Whew, I finally have it 90% working. I just bought the Treatlife DS03, installed localtuya and got that working but the DPS was a little different than what was posted here.
Name: fan light switch
Host: automatically filled in (but DIFFERENT than what is in IoT Tuya!)
Local key: [from IoT Tuya]
Protocol 3.4
Enable debugging: not checked
Scan interval: not set
Dpid to send: LEAVE BLANK
Entities: I started with light
Configure entity DP101(state false as the physical switch was off) with type light
Friendly name: living room light
Brightness: 6(value 396 as I had adjusted on the physical switch)
Brightness lower value: 1 (lowered from 100)
Brightness upper value: left at default 1000
Minimum color temperature: left at default 2700
Maximum color temperature: left at default 6500
Configure entity dp1 with type fan
Friendly name: living room fan
Fan speed: 3(value: 1)
Forward dps string: forward
Reverse dpw string: reverse
Minimum fan speed: 1
Maximum fan speed: 4
Fan speed modes list: enabled
Dp value type: str
This should have given me 1 device with 2 entities, however even though I unchecked add another entity, HA forced me to setup 6 more devices, which I just left as switches. (DPS 3 again, (though it had been used already), DPS 6 again, DPS 105 (value of 20, not sure what this is), DPS 108, and DPS 196 (value of mode 3, which is something in the Tuya Smart app).
Now while the Fan (finally!) works great, it has on/off, and speeds 1-4. BUT the dimmer is busted. And oddly it is busted in HA, in the Tuya Smart app, and on the physical switch itself. It can turn on/off, but the brightness is maxed out. I wonder if something physically burned out in the switch, and I need a new switch.
Any of you have the physical switch buttons stop working?
Edit: next day I figured it out. Turns out if you cut power to the switch it resets it. Not that I needed to add it again, but it did start working. So I just needed to flip the breaker back and forth.