Tiemme 4Heat Stove WiFi Controller

Is the “set stove boiler target” done and how can we use it?

An error occurs when adding the integration, what could it be?
Model: Moretti Design Aqua Vision (Vision - Moretti Design)

can you ping ? try also telnet to it on port 80. I didn’t have any problems installing it.

The stove seam not to respond accurately (see conversation above)
The hint of @11125 is a good starting point.

I already made the integration, however it is not working correctly (wnºC)


2022-03-05 20:03:54 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [custom_components.4heat.coordinator] Update error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

2022-03-05 20:03:54 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.4heat.switch] ‘30001’

2022-03-05 20:03:54 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.4heat.switch] ‘30002’

2022-03-05 20:04:54 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.4heat.coordinator] Update error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

2022-03-05 20:04:54 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.4heat.switch] ‘30001’

2022-03-05 20:04:54 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.4heat.switch] ‘30002’

2022-03-05 20:05:54 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.4heat.coordinator] Update error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

2022-03-05 20:05:54 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.4heat.switch] ‘30001’

2022-03-05 20:05:54 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.4heat.switch] ‘30002’

Here is a little troubleshooting you can do. My advice is to set the 4Heat with a fixed IP address, so the address doesn’t change over time (depending on the DHCP server).


  • click the win key and type CMD, the command prompt app you

  • a screen like this will pop up

  • start the command prompt app and type this command: Ping <4heat IP address> (in my case it is This is the photo of a valid response.

  • anything else it is not ok. Receiving this valid result is sign that the device is responsive


  • Download Putty app from here.
    on the download folder, find the app and start it. (no installation required)

  • you should get a screen like this

  • enter these values replacing my IP with yours.

  • click open and a blank screen will pop up

  • type this command: ["SEL","0"] then press the Enter key

  • if you get a response like this, you are good to go, the 4heat is working. If you have still problems there is some HA setting wrong. Maybe the IP?

I got a lot of ‘unavailable’ states with the new version. At the last one, was all ok, anything changed?

don’t work :X

Also in my case I encountered the same problem

what’s your machine (brand and model)?

I have about the same:

I have to think of a solution for that, cause it looks like the stove is sometimes unresponsive.

@all Please provide brand name and model of your stoves cause Home Assistant is going to add a feature to find integrations by brand name.

Moretti Design Aqua Vision 18 kW

Hi all,

Nice project! did anyone tried this with serial RS232 communication? because my 4Heat module experiences issues with the wifi (it disconnects after some days, only factory reset helps)

So i want to implement this with serial communication to the mainboard of the pallet stove (SY400 controller board.

@VenMark you might look there

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check if the stove is in block mode (error on the display) (i get the ERR msg only if the stove is blocked)
in order for the 4heat to work, it should be enabled in the settings menu on the stove itself)

I was thinking of this.
How about introducing variable Timer (since the last successful update). So if the connection is not available, just ignore it, don’t change the values, let the old values stay. We would know from the timer how many seconds passed since the last successful update, the last state of the stove.

To set a value via service you have to do following:

Pick a entity with marker “B”

Then Call the service on it:

And the value is set as you see in the first picture by the drop from 28 to 27 for the target temp.

Notice that the sensor only value has a “J” Marker:

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I didn’t try to connect directly to the serial port. Coz if I frack it up, it’s still a heating season in here, my family members would conspire against me :slight_smile: Bigger problem is that the electronics are in high demand.
First, I would connect to the port directly (USB 2 RS232 cable) to check if the commands are accepted. If they are working: there are nice ESP32 serial bridge projects smth like wifi to serial. They seem to be a nice cheap working solution to this since I paid my 4heat 70€. And i am even convinced the unavailability would be solved with this solution. Maybe we can do this spring/summer time.


now it feels closer to the completion of this project.
I used input_nimber helper, and 2 automation, 1 for when the helper is changed, 1 for when the stove target temp is changed.