TP-Link Smart Home integration authentication

Hi! I noticed that after each restart of the system, the TP-Link Smart Home integration must be re-authenticated.
Are there others who have this problem?

RPi 4
Core 2024.4.3 Supervisor 2024.04.0 Operating System 12.2 Frontend 20240404.2

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Yes I have had this since the latest HA update to 2024.4.4. Have re-authorised several times but the notification returns. The devices themselves seem unaffected though and continue to work as expected.


Same for me. Does not affect all devices but some plugs are showing this problem since the last updates. Authentication seems to be lost every few hours.

I have the same problem.
I don’t know how is it for you, but for me is pretty bothering :frowning:
I’m thinking to replace all the TP-Links plugs, but I have a considerable amount and I’m not so happy with this expense…yet…
Did anybody find some solution on this?

Later edit
I deleted the Tapo Controller custom integration and I’m using only TP-Link Smart Home HA core integration.
Everything is just fine.