Unhealthy state

I switched to using docker-compose with a cronjob to fix the watchtower issue even though my watchtower wasn’t touching any HA container either. Works just as well.

I’m now getting this Unhealthy / Unsupported error. I’m not sure why. I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3, installed Hassio on it years back. and have never had a problem before.

I’m really not sure what to do or why my setup is now apparently not suitable. Is Pi 3 no longer supported?

Many of the fixes recommended in the documentation for the various errors seem to be to update my HA version… Which I cannot do, as it does not let me.

Does the error not contain a link to some documentation?

There are but, it doesn’t make much sense. It links me to these:

DBUS - solution is to start the daemon (how?) or restart (didn’t work).
Docker Config - Solution is upgrade (can’t) or modify a json file (how? I don’t know how to get to this).
Privileged - solution is to upgrade
Network Manager - not even sure what I’m meant to do here
OS - Solution to … reinstall? But again I’m on a Pi 3 and was using Hassio. Not a custom install by any means.
Systemd - Reinstall?

So apparently there are all these issues in my setup that were never present before. Without wishing to sound naive, I did not interfere with the setup I had (at the OS level), I just “let” Hass do whatever it needed to do. I now need to edit what I assume are core system files, when I have never interacted with these before (and not even sure how to do that?).

Or… Is my environment corrupted and I’m meant to reinstall back using the same hardware? But then if I restore using a snapshot, won’t I be reintroducing these errors? So I need to start fresh?

Just wanted to echo @JD_01’s issue from above. I’ve had my RPi 3 setup with Hassio for years and upgrading up to now has been just touching up any potential breaking changes and clicking the upgrade button. It’s just worked… mostly like an appliance.

I’m cool with trying to figure things out, but the whole point of Hassio was to get me to stop tinkering with it. Would be great if there was a thing we could do to turn it back to the state of being an appliance again. Most of the threads on this seem to be targeted at HA running in other VMs or docker environments. Any ideas for us RPi3 guys with Hassio? Thanks!

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Thank God someone else is in the same situation, I felt like I was going crazy and was remembering things wrong. Like you, only changes I’ve had to make after upgrades previously is minor config changes in the integrations. Was pleased to never concern myself with the intricacies of running my own VM / Docker environment etc.

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In another thread you just told us your system reports that you are running

Installation Type: Home Assistant Supervised

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It is most likely that the underlying OS you are using is outdated. If you are using a very old version of Home Assistant OS, it’s probably using ResinOS which is no longer supported. If you are running Supervised, then you are probably using Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) which is also no longer supported.

Take a snapshot, backup all your config and .yaml files, do a fresh install using the most most current OS from the HA website on a new SD card, then restore your config.

The entire process should take you less than an hour on a Pi3 and you’ll maintain the current working SD card you have as a backup.

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I am running Supervisor/HA in docker on Ubuntu 20.04. The last two times my system has come up as ‘unhealthy’ there was a new docker package available. Once I did an apt ugrade and docker restarted, and the Supervisor and HA containers restarted, the ‘unhealthy’ message is gone and I can upgrade HA.

Hope that helps someone, it took me awhile to figure that one out.


OK, that sounds reasonable. I’ll give it a try.

Thanks for the direction.

Indeed, that’s what it reports in the Info section. But that is not what I did, at least not intentionally. And I don’t see how I could have run the system for 3 years without knowing it - doesn’t Supervised require a significant amount of “tinkering” with the OS?

Once I did an apt ugrade and docker restarted, and the Supervisor and HA containers restarted, the ‘unhealthy’ message is gone and I can upgrade HA.

I can confirm as well this worked for me

Hi, this worked by the way. Bit of a faff as restoring from a snapshot wasn’t working - so had to go and create the new instance, enable SAMBA, copy the snapshot across etc.

But overall it worked and I am back in a healthy state, able to upgrade.

Thanks for your help.

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This solution worked for me. You could even skip getting a new SD card, although you obviously lose the backup you have if you write over it…

I guess I am in the same boat, RasPi3 system working fine for a couple of years, did not notice any problems until a 12-hour power outage today and after that system would not work thru duckdns or ssh.

  • HA Core 89.1
  • OS 2.10
  • SSH Server Add-on 5.2
  • DuckDNS 1.11

and seeing unhealthy system warnings in Hass.IO System/Supervisor panel.
I did not read this whole long thread but I guess I will try getting a new SD card and updating things.

I could not agree more!

It’s just a question of “support” . I’m running home assistant docker on KDE Plasma with no issues.

Of course when I hit an issue, I have to figure it out myself.

Got the same issue. Running Ubuntu. Don’t know anymore which installation script i’ve runned. I know i’m on my own, but the weird thing is, rebooting the system will fix it… temporary. after a few days it’s happening again.

21-09-29 20:03:12 CRITICAL (MainThread) [supervisor.core] System is running in an unhealthy state and needs manual intervention!
  • [Supervisor heeft onvoldoende toegangsrechten] which leads me to Privileged - Home Assistant. But that looks like a horse medicine, to me.
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If you have the supervisor you are running supervised install. That is not supported on ubuntu.

You appear to know that, so you also know that you need to move to debian 11. So what is your question.

I was in the same situation.
Running on Debian 11 as Supervised in Docker
Thanks for the info in the thread.
After updating underlying OS (APT update upgrade) and a docker restart I was able to update.
