Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

Ha! Well done! I think I had mentioned it to him last year, but still well done!

This is really impressive! I want one. Iā€™ll have to keep an eye out for when you get more available. Do you know if xiaomi devices will work with it? They are great little sensors but donā€™t work for crap with almost any router.

it uses the 3.x.0 Z-Stack firmware available here:

itā€™s Zigbee 3.0 I have not tested extensively with xiaomi device but will put a couple on mine in the next day or too and see how that go.

Great project! What are the physical dimensions of the board? I would love to put a few of these in individual Polycase GS Series with a HLK-PM03 to supply power, for a more permanent mounting solution.

the PCB is 50mm diameter.

need clearance for the pin header used to flash the module.

Perfect! Thank you! That should work nicely.

Quality Control check timeā€¦ fresh from the oven.


Let us know when we can buy one of these puppies.

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Iā€™ll post here, but I also added an email subscription to the store,and Iā€™ll email that list when stocks available.

I just posted another small batch, only a few remain - I gave those who signed up for emails a head start.

This will be the last stock I have for a bit. Out of my initial stock of the zigbee modules. In talks with the manufacturer to get a larger quantity, but they are only just ramping up production now following the Chinese New Year. Iā€™ll know more on timing next week.


if anyone is looking for a coordinator, I have 5 4 2 - 0 in stock. out of stock for next few weeks. some coordinators based on the EFR32 radio in a few days hopefully.


I wish you released this back in December before I migrated from the Nortek stick to the Conbee2.

Just out of curiousity thoughā€¦how does this work with ZHA? I thought the coordinator needed to be directly attached to the Hassio box (ie usb) for it to work with ZHA.

Nevermindā€¦just noticed the ā€œDocumentationā€ link with all the needed details.

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Since ZHA is based on python stack of libs, the underlying libraries all use pyserial for interfacing with the serial devices. Last summer when the Sonoff Wifi bridge came out I dug into this, and discovered that pyserial natively supported networked serial ports. I just didnā€™t like the sonoff for relying on WifI for a connection that needs to be up all the time.

in ZHA you just manually specify the device as socket://host:port and it works!

I see you edit, but will leave this for the history lol

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I know I could probably get his info via google but I prefer to ask SMEā€™s (and Iā€™m lazy :wink: )
What are the real world benefits you have seen with using your coordinator with the CC2652 module over older sticks like the Nortek or Conbee2? I can guess that at a minimum it would give much better range (antenna) and probably a lot more directly connected devices.

the 2 that motivated me:

keep my HA box in a closet or back corner of my house/basement and more centrally locate the coordinator. also could locate it away from RF from servers etc.

seeing all the trouble folks had with USB passthrough with sticks when using HA with a VM platform. this eliminates the trouble.


Whatā€™s the difference between the cc2652p2 and the cc2652r chips? Pardon my ignorance I tried researching online and couldnā€™t find a comparison

Did you ever get a chance to test the Xiaomi devices against this - would certainly be interested if it works reliably with those.

the p2 has a built in power amplifier thatā€™s the difference, otherwise itā€™s the same radio chipset.

Iā€™ve been beta testing this gateway for a few weeks with 40+ aqara sensors with zero issues.


Look what I got in the mail today.

My zigbee is ready! :clap: