System Monitoring - How does yours look?

win 10 pro

You can use Open Hardware Monitor and this sensor:


Looks really nice, is this all custom built?

I’ll try tomorrow and update, tx!

For those of you that asked questions, let me know what part of the config you’re interested in. It uses the button card, mini graph card and the bar card. The data comes from the router (Asuswrt), glances and the speedtest plugin

you can have more control of your Asuswrt router to control Adblock, Firewall, VPN etc remotely

do i need to install it on the Ubuntu virtual machine?
if so, would you mind explain how, i couldn’t find how to do it.
i managed to run on the windows 10.

configuration.yaml, i put the ip of the windows machine, is that correct? do i need to component to folders in ha?

windows 10 + virtual machine

No, you need to install it on the host machine.

i just ran the application as admin, but i cant see anything in Hassio, rebooted.
firewall is off on windows and disabled on Ubuntu, do i need to do something more?

Resolved, my mistake was not to start the web server

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Hey @klogg would you mind sharing your sensor configs for your Component Counts?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Number of Sensors'
        value_template: >
          {%- set domains = ['sensor'] -%}
          {%- for domain in domains -%}
            {%- for item in states[domain] -%}
              {% if loop.first %}
              {% endif %}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endfor -%}

you know the rest :slight_smile:

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Cheers Jim.

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Nothing Fancy


Huh. It doesn’t work for the shell_command domain.

I only really run one shell_command and it is no longer showing up so I can’t test for you

It’s ok the sensors have served their purpose and been commented out for possible future use. I don’t really need these counts on a constant basis.

Getting there slowly!

How do you get the pi-hole and plex data? Also the docker card, does that show whether the container is running? Does clicking it restart the container? Can you share the card config for each of those cards. Nice setup BTW :smile:

The pi-hole and plex data are both from the official components, using the custom mini graph card. The plex user info below it is a template sensor (I haven’t got this to add a break between users though annoyingly). Pi-hole has a switch to disable it also. The docker card shows which containers are running and lets you stop/start them too.

I’ve popped my config on to pastebin for you, lemme know if I’ve missed anything. plex user sensor:- platform: template sensors: plex_users: -