Update on the Z-Wave integration · Home Assistant dev docs

@marcelveldt - Thank you. This is a very helpful summary (and overview of the alternatives). I think it would be useful if this (or something like it) made it into the HA Z-wave docs at some point.

I have a question about topology:

For the new Home Assistant Z-wave component that uses MQTT as the transport to talk to the OpenZwave Daemon, is an MQTT broker required in the middle between the OpenZwave daemon and HomeAssistant?

(Or will the OpenZwave daemon essentially be it’s own broker to simplify deployment?)

I didn’t see an answer above, but perhaps I just overlooked it. Would there be a possibility of migrating our existing zwave devices to this new configuration or will this require rebuilding our zwave network? I like this idea as this is a common pain for me to deal with, but I also don’t want to rebuild my network again as its always such a PITA to redo everything.

Hopefully, other options will be taken into account too. I see a benefit that Z/IP would bring to me, such as the latest functionality not relying on “reversed engineering” and, also, implementing S2.


Yes, you’ll need an MQTT broker you run. If you use Hass.io Home Assistant you’ll be able to install the Mosquitto add-on. If you use another install method just install Mosquitto.

The inclusions are stored on the stick, so as long as you use the same stick there’s no issues. I know the dev is looking at what they can do to migrate all the existing entity_ids so that you don’t have to change anything, but I don’t know what the state of that is.

Worst case, you’ll have to rename some things.

Thats totally tolerable and easy to get a backup of if needed. Thanks for the confirmation.

Anyone have tried and managed to use the set_config_parameter service call? I can’t seem to format it the right way.
Edit: I tried to do something else than what I thought :smiley:

At this time you need to have a MQTT broker already setup but when we move towards official inclusion we will take care of that in some automagic way :wink:


I think it’s only a matter of time until Z/IP will also be supported. In an ideal world you will have just one Z-Wave component in HomeAssistant and it will take of handling the correct “route” for your situation. Our current route with detaching the hass component from the actual controller is preparation for that…

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I am actually glad you guys are working on this and cannot wait to see it released in HA stable. Well done and thank you!

Is there any chance whatsoever that this will finally support the Enewrwave zwn-sc7 seven button scene controller? It has been supported by Vera for years and it is the only holdout I have for keeping the old Vera Plus running. I would love to finally get everything all under one roof…

That seems to be up to the openzwave developers. Ask them.

EDIT: which I see you have already done.

Forgive me if it’s been answered, but I didn’t see as I scrolled through.

Will this new and improved Z-Wave system (working with OpenZWave Daemon), allow us to have the Z-Wave controller on a physically different computer?

I have a Razberry GPIO module set up on a Raspberry Pi 3 in one part of my home, but am running HomeAssistant on a Raspberry Pi 4 in a different area. The Pi 4 has a case on it for cooling and mounting, but while it has a GPIO extender built in to get around the fan and heatsink positioning, I’d rather not have the card poking out into the open, especially with 2 curious cats around :grin: :sweat_smile:


It communicates over MQTT. The Z-Wave controller can be anywhere on the planet (or off of it, if you have access to a handy space ship) that you have connectivity to.

So looking forward to this :smiley:

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Yeah since long time Z-wave user, this is what i look most forward to in Home assistant

Just got the new z-wave system up and going to test it out, and noticed that it is starting to get merged into the core repo! Thanks for all your work everyone!

Wanted to encourage @mickeprag to continue your work! A future where the one HA integration can work with either the OZW or Z/IP backend would be awesome! You might consider putting a MQTT frontend on your pyzwave work to leverage the work being done on the new HA zwave stuff. I wish I had the bandwidth to help out. Adding ZIP Gateway -> pyzwave -> MQTT broker -> HA would be awesome.


Do we have to do anything to see the new ZWAVE method?

Just update HA when the time comes.

Any estimate on time frame?