Static ip Hassos and Unraid

Hello everyone,
I just finished with setting up HassOS on Unraid; Hassio on unRaid! my router isnt able to set a static ip address for a MAC address, due to limited access from our ISP. Now i wanna set a static ip address, but i dont know if its possible to attach an USB drive to unraid. Any suggestions?

Option 1: use another device to discuss out in addresses. A pi with pihole works well for me.

Option 2: you can edit the network manager files in hassos directly.

how am i able to edit the network manager files in hassos ?

I am running on vbox and I therefore get a console. From that console I can edit


I believe you can do the same if you ssh to the base OS (not to he home assistant container).

PS I just did it and it works. In the default file the ipv4 section is


I changed mine to


where 20.1 is my gateway and 20.200 is the address i wanted, 20.126 is my dns server. Note the semicolons, especially at the end of the addresses1 line.

hello nickrout, how to get into the base os of hassOS?

Based on the install howto you pointed to in your first post, I would get in via:

Connect via VNC.

Hopefully you are seeing it boot at this point.
I let it run for a short time until it paused, then I hit enter to login as “root”
At the Hassio screen, enter ‘login’ to get to the host.

its not working… what am i doing wrong?
thanks :slight_smile:

vi is the only editor I have found in the base OS.

so i have to type “vi /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default”

Yes, but first familiarize yourself with vi, there are many tutorials on the net.

it works, but what network interface do i need to use for the smb share? i tried br0, but that isnt working …

I don’t have access to my hassio right now, but at the base os command prompt type

ip address show|grep 192

(assuming your IP address starts with 192, otherwise use your local numbering scheme) should show the device name.

thanks, i can see the SMB share through network discovery in windows, sadly im getting the following error:
Smb_addon config:
“workgroup”: “WORKGROUP”,
“username”: “homeassistant”,
“password”: “homeassistant”,
“interface”: “enp1s0”,
“allow_hosts”: [
SMB log:

SMB1.0 is enabled
Update 1: 1 updated the hostname in the hassio system settings, but no luck…
Update 2: reinstalled the addon, but still not working…
