Suddenly not able to access my home assistant

Try “ping homeassistant.local -4” to force using ipv4 instead of ipv6. That should tell you what the current ipv4 address is.

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This is a good tip for next time, thank you


Hi, I am experiencing a similar issue here.
I’m running HAOS on a VM in ProxMox. It was working well for a while, then suddenly stopped working.
I can’t reach it’s IP anymore. Can’t ping it also.
From inside the VM I can’t ping any other IP of the network.
Strangely, I can ping it’s IP during the shutdown and startup of the VM but when the prompt of the shell shows its IP the pinging stops again.
I have restored a backup of the working VM but the problem is still there. Nothing has changed in the midtime.
Going crazy…
Thank you for any suggestion.

The problem could be related to a restore of a Full Backup from a different virtual machine. Maybe the system is trying to communicate using a different network device, not present on the actual VM. How can I check this?
The underlying zigbee system is working, it responds as if the HA automation is working

Open Proxmox > Your HA VM > Click Console.

You should see your IP displayed just below the banner

Thank you for your time.
Of course I have checked this. I can’t ping that IP and, from the console of the VM, I can’t ping any other IP of the network, gateway included and ProxMox pve included. Strangely pinging is working during start and shutdown of the HAOS VM.

Hmm weird.

Here’s what I would try (in the following order)

  • Reboot the entire HA VM from proxmox.
  • Check your router for IPs you don’t recognise and try those.
  • Mess around with the ha network commands in that console and try to assign a different IP address.
  • Go nuclear & fire up a fresh VM & restore backup.

Everything already done.
what I see, is that I can ping the HAOS VM during its boot until the network script starts.
The same when the HAOS VM shutdown, just before it switches off.

Then I’m all out of ideas, sorry.
Double check your network config in Proxmox just in case, but otherwise, I’m as lost as you are.

How did you install the VM? I used tteck’s scripts and never had an issue.

tteck’s script too.
It runs well until I restore a HA full backup.
I think this backup contains some network configurations that forbid the VM to connect properly.

Ok, try one more time on a fresh VM, but this time restore the backup after you complete the onboarding process (create a dummy user). Keep pinging HA in the meantime.

If that still doesn’t work, you might have to unzip your backup and grab the configuration.yaml file from there, then inspect it for anything which might cause network issues.

This is the configuration.yaml

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

# Customization
  enable_quirks: true
  custom_quirks_path: /config/custom_zha_quirks


  host: a0d7b954-influxdb
  port: 8086
  database: homeassistant
  username: homeassistant
  password: HIDDEN
  max_retries: 3
  default_measurement: state

I can’t see anything special

Ok, try changing it to this and restore backup. It probably won’t work, but I’m basing this off the simplest possible configuration.yaml

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.




# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

If that doesn’t work, the only idea I have left is to start from scratch and copy over unzipped files from your previous backups one at a time (except for the includes - you need those to be there) until something breaks.

I think I have found the problem. Going to explain it, because it could be useful for other people.
I saw that i could ping the VM during the boot and shutdown procedure so I investigated what could change the network behavior of the OS after startup and… found it!
It was a ZeroTier plugin misconfiguration!
I Disabled the HAOS system on the ZeroTier website and ta-dah! online again!
Thank you for the assistance! I love Home Assistant so much now :slight_smile:

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Good evening,

I am running HA Green and I had a very strange adventure this evening, which I would like to share and ask you to help me find out the root cause so I can eliminate such behaviour in future, MANY thanks in advance for your kind help and ideas:

All day today everything was perfectly OK and just all of the sudden around 18:30 I am not able to access the GUI at all… (the app nor the web interface). I have:

  • checked the router, it is OK, all devices connected work well
  • checked ethernet cable, it is OK, switched with another device (so the router port is fine too…)
  • checked the HA if it is connected to my LAN, it is - I can see it on my router admin website, IP has not changed (it is fixed)
  • had a power cycle with 5 min waiting time, no change
  • button gracefull reset, no change
  • pinging the IP works:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=518 ttl=64 time=9.676 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=519 ttl=64 time=14.229 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=520 ttl=64 time=13.202 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=521 ttl=64 time=4.366 ms

— ping statistics —
522 packets transmitted, 331 packets received, 36.6% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.881/1117.448/184545.610/14223.622 ms

Trying to connect from my computer gives “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” + “server declined connection”, trying to connect from Terminus with ssh was unsuccessful…

Around 19:59 suddenly HA started to get up. I had couple of reconfiguration notifications etc., but the most worrying were 3 repair warnings:

One more IMPORTANT information: few days ago I have moved my HA data to external ssd.

What I have done afterwards:

  • downloaded the latest full backup to my computer ( :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:)
  • started restoring the latest backup to my HA
  • it has taken quite a while but the HA has been recovered fully

TBH I am quite confused if the new ssd is not corrupt. I will have to investigate possible transfer of data back to HA and exchange of the ssd just in case.

The final question is, from your experience:

what to do not to let such thing happen again? Please kindly advise…

many thanks again!

My first guess would be insufficient power to handle both the Green and the external SSD you just added.

What power supply are you using? If you didn’t upgrade your power supply to factor in your new SSD, then you might want to upgrade or connect your SSD via an independently powered USB hub.

Thanks a lot. The ssd has no external power option. I was using the original HA Green power unit. I would not expect (nor have I found anywhere in the ssd data move instructions) that the ssd required extra power. It was working fine for at least a week… I thought the usb port delivers sufficient power for the ssd to work fine…

Then use a powered usb hub like I suggested.
There’s plenty of other threads here about this issue. Granted, most of them are about the Pi, but the same principle applies.

Thank you. I will give it a try.

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Can you pls direct me to any discussion thread/info that describes that kind off issue? I googled quite a lot but could not find anything. Thanks a lot! J

EDIT: added a powered hub and ssd over it, seems to work for couple of days with no issues, fingers crossed it stays this way…

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