Upgraded HASS.IO from 0.56.2 to 0.57.1 - getting Ring Doorbell errors

Just updated HASS.IO from 0.56.2 to 0.57.1 on my Pi3 and am seeing these errors in the log:

2017-11-05 17:45:33 WARNING (SyncWorker_10) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Could not find total of 5 of kind ding
2017-11-05 17:45:39 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Could not find total of 5 of kind ding
2017-11-05 17:47:35 WARNING (SyncWorker_3) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Could not find total of 5 of kind ding
2017-11-05 17:47:42 WARNING (SyncWorker_8) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Could not find total of 5 of kind ding
2017-11-05 17:49:37 WARNING (SyncWorker_9) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Could not find total of 5 of kind ding

My Ring Doorbell configuration was working perfectly, and the Stick-Up Cam was never supported in the past - is this a result of required configuration.yaml changes I need to make?

Much appreciated.

I have disabled ‘- last ding’ in sensors and ’ - ding’ in binary sensors and the log entries have stopped. May be triggered by the fact that my Stick Up Camera does not have a ‘ding’ capability.

Will disable the ding reporting or monitoring until I hear more.


interesting - so are you suggesting that you would need different platforms to avoid this like

platform: ring_doorbell
platform: ring_camera

I currently cant see this option to segregate different ring device types within theconfiguration

Not to sure if we would need a separation of the platforms, but the log entries appear using the following settings in configuration.yaml:

username: !secret ring_username
password: !secret ring_password


  • platform: ring
    scan_interval: 120
    • last_activity
    • last_ding
    • last_motion


  • platform: ring
    scan_interval: 120
    • ding
    • motion

Removing the -last ding and -ding entries resolve the log entries, so either I am doing something wrong or there is an issue.


I’m getting the same issues with a standard install of Home Assistant (0.57.2). Also getting errors/freezes using the new Ring camera component.

After getting my implementation of HASS.IO stable by commenting out the ding options, I tried to use the camera and ffmpeg options as follows:



  • platform: ring

My Ring Doorbell and Stick Up cam will show an image in my frontend after rebooting, then about 5 minutes later the camera images disappear and if I refresh my browser will sit at the login screen…

I have since disabled the above options and simply use the Ring component for motion events as they are stable.


well, I do have a doorbell and the floodlight cam currently connected which means I would have a binary sensor for ding for doorbell and floodlight cam - removing it from the binary sensor will remove ding for all devices - camera and doorbell - which will remove the device_name Ding - on/off or clear/active?

only using the sensor platform ring: last_ding will only show you the last time someone rang the bell … but you will no longer get the active component … thats why I think you will need two different platforms to separate options for devices that support/dont support the options … currently its a per platform or better sensor component setting per platform …

makes sense?

Thanks for reporting this issue.

Yes, stickupcams and floodlights do not support ding. I already have a PR on going that will address it and hopefully on the next 0.57 errata.

PR# https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/10428


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I have applied the fix manually - works just fine - thanks for getting this sorted this quickly - no other issues on my side

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Thank you for your follow-up @collse

Didn’t work for me. Still getting error:

(SyncWorker_17) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Could not find total of 5 of kind ding

Hassio still freezes when i add Ring camera to front GUI.

I am using Hassio as well and cannot add the Ring Doorbell camera. I get the GUI freezing up as well.

Upgraded to 0.57.2, same issues, camera component freezes GUI after accessing It once and enabling ding options cause the mentioned “Could not find total of 5 of kind ding” if either the ring binary sensor or sensor are enabled. I have a Ring Doorbell Pro and Stick Up Camera.

Just reporting results - will try a few other tests.


Is this fixed in the 0.58.1 update?

I got the same issue in 0.58.1.
Hassio frezes when adding Ring camera.