Update Limitlessled/Milight Component V6 Bridge (iBox)

No mate unfortunately i didn’t manage to get the white downlights to work yet :frowning:
Would love some help with this, will keep you updated if i manage to get it to work!

I also can’t get my old white leds to work with the v6 bridge, even tho I can control them through my ancient v2 bridge. I also don’t see the bridge led in home assistant. Controlling works through the ios app tho.


fwiw, I tested the python library directly on the command line as well, and nothing, but this node library worked perfectly, so I’m pretty sure there’s a bug - https://github.com/mwittig/node-milight-promise

(tested with examples/example-dual-white-v6.js)

Just gonna leave this here: https://github.com/sidoh/esp8266_milight_hub

From the Readme:

  • Both the remote and the WiFi gateway are limited to four groups. This means if you want to control more than four groups of bulbs, you need another remote or another gateway. This project allows you to control 262,144 groups (4*2^16, the limit imposed by the protocol).
  • This project exposes a nice REST API to control your bulbs.
  • You can secure the ESP8266 with a username/password, which is more than you can say for the Milight gateway! (The 2.4 GHz protocol is still totally insecure, so this doesn’t accomplish much :).
  • Official hubs connect to remote servers to enable WAN access, and this behavior is not disableable.

It would be awesome if someone can wrap this with Philips Hue API. Instant support in loads of home automation platforms.

I`m hoping to do the exact same with a RFLink. The RFLink is already a HASS component. And Milight support seems in the pipeline. The costs and benefits would be pretty much the same as the ESP solution. But you gain the ability to control a whole lot of other RF devices at the same time / price.

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Hi noodlemctwoodle, did you get the bridge led to work? I’m having the same problem.

@Try2Fly Unfortunately not, I’m not sure that it’s supported right now. To be honest I didn’t find v6 to be stable at all when i was using it and have since moved back to v4 and v5 bridges. I’ll come back to this project when the development has been progressed. :slight_smile:

@dolfinking I was using the default port for v6.

@Try2Fly @noodlemctwoodle
I’m on my phone now so you’ll only get a screenshot ^^
This config is working for the bridge led with the latest version (0.42.1) of home-assistant:

Entry from type bridge-led and group 1 allow to control the bridge led.

@touliloup Thanks for the update, I might try v6 again this weekend. Do you know if v6 supports more than 4 groups in HASS yet?

It’s not HASS that limits the amount of groups, but the bridge itself.

Use one of the alternate bridges (you’ll have to build hardware) posted above to control the bulbs to avoid that issue.

@mike1237 i had successfully setup 8 groups via the milight app on my v6 bridge. The groups consisted of the following bulb types and set via the difference remote types and it was my understanding from the milight documentation that the bridge supported up to 16 groups of 4 for the various supported remote/bulb types

Group 1 4x RGBWW - lounge
Group 2 1x RGBWW - lounge led strip

Group 1 4x RGBW - kitchen
Group 2 4x RGBW - bedroom
Group 3 1x RGBW - bedroom lamp
Group 4 1x RGBW - lounge lamp

Group 1 3x White - hall
Group 2 3x White - bathroom

When using HASS and i turn on group 1, this would turn on all the group 1s (lounge, kitchen, hall) as there is no way to define the remote type in the config. Please correct me if I’m wrong or if I have made a configuration error.

I succeed doing a esp8266(v2)+NFR24L01 control hub, BUT I can’t write a script to integrated it to HASS. Can you give me a example?


Thanks, got it working now. Needed to update to newest version.

I haven’t tried it myself yet, but I think the normal component should work? (There is/should be an option to emulate an official bridge somewhere)

As far as I have seen, they’ve added support for UDP commands so setting it up just as you would set up a MiLight bridge should work. My NodeMCU is on its way from China, so I’m going to test it myself in a couple of days.

Mine is also underway! I tried setting something up with a bare Esp8266 on an adapterboard, but I don’t have the right components to get this working reliably (no bypass capacitors etc, logic level shifter).

Maybe I’ll try a Raspberry pi connected to a nrf24 first (https://hackaday.io/project/12748-the-atomik-controller)

Have you manage to controll multiple rgbw and white bulbs with 1 v6 bridge?

Correctly configured the rgb bulbs but received today the ww/cw bulbs and they are not working on HASS and work fine on Milight app on “white remote profile”

platform: limitlessled
- number: 1
name: Candeeiro Ricardo
type: bridge-led
- number: 1
name: Sala Mesa
type: rbgww
- number: 2
name: Sala LED
- number: 3
name: Cozinha
- number: 1
name: ww cw
type: white

I’ve actually moved back to V4/V5 bridges as i found V6 and Development branch for HASS was too unstable.

I had a dig around in my config backups and this is the config I used.

  platform: limitlessled
    - host: !secret milight_ibox
      version: 6
      port: !secret milight_port
      bridge_led: true
#      - number: 1
#        name: bridge
#        type: bridge_led
# WHITE Groups
      - number: 1
        name: hall
        type: white
# RGBW Groups
      - number: 2
        name: kitchen
        type: rgbww
      - number: 3
        name: lounge_lamp
        type: rgbww
      - number: 4
        name: bedroom
        type: rgbww

Hope this helps…

I’ve recently ordered all the components for RFlink as this project appears to be a smarter option than having multiple Milight bridges which are each limited to 4 groups. I have my entire house fitted with Milight bulbs and I’m tired of having all these obscene white boxes dotted all over the place.

I also have the entire house fitted with Milight bulbs and 2 v6 lamp bridges, every bulb are paired with one ff the bridges and they can all be controlled though milight app on my android.

Now I’m trying to setup them up with HASS but the white bulbs arent working,
tried to comment the rgbw in group 1 to see if it worked but still not working

platform: limitlessled
- number: 1
type: bridge-led
name: Candeeiro Ricardo
# - number: 1
# name: Sala Mesa
- number: 2
name: Sala LED
- number: 3
name: Cozinha
- number: 1
type: white
name: ww cw

Don’t know what I’m doing wrong grrrrr