Currently the “light” UI for a dimmer is almost the same as “switch UI” except for the icon.
There is just an on/off switch.
When clicking for more-info, there is a slider to set brightness, but it is only available when the light is on.
I could create a group consisting of two scenes (turn_on, turn_off) and a input_slider for the required functionality, but it is just not neat enough.
What do you think about a new UI for dimmers either by default or selectable via yaml param?
The options I thought about:
Change 1) [smallest change] Make the ‘brightness’ in more-info available even when the light is of. This way it is possible to slight-turn the lights without turning them on first.
Change 2) In addition to (1) add the slider to the main view. Something like the “cover” UI but with slider and different icon.
Change 3) [Unrelated to previous two] change the state attribute from ‘on’/‘off’ to a numeric state of brightness. This will allow to save it to history and base automation upon it (if it changed externally via a physical button, for example)
I could implement this, but I’m wondering if people would like such a thing or prefer the current UI.
I like this idea, especially Option 2. If Option 2 and/or Option 3 were to be implemented, maybe we should include the ability to define the lowest/highest dimming setting. Here’s the scenario for why:
A dimmer switch I bought has a minimum dimmable setting, which in this case is 6%. Anything between 0% < 6% is still considered ON by HASS, but the connected light is visibly off since the dimmer cannot dim that low. This would prevent HASS from setting the switch to 1-5%, instead it would “snap” to 0% (off). The same switch also flickers if dimmed 85% < 100%, as long as it’s not at 100%. This would prevent HASS from setting the switch to 86-99%, instead it would “snap” to 100% (on).
Yes, I’m suggesting adding a slider to the “main” screen of the dimmer. But the concern raised in that post is valid - it will take a lot of screen space on mobile.
How about controlling it with the customization section in yaml?
Here are 2 proposed UIs.
UI1: Everything on 1 line.
UI2: Everything on 1 line if there is enough space, otherwise slider and toggle move to the second line aligned to the right.