I don’t really know your running configurations, but custom_components should stay in the same directory as your configuration.yaml, maybe /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/config/custom_components ?
Could you please show the output of:
ls -l /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
ls -l /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components
ls -l /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/climate
The on/off means the the working status of Netatmo thermostat, as the controller of your boiler, you can turn it off during summer, for example, while keep it working as a thermostat. Boiler status means the heating status, if your boiler is heating or not.
thanks @Baosong_Shan
then the issue is, i have the boiler heating and i see the status in mode idle in hass
is there any way to force refresh status for boiler_status…?
and other question, have you experience working with tiemme electronic for boilers…?
Pay attention to the icons at the bottom. What is weird is that on my screenshot, it looks like the Thermostat is set in manual mode when it is in “scheduled” or “auto”.
Nothing major here but a little suggestion of improvement
The refresh latency, now the update rate is 5 minutes, of course this can be adjusted from the code.
The state heat or idle reflects the commanding status sent from the Netatmo thermostat to the boiler, which may not reflect the status of the boiler. For example, if your boiler is heating because someone is taking a shower, the boiler_status in HA may stay idle since the temperature is above the setting.