Update ZigBee firmware using deCONZ on Hass.io

With the latest Deconz addon Update, this is not needed anymore!
The files will be downloaded at the start of the addon!

Even with Hue firmware?

No, not now.
The hue plugin is, right now, not part of Deconz. Therefore it is not part of the addon.

If anyone is struggling to update devices, check out this awesome help I got earlier today on Github! I had no idea what I was doing and managed to update two lights and an Ikea dimmer.

I was able to follow the steps just fine, but if anyone needs more help here are the two places I did a bit of searching:

To run the python script with that pulls the update files, I SSHed into the Linux box running Home Assistant, created a directory, cloned the git repo, opened the folder, and ran the script. Example.

mkdir directoryName
cd directoryName
git clone URL TO REPO
cd nameOfGitFolder
python3 IkeaUpdateFileName.py

From that point, I had to enable OTAU updater. To do this, log into the old webUI for deCONZ. You do this at: http://YOUR_HA_IP:DECONZ_PORT/login.html. (http://123.456.7.8:40850/login.html).

The default username there is “delighted” (get it? Because lights!). The password is your deCONZ password.

Hopefully the info here helps others struggling like me!


Thank you!
I struggled to access the old webUI because clicking the link in the addOn (Help -> Old WebApp version Open Wireless Light Control (2016)) only brought me to the new UI, but entering ip:port/login.html with http worked!
Any idea why the OTAU Server setting is hidden like that?

So glad that helped! I have no idea why deCONZ is set up how it is, especially when it comes to OTAU. I’m happy there’s an updater, but something a bit more user-friendly is definitely on my wishlist.

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Hi All,

I just used this to update my 3 IKEA plugs, it worked flawlessly. I used a test rig with Deconz as my main HA machine uses an HUSBZB-1 stick.

I was wondering if anyone has been able to update any other devices such as lights

Thanks for this… Just wanted to correct something (At least in my situation):

From that point, I had to enable OTAU updater. To do this, log into the old webUI for deCONZ. You do this at: http://YOUR_HA_IP:DECONZ_PORT/login.html. (http://123.456.7.8:40850/login.html 7).

The default username there is “delighted” (get it? Because lights!). The password is your deCONZ password.

username should be: ‘delight’
password: is whatever password you put in the new UI…



I managed to get the OTAU enabled - so will I need to download IKEA firmware files and place it on the server in order to get devices updated - or will it happen automatically ?


If you are using deconz add-on, firmware are automatically downloaded

If I understand this correctly this will only work with the deCONZ GUI?
I have installed deCONZ on a Pi Zero W with Buster lite, so I have no chance to let it work?

I downloaded the OTA files for IKEA with the script from dresden electronics. The are placed now in:


I see that there are three services running on my Pi:

  deconz-update.service       loaded active running   deCONZ: ZigBee gateway -- Update Service                               
  deconz-wifi.service         loaded active running   deCONZ: ZigBee gateway -- WIFI Service                                 
  deconz.service              loaded active running   deCONZ: ZigBee gateway -- REST API                                     

I managed to get into the old GUI and checked this:

Is it possible to get the update work in this way without the GUI?

If I understand correctly yes: you have firmware for OTA and OTAU is enable. So if you restart your zigbee devices it should start to update.
You don’t have access to the GUI? Available using VNC

Yes, but I don’t know if the firmware is in the correct path. Is the path /home/pi/otau correct?
Everywhere I look I only see ~/otau, but I don’t know which user!

Ok. I restarted my Ikea remote, but nothing happened.

I have the installation on a Pi zero W with Buster Lite (no GUI!) installed. So I have only shell access to the Pi.

Will VNC work if nothing for it is installed?

I just updated my OSRAM Smart+ Plug through the VNC GUI. It found an update (01020509) and applied it.

However, in deCONZ PWA the version info for the plug still says 1.04.12 like before.

So now I’m wondering if the plug got updated or not? :confused:

You need to wait or restart deconz, then restart your bulb for info to be updated

I think that even if your pi has no GUI you are able to connect to it using VNC and port 5900

Tried restarting both deCONZ and the plug, but what solved it was deleting and re-pairing the plug! :slight_smile:

I think you have to enable VNC with raspi-conf and that takes 20 Minutes on a Pi Zero W because he installs many things.

Deconz and firmware updating

Unless something changed very recently the firmware is only updated automatically if the device is mains powered.

For battery powered devices you have to open the Deconz GUI. In the Addon via the VNC access. And if you run deconz on bare metal like I do, then you have to stop the non-GUI daemon and start the gui version and then manually initiate the upgrade.

This is done to avoid unwanted battery drain. It takes hours to upgrade a small sensor or remote with a coin cell and it can drain the battery completely. Most people would like to be in control of this so you know that you may have to replace the battery after upgrade. Or the battery may be at 10% before upgrade and then it is a good idea to replace the battery to avoid the device goes dead during upgrade

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I can confirm that. I have updated a IKEA remote and it took 4h! Battery was full at the beginning, 34% at the end…

Updates are done automatically if OTAU server is enable. You need to use the old web page for that.

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