TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Any way to use friendy names in input select field? The values currently shown are the values used in automations, but are not “friendly names”

Try TYPES.LIGHT instead of TYPES.COVER to get the icon.

Dear @resoai , how can i make tile with to work with anonymus functions? Im on unversioned tileboard.

Did you mean width? I don’t think it is possible.

Sorry, yes, tile width. I need to dynamic change the with based on time of the day

This would mean that geometry of all dashboard needs to be constantly recalculated and redrawn which is something we are trying to avoid.

I wanted only for a tile that shows history of outside temperature. Right now i make it to change only on page refresh, but is not ok

see my screenshot

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Is there an easy way to manually update to the latest MDI set? Looking for mdi-light-recessed. Thanks!

Tile TYPES.IMAGE is not reloading the image instead is serving from cache.
I make some screenshots with my door camera and i need the to be reloaded when are shown on tileboard.
Any chance to get this working @resoai ? thanks

You need to add a random string in query string just like it is being done in camera tiles.

i try like this but no success:

                    position: [0, 0],
                    type: TYPES.IMAGE,
                    width: 9,
                    height: 6,
                    id: {},
                    state: !1,
                    refresh: 1500,
                    url: "../../local/tmp/screenshot.jpg?_="+ Date.now(),

As far as I remember IMAGE does not have refresh. Why don’t you just use CAMERA and override url in filter?

something its not working, image is not loaded, its shows camera stream.
later edit:
solved using your ideea:

                    position: [0, 0],
                    type: TYPES.IMAGE,
                    width: 9,
                    height: 6,
                    id: {},
                    state: !1,
                    url: function(){
                        var min=new Date().getMinutes()
                        return "http://" + location.hostname + ":8123/local/tmp/screenshot.jpg?_=" + min},

using Math.random() was giving some angular error: $rootScope:infdig - Infinite $digest Loop
thanks man.
hope you help me with that dynamic width too…

Hello. I’am new to tileboard and started to use this amazing tool and have a question. i would like to start the tileboard screensaver when a certain entity in home assistant switches from off to on. I added the following in the config.js file under events but it is not working (and i ám new so probably i’am doing something wrong). I hope someone can help!

   events: [
      /* Example: Start the screensaver on a tablet with Fully Kiosk Browser */
        /* command: The command sent from Home Assistant */
        command: 'screen_off',
        /* action: Function to execute when the command is received
         * The variable e contains the full event_data from HomeAssistant
        action: function(e) {

and in de automation.yaml file the following:

- alias: stop screensaver
  initial_state: true
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.gang_tussendeur_sensor
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    - event: tileboard
        command: 'screen_off'


I have a Gauge tile acting up…

Its the outside temperature range from -30 to 30 c.
However, the gauge is falling off after a little while and only a page refresh fixes it.
In the screenshot its 1C, and the gauge should be around the top, at “12 a clock”

Is this a bug, or can’t I have a negative number on minimum?

Skjermbilde 2021-11-09 kl. 17.44.45

   position: [0, 0],
   width: 1,
   height: 1,
   title: 'Temperatur Ute',
   subtitle: 'Battery: &sensor.netatmo_outdoor_battery_percent.state %',
   state: false,
   type: TYPES.GAUGE,
   id: 'sensor.netatmo_outdoor_temperature', // Assign the sensor you want to display on the gauge
   value: function(item, entity){
      return entity.state;
   settings: {
      size: 180, // Defaults to 50% of either height or width, whichever is smaller
      type: 'semi', // Options are: 'full', 'semi', and 'arch'. Defaults to 'full'
      min: -30, // Defaults to 0
      max: 30, // Defaults to 100
      cap: 'round', // Options are: 'round', 'butt'. Defaults to 'butt'
      thick: 10, // Defaults to 6
      //label: 'My Gauge', // Defaults to undefined
      append: '@attributes.unit_of_measurement', // Defaults to undefined
      //prepend: '$', // Defaults to undefined
      duration: 1000, // Defaults to 1500ms
      thresholds: { 0: { color: 'green'}, 25: { color: 'red' } },  // Defaults to undefined
      labelOnly: false, // Defaults to false
      foregroundColor: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 1)', // Defaults to rgba(0, 150, 136, 1)
      backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', // Defaults to rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
      fractionSize: 0, // Number of decimal places to round the number to. Defaults to current locale formatting

Hey Brady, sorry for not showing up for so long. This Tile in real is a stack of five different tiles:

  1. Gauge with actual temp
  2. Gauge with target temp
  3. On/Off-Button
  4. Up-Button
  5. Down-Button

For the target temp’s gauge I had to alter the css for an offset to the actual temp’s gauge. Maybe there’s a smarter solution for that I didn’t find.

And finally, there are 3 Scripts for turning on/off and in-/decrease the target temp.

Maybe not the most elegant solution, but works quite well. Improvements highly appreciated! :wink:

To geht the idea I put the codes in pastebins:

Tiles: Heating-Tile HA Tileboard - Pastebin.com
CSS: CSS Heating-Tile HA Tileboard - Pastebin.com
Scripts: Scripts Heating-Tile HA Tileboard - Pastebin.com

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I try new approach, if the width cant be dynamic set, how about adding time until midnight?
So, if it is 6 pm, the chart will show values untill 6pm because there is a value, and nothing untill the end of the day.
Can this be made?

Hello, I am having some problem with text.list type. I am having difficutlties getting my sensor to display the value.

                     position: [3.75, 2.25],
                     width: 2.25,
                     height: 0.75,
                     //title: 'Xiaomi Vacuum Stats',
                     id: {}, // since we are binding each list item to different sensor, so we simply use an empty object
                     type: TYPES.TEXT_LIST,
                     state: false,
                     list: [
                           title: 'Level 7 Last Vacuum Time',
                           icon: 'mdi:timer',
                           value: '&sensor.lvl_7_vacuum_last_clean_end'
                           title: 'Main Brush Status',
                           icon: 'mdi:timer',
                           value: '&sensor.lvl_7_vacuum_main_brush_left'
                           title: 'Side Brush Status',
                           icon: 'mdi:timer',
                           value: '&sensor.lvl_7_vacuum_side_brush_left'

                           title: 'Filter',
                           icon: 'mdi:timer',
                           value: '&sensor.lvl_7_vacuum_filter_left'

                           title: 'Sensor Dirty Status',
                           icon: 'mdi:timer',
                           value: '&sensor.lvl_7_vacuum_sensor_dirty_left'


it instead, display this

in my home assistant, the sensors are working well.

Why doesn’t the state on Device_tracker show in themes: Material and Homekit?
Is this a known error? (been flushing cache and stuff)

Apply .state after sensor name.
eg: &sensor.lvl_7_vacuum_last_clean_end.state