──  sensor
       │    └──* place all template sensors in here *
       └──  triggers
            └──* place all template triggers in here *


template: !include_dir_merge_list templates/triggers/


  - binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list ../binary_sensor/
  - sensor: !include_dir_merge_list ../sensor/

What about switches? I don’t see switches or covers listed here, do these still follow the same pattern with the new preferred format?

nope, none of the complex template platforms have made the switch.

Is it possible to make an include file that will only hold all different kinds of templates?
can anyone provide an example if possible please?

template: !include templates.yaml

thnx man,
yes, that’s exactly what I’ll do but would it be possible to have various kinds of templates in one file such as a custom media_player template, a fan template and a light template?
if possible, how should I change the relevant code?
Can I just put all the different templates in a single template.yaml without chaning anything?
This is how they are in my configuration.yaml file.

# media_player.template by Sennevds
  - platform: media_player_template

  - platform: template

  - platform: template

Great :slight_smile: That’s exactly what I was looking for.

You see, the problem is that my configuration.yaml is not so big yet to split it into entities. But not-so-small that it needs some logical splitting.

Packages will exactly solve this until my configuration gets sufficiently big.

Thanks a lot.

My experience:

  1. Add this into “configuration.yaml”:
  packages: !include_dir_named conf
  1. Create a “conf” folder in the config dir.

  2. Create ANY tree structure in the “conf” folder:
    where each subfolder may have other subfolders and so on.

  3. Inside any folder (let it be “network/net/asus_ac68u”, for example) create as many yaml files as you want.

  4. Every yaml file may have “sensor”, “template”, “input_boolean”, “automation”, “customize” etc sections (surely one same section per one file, i.e. one “sensor”, one “customize” etc).

The main idea is to structure a config by tasks (network devices, persons, weather, home climat, etc) - instead of piling all template sensors in one file.

Unfortunately, there is one limitation - you must use unique filenames.
I.e. you cannot have several “test.yaml” files in different folders - have to rename them to “test_router.yaml”, “test_waterpump.yaml” etc.
Created this issue, missed a moment when it was closed.

Also, if you want to exclude some functionality (like “got rid of this router”) - just remove the whole “router xxx” folder form the structure. Alternatively - rename all yaml files in this folder, replace “yaml” extension by something llike “disabled” (I use “dis”).
If you have several HA installation (apartment, country house, test setup, …) and some router is moved from one place to another - just move it’s particular folder into another installation.

Secrets may also be stored on several levels (local secrets, global secrets).

A similar approach may be used for Lovelace (dashboards, views, decluttering- (described here), button-card-templates & a brand new config-template-card global vars).


What am I missing? My sensors never show up in states!

this is what I did using your expamples.

made a folder templates, in it folder sensors and binary_sensors in those folders I placed yaml files with a sensor for instance, when I make a typo in them or leave out the word sensor: I get an error when i update template entites so ha looks in those files, that works some how


configuration. yaml

  - sensor: !include_dir_merge_list templates/sensors/
  - binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list templates/binary_sensors/

in directory config/templates/sensors - file verbruik.yaml

# template sensor:

-   name: "waterverbruik looptijd"
    unique_id: '8775766800'
    unit_of_measurement: "sec"
    value_template: >
        {% set t = this.state if states('input_boolean.kraan_aan_uit') == 'off' else now().timestamp() - states.input_boolean.kraan_aan_uit.last_changed.timestamp() %}
        {{ t | round(2, 'common') }}

I used names with and without “” that did not matter, problem is HA does not register nor use those sensors I defined ???

het origineel is dit.

- platform: template
          friendly_name: Durée d'écoulement de l'eau principale
          unit_of_measurement: "sec"
          value_template: >
            {% set t = this.state if states('input_boolean.eau_principale_on_off') == 'off' else now().timestamp() - states.input_boolean.eau_principale_on_off.last_changed.timestamp() %}
            {{ t | round(2, 'common') }}


  1. You need to remove the “sensor:” line from the top of the file.

  2. You are mixing up configuration syntax. The new style templates use “state:” instead of “value_template:”.

Check the dics to see the differences.