[Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card

It was the trick. Thanks a lot for the small but valuable tip.I also find it very unfortunate when such disagreements arise in this impressive community.

having deleted the custom card when it was deprecated by Alex, I am confronted with an issue in HA 2024.6, for which I want to rule out the fact I have used History explorer card before.

Ive scrolled through the complete thread above, but cant for the life of me find where the card stored its local per browser cache/settings.

I remember we could see that info in the Inspector window tab local storage, but currently cant find anything.

Could anyone still using this card please help me out and find the correct Inspector tab and relevant setting?


Not exactly clear what you mean. Where stored? In the cache. Where to define? In yaml in one single card per installation card

type: custom:history-explorer-card
stateColorSeed: 137
  stateColorSeed: 137
  lineMode: stepped
  stateTextMode: auto
  uimode: dark
  showUnavailable: false
  decimation: false
    automatic: true
  etc. etc.

Where to enable?
In the card per browser

Given it some serious doubt, as I really loved the way HE card shows the entities, and allows me to set a Panel view in a custom view.
However, since HA is developing in such a fast pace, and most certainly the Frontend is, I figured to try and keep as core a possible. Or, only have custom, but when maintained.

For the same reason I just took out custom:bar-card, and developed my own card_mod (maintained more or less…) replacements for that.

yes, but where…

I just scrolled thought storage in Safe mode (hadn’t done that before, because it leaves me not a single view…). I does make the inspector much more readable and I believe this is what I meant

Mind you, I have reloaded/refreshed/reset cache hundreds of times after having deleted the HE custom card many weeks ago. And still this was in todays cache…

I would assume a cookie.

those are gone…

might be off here but for me there is a Key in Local Storage for History Explorer Card…not sure if that’s what you are looking for…
Opening same page Incognito doesn’t have this Key

yes, that was what I was after, and which I found I the screenshot above, thx.

It’s permanently gone now (manually deleted the line), so I am sure it is not in anyway related to my entities issue…

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I think with the revived development of the card that the title of the thread ought to be changed to remove the “[Deprecated]” moniker.

Agreed. Leaving the honours to you, Mr Regular. :wink:


Just wanted to be sure I wasn’t overstepping my bounds. :laughing:

Someone will flag it if you are, don’t worry about it.

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Hi All,
I performed a search of this topic, but did not see this question previously asked. Is there a way to pull statistical data back into this card from influxdb to append to where the recorder data ends?

Not possible until yet.

Hi y’all,

I just got the U.N.M. version going and am glad to see things working once again. Among other measurands, I’ve used it to plot two entities of the NWS integration API to monitor it’s update behavior, and I’m currently having an issue with this entity state:

Here’s what it looked like in the past:


Here’s what it looks like now. The datetime state no longer plots.


Here is an excerpt from the YAML configuration:

  - type: timeline
    title: WX update times
      - entity: weather.kbwi
        name: cur cond
      - entity: sensor.kbwi_datetime_0
        name: forecast

Help solicited. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I’ve traced the issue, found it, and determined the root cause: I need new eyeglasses.

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Hey guys.

For some reason my cards aren’t being synced across different devices?

From what I can tell the graphs dynamically created in the user interface store their configuration in your device/browser.

If you want cards where the entities persist across all devices I think you need to add the expected entities directly into the YAML rather than add them using the dropdown on the history explorer interface

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Thank you!

Also would like to know, is there a way I can view the sensors in separately within the same card?
I have 3 sensors which have the same unit measurement type, which is causing them to be grouped

I have already tried combineSameUnits: false but it’s not working

The only way I’m able to do it is by adding the entities via the dropdown and we’ve already established that doesn’t sync across devices

Huste use more type-sections instead of more entities in one type section.

I would really recommend, that you first read the docs on the card page and their examples. It will answer 95% of your first questions as those you asked here.

Something like this

    - graphs:
      - type: line
        - entity: sensor.sensor1
      - type: line
        - entity: sensor.sensor2
      - type: line
        - entity: sensor.sensor3

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