Upgrade to 2024.8.2 crashed database

Tried to upgrade to 2024.8.2 from 7.latest. it went into a database upgrade that crashed the system. 3 times. Then i gave up.
Running on pi with ssd, 30 days history.

Note: I’m not looking for a solution or anything, just mentioning this for devs . Im used to updates like these and ill try again next month.

Hello KeepYourShirtOn,

The thing is it is going to try to update that database no matter what the next version you try to update with. I would suspect it is running out of memory or disk or something when trying to make the integers 64bit instead of 32bit in your current tables.

My suggestion would be to use sqlite going forward. If you want to save the data there are ways, otherwise take that code out of recorder and just start up the default database. It should be much more stable for you, and a couple of years ago I was a proponent of using something different. Been on sqlite for years no tough.

Migrate back from MariaDB to the default SQLite.
Postgresql to SQLite migration, moving back to SQLite.

On my system the database upgrade is still running, for almost 12 days now. It did crash a few time before but that was because my database got backed up.
I am using a MariaDB database running on a DS220+. I do not know that the database upgrade is doing, but it is taking ages.

All it’s doing is change the 32bit integer fields to 64bit integer fields before that causes things to break completely. Not really upgrading anything.
It’s still going to be slow as crap when it’s done and not optimized like the sqlite is now.

The update to 2024.8.3 (from the 2024.7.lastest) broke my database, too.
I’ve read about some problems in 2024.7. And yes, since I’m on 2024.7 I experienced db crash a few times. It never happened before. I hoped that the eight fixes that.

BTW I don’t understand the date mentioned in the name of the corrupted file. It has been created at 13:49 - it’s the time of HA upgrade. Why the name consists of 11:49 ?

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     1405710336 Sep  7 13:49 home-assistant_v2.db.corrupt.2024-09-07T11:49:26.812564+00:00

What is going on with the recorder recently?

BTW I’ve checked the SSD with Kingston SSD Manager, and it reports the disk is healthy.

The thing is, sql lite used to be a slow as hell. Thats why Im using mariadb in the first place. Back then that was the recommendation. It is a bit sad to see it. Is now the other way around without there being a good option to migrate. And btw, ‘just start with a blank sqll lite database!’ is not a good option. Thats just silly developers talk imho.

Anyway, 2024.9 did not work either. Upgrade simply crashes after a few hours of trying.