Tasmota updates only every 5min and not 3sec


I’m using a “read head” with tasmota for my energy meter. If I’m using the web interface of tasmoto, to current power updates every 3sec but in homeassistant the value updates only every 5min. For the total delivery and total consumed power it is ok, but for the current power I would have a “current” update.

I did not find any configuration so I hope of you help.

so long…


teleperiod 10

in the Tasmota console.

See current value and force publish STATE and SENSOR message
0 = disable telemetry messages
1 = reset telemetry period to firmware default (TELE_PERIOD)
10..3600 = set telemetry period in seconds (default = 300)

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Thank for both replies. PowerDelta is what I need, but actually the command is unknown and therefor I use TelePeriod like mentioned. Thanks a lot!