[Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card

Wow that was fast!!!

However, I don’t seem to be able to make the new stacked option work. The option is simply ignored. This is my configuration:

type: custom:history-explorer-card
cardName: historycard-90749938
defaultTimeRange: 2w
  - type: bar
      height: 360
      interval: daily
      stacked: true
      - entity: sensor.contatore_underground_esclusa_lavatrice_f1
        color: '#ea3380'
      - entity: sensor.contatore_underground_esclusa_lavatrice_f23
        color: '#33eaa0'

Make sure you really have the right version of the card. Check the browser console and look at the card version string.

It all fixed automagically today, as I turned on my PC.
I F5-ed and CTRL+F5-ed all Home Assistant webpages yesterday, to no avail. Who knows! :man_shrugging:t2:

Thank you for this Christmas gift! :heart_on_fire:

Next time open Dev-Tools. Goto Network Tab, Set disable cache and reload. Much more robust than the tries with the CTRL-F5s.


As Arganto said, the best way is to go over the dev console with disabled cache. Some browsers can be super sticky with cached content. Usually it works fine when you update over HACS, but not always.

Glad you got it working though.

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Another option is to press F12 (developer tools) then just right-click on refresh icon and select last option (clear cache and hard reload). Just CTRL+F5 doesn’t clear javascripts and similar (if i remember correctly).

This is not available in every browser even not on some on chrome-basis (e.g. Vivaldi). So my advice is more general.

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I would love to contribute. I love this card and its (growing) Features!
Unfortunately Life is atm really challenging, for procrastinating I play a bit with HA, but right now is not the Time to contribute to a Project. I hope Things get sorted out soon, and then I’d love to contribute, at least a Bit.

Thanks again for that awesome Card!

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So I’d like some guidance on improving my graph for fuel-prices.
I have an integration getting fuel-prices from gas-stations near me, and a template-sensor which gives the lowest price among all stations.
It is nice to see in the short-term graph, but prices fluctuate on a weekly basis, so I’d rather have a bar-grap where the lowest minimum price pr day is shown, preferably with weekdays in different colour :slight_smile:

Guess this is two questions:

  1. can I get the card to calculate the lowest value during a day? would be lovely, workaround is obviously to caclulate new template sensor, but then the brilliant dynamic of day/week/month would in HE is gone? ;(
  2. How to visualixze saturday/sunday, theese days (sunday) appears to be always cheaper, so would be good to indicate somehow the weekday/weekend in the graph. either on color of bar, or a background??

(white line is template-sensor with lowest price - > long term stats)

Short question: Is there a setting that the fill does fill to the bottom line instead of the 0 line? Could be useful for e.g. temperature charts.

Not yet, but probably soon. The next release will have a major overhaul of the custom process function system. You will have access to the backend caching system from the process function, allowing you to implement much more complex data processing and transform algorithms, such as the one you described.

Right now, I would suggest a template sensor. In the upcoming process function update, you could simply get the day of the week from the cache timestamps for individual state samples.

Oh and ETA on the next release is probably still this year.


Not exactly sure what you mean by this. Could you provide an example ?

Hi, I have a smart plug on my coffe machine but the line graph doesn’t show the line in the right mode.

I should only have peaks but I get those curves.

This is my yaml:

type: custom:history-explorer-card
cardName: Livingroom
header: Livingroom
showUnavailable: true
decimation: false
defaultTimeRange: 1w
showCurrentValues: true
  - type: line
    title: Coffe Machine
      - entity: sensor.coffemachine_current_power
        color: blue
        name: Current Power

Is there an option that I have to add in the yaml?

Switch to stepped mode, either globally or only for this entity.

It’s described here in the readme.

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Hi, sorry for the delayed answer. I mean this:

Instead of:


A next question: Is it possible to have a temperature as a bar chart?

As an example: Here the first chart is the energy use per day, second chart average temp per day as line chart.
The third should be average temp per day, but it is shown (most likely) as sum (the chart shows 1 year and the interval is monthly, but for the daily interval it is of course the same)


Is this the place for asking questions about the history-explorer-card?
Is there an option when you click on the card. It’s make it bigger and the main focus of the display. Like the “More info” when the history data of a sensor is displayed. So the bigger graph makes it more easy so see the data displayed.

Yes it is ! You came to the right place :slightly_smiling_face:

If you are using the card to override the more info panel, then you can simply click on the title to make it bigger. If you’re talking about the card in your dashboard, I think there are custom components that let you popup fullscreen cards.

Unfortunately not yet. As you noted, the bar graphs are currently only available for accumulative or net metering entities.

That said, having averaging bar charts is a common request and I can see a number of real use cases, so I will most likely implement this feature in the near future.

Did you get an answer to this question?

I’m wondering the same thing as I’d like to graph outdoor temperature and furnace power draw. The numbers are vey different so I’d like to use the two Y axis.