Support for Security Camera System via NVR - ESeeCloud/dvr163

I did right after your last message. Now hoping they are as responsive and accommodating as in your case. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Thanks for the guidance!

Hi everyone. Iā€™ve also been trying to connect my icatch DVR to home assistant for some time, but Iā€™ve never found a solution. I created a topic about it some time ago (Help Need: Integrate icatch dvr into Home Assistant, Headers in FFMpeg Camera Platform). Now I came across this topic and I hope that I have found a solution. the problem is that I canā€™t find the url for a high quality video stream. I have analyzed a connection with wireshark when I use the native DVR app (socatch). you can find the results in my topic. I have never used wireshark but seeing the tcp flow I understood that there is a get request to the path ā€œ/cgi-bin/net_video.cgi?hq=0&iframe=65535&pframe=65535&audio=0ā€. below I found a ā€œMagicā€ parameter which I believe is internal to the app. the dvr has 16 channels but it seems that the connection towards a single path (even changing cameras from the app, the request remains the same). I have tried to setup go2rtc in various ways (many described in the documentation) without having any success. Does anyone know how to help me?

Hello again,

as you suggested I contacted my NVR manufacturer and they sent me the following firmware:


Can you confirm what firmware did you receive?

The reason I am asking is that I donā€™t see any option for RTSP server:

That screenshot is after the update to version

I will seek further support from the manufacturer but since they take a bit of time to reply I am exhausting my options.

In post 108 of this thread I saw this:

As you can see the firmware version is in all, identical to mine minus the fact that it is version
and the build date is 7 months earlier.


for comparison:

  • FWHI36D_20211021_W-NVR_K8208-W_3_2_0_2_9013160200_RELEASE.rom
  • FWH136D_20210310_W-NVR_K8208-W_3_1_6_0_9013160200.rom

Kind regards,

Hi Stefano,

just texting in case you missed my previous posts.
Desperate for help!

Kind regards,

Hello @Ilias,
Unfortunately Iā€™m trying to remeber but i cantā€¦ I have tried wireshark also with mine DVR and i canā€™t find the stringsā€¦ but i remember that i have read somewhere the strings in some wireshark dumpā€¦

Itā€™s really strange that you have a different URL for streamingā€¦

Iā€™ll trying the last thing using and old windows version with Internet Explorer to check where i have seen the bubble string.

Best regards

Thanks @Wes93

What model of NVR do you have? Is it K8208-W by any chance?

I have my nvr camera working with bobble protocol for a long time now suddenly it is not working anymore. I have upgaded to 1.7.1 but the addonn do not start at all and log only say :
13:06:15.438 INF go2rtc version 1.7.1 linux/arm64
13:06:15.440 INF [api] listen addr=
13:06:15.441 INF [rtsp] listen addr=
13:06:15.442 INF [webrtc] listen addr=
with or without yaml file log always show this addon do not start at all and log only show if i restart hassio and not when i restart the addon
In log viewver i have nothing but addon is red with ā€œthe add-on is stoppedā€
it is possible to use a previous release because 1.5 stopped working but it stars

my yaml


Salone: bubble://xxxxxx:80/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
GiardinoFronte: bubble://xxxxxx:80/bubble/live?ch=1&stream=0
GiardinoRetro: bubble://xxxxxx2:80/bubble/live?ch=2&stream=0
GiardinoLato: bubble://xxxxx:80/bubble/live?ch=3&stream=0

level: info # default level
api: trace
exec: debug
ngrok: info
rtsp: warn
streams: error
webrtc: fatal

This is my NVR model N8216-2

Try to write to Alexx here:

Hi again,

just wanted to let you know that although I reached nowhere with bubble source, I got it resolved by firmware update.
Now I have RTSP server enabled on the NVR.

Thank you @Grauwulf!

I have it finally integrated with HA :smiley: of course using the AlexxITs awesome go2rtc. Thank you @AlexxIT for the outstanding work!

Thank you @Wes93 for all your contributions.

Love the HA community!
If only the world was run by open source communities. It would have been paradise.

Perfect, iā€™m happy that you have solved your problem :smiley:

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Iā€™m glad you got it sorted!

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Hello, thanks to the superb work of @AlexxIT I was able to install go2rtc and with the bubble command I receive the stream from my cameras.

How can I put this video stream on my HA dashboard?

Hi all,
I have a REIGY W-NVR K8210-3WS and Iā€™m trying to find a proper way to set the cameras in frigate but so far without success.

I have frigate install on a NAS Docker and firgate integration on my HA.
Everything works fine but I cannot see the cameras of the above NVR in frgiate

Iā€™m not sure what is the best way to try:

  1. Bubble command: I have succesfully downloade the version 1.7.2 of go2rtc in the docker config of frigate but not sure it is is enough or what are the next step.
  2. Try to update the firmware: not able to find it someone have the same NVR

The current frigate config is:

      - "bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=6&stream=0"
      - "ffmpeg:mjpeg_cam#video=h264#hardware"
  parcheggio: # <------ Name the camera
        - path: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=6&stream=0 # <----- Update for your camera
        - -headers
        - "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46"
      input_args: preset-rtsp-restream
        - path: rtsp://
            - detect
            - record

parcheggio and mjpeg_cam are two config attempts for the same NVR camera but both fails is the IP and Port of the NVR

Any help?

Hello again,
Iā€™ve almost managed to configure my DVR, but I canā€™t get a video stream. When using go2rtc, it shows a ā€œloadingā€ message, but nothing more.
I would like to provide more information that might be helpful. I have a DVR from the brand iCatch. To operate it, it uses a Chinese app called ā€œiWatchDVRā€ for PC/Mac or ā€œSoCatchā€ on the mobile version. Iā€™ve tried contacting the manufacturer, but I havenā€™t received any response. Unfortunately, it seems that the connection is not through RTSP but through HTTP.
Iā€™ve discovered that itā€™s managed by a Hi3520 chip, which seems to be connectable through bubble source, but I havenā€™t been able to configure it.
By sniffing with Wireshark and connecting through the app, Iā€™ve found that the app obtains the stream by connecting to this address:
The complete request is:

GET /cgi-bin/net_video.cgi?hq=0&iframe=65535&pframe=65535&audio=0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ............
Magic: 406F8261-B1E0-4A7C-9888-6949F5APEC9F

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--myboundary

Content-Type: application/octet-stream

I canā€™t understand what is this ā€œMagicā€ parameter, does someone know what it is?
The strange thing is that the request doesnā€™t specify a specific channel, but it seems that the URL is always the same.
Furthermore, I canā€™t figure out the encoding used by the app.
Iā€™ve connected to the URL through go2rtc, but as I mentioned earlier, I only see the ā€œloadingā€ message.
Does anyone know how I can configure it? Iā€™ve been trying to set it up for years, and go2rtc seems like the right road.

my config and some screenshot:

  casameomartini: "http://admin:[email protected]:9000/cgi-bin/net_video.cgi?hq=1&iframe=65535&pframe=65535&audio=65535"
  casameomartini2: "bubble://admin:[email protected]:9000/cgi-bin/net_video.cgi?hq=1&iframe=65535&pframe=65535&audio=65535"
  casameomartini3: dvrip://admin:[email protected]:9000/cgi-bin/net_video.cgi?hq=1&iframe=65535&pframe=65535&audio=65535
  casameomartini4: http://admin:[email protected]:9000/

In order for every stream:

Hi All, first thanks to anyone that studied and worked on it in last several years, im writing just to share my experience in order to keep trace and help the ones that have my same device (K9608-W).

First some data:
Device name: NVR
Device Model: K9608-W
HW Version: 2.1.0
SW Version:
Realdatetime: 12/08/2019 16:16
HTTP Port: 80

I have installed an instance of Home Assistant supervised on a debian virtual machine in VirtualBox by setting the network adapter as ā€œbridgedā€, and then i just installed the go2rtc plugin in Home Assistant by following instructions here GitHub - AlexxIT/go2rtc: Ultimate camera streaming application with support RTSP, RTMP, HTTP-FLV, WebRTC, MSE, HLS, MP4, MJPEG, HomeKit, FFmpeg, etc.

Then, once installed and added on left menu the go2rtc link, i clicked on it and on the top button ā€œConfigā€, then i wrote these lines to let it work (i think that is a very similar configuration used by someone else in this thread):

  NVRCH1MainStream: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
  NVRCH2MainStream: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=1&stream=0
  NVRCH3MainStream: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=2&stream=0

Save changes and click on Stream button on the Top of page; here select all the cams that you want to see by clicking on the checkbox and click on ā€œstreamā€ grey button, if all goes good you should be able to see the streams.

Just few IMPORTANT notes:
-You have to use the correct credentials, if you dont have a password just use ā€œ[ā€¦] bubble://admin:@IP_ADDR [ā€¦]ā€
-You HAVE to use the web port (often 80 but check your network configuration) NOT the command or client port
-Channel numbers starts from 0 not from 1
-The stream 0 is the stream in high resolution but is little heavier while stream 1 is in low resolution but lighter

Hope this could help or be interessant for someone.
Thanks All :wink:

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Hi @Ilias!
Can you provide step-by-step guide how to do that?

I have upgraded to and enable RTSP server (Also there is options like Chromecast and Alexa)
(download fw from here)

but canā€™t uderstand what to do next. There is a lot of meassages in thread

from docker container

go2rtc           | 23:44:01.798 INF go2rtc version 1.8.5 linux/arm64
go2rtc           | 23:44:01.800 INF [rtsp] listen addr=:8554
go2rtc           | 23:44:01.800 INF [api] listen addr=:1984
go2rtc           | 23:44:01.801 INF [webrtc] listen addr=:8555
go2rtc           | 23:48:21.195 INF go2rtc version 1.8.5 linux/arm64
go2rtc           | 23:48:21.198 INF [api] listen addr=:1984
go2rtc           | 23:48:21.198 INF [rtsp] listen addr=:8554
go2rtc           | 23:48:21.199 INF [webrtc] listen addr=:8555
go2rtc           | 23:48:34.929 ERR > error="streams: dial tcp XXXXX:80: i/o timeout"
  NVRCH1MainStream: bubble://admin:pass@XXXXX:80/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
  test: rtsp://admin:pass@XXXXX:80/ch0_0.264

btw rtsp://admin:pass@IP:80/ch0_0.264 from manual

Hello, have you figured it out? I have the same firmware installed (unit: K8210-3WS) and the above mentioned methods for showing the video stream of the nvr donā€™t seem to work for me.

Which firmware did you end up with? Do you have a link to it maybe? Best regarts.