Upgrades today have caused constant unresponsive warnings, resulting in repetitive driver restarts and z wave interruptions

Home Assistant 2023.9.3
zwave-js-ui: 9.0.0
zwave-js: 12.0.0

Previously I had a rock solid z-wave network with nearly 60 devices.
Today, i’m unsure which update has caused an issue, but this is now happening every 5 minutes:

Controller is unresponsive warning (despite logs showing data and devices updating fine)
The driver then reboots (causing the zwave devices to go ‘unknown’)
then ‘scan completed’ and the devices redetect and everything is fine again… for about 5 minutes.
Then the cycle repeats.

I have tried reverting to previous versions in partial backups, but that did not work, the integrations wouldnt load, so i re-updated to the latest versions. Issue remains.

The key point here is that something has caused this in a very recent update, i’m unsure if HA, Zwave JS or Zwave JS UI.
I’m still trying to work out whats happened and whats broken, but thought I’d create a post in case anyone else thinks they are alone.

Next steps i’ll try a full backup revert from yesterday.


Only a full backup restore did the trick here…

Fix is on it’s way…


I saw that and was unsure if its the same issue, as the entities/devices don’t all go unavailable - for long at least.
They are available longer than they are unavailable, but during the restart and after the rescan/ping it obviously just creates tons of traffic and logs while every value is reupdated.
They appear to go to null values as the driver is restarted and then all get fully updated again.
I tried turning off soft restart but that doesn’t stop the forced driver restart.
I’m preparing for a full backup restore now, once i’ve downloaded an offline copy in case something goes extra wrong. my backups are 1.3gb (mariadb, lots of history data over thousands of entities) so it’s not a 2 minute process :s

I know, what you talking about, my backup is around 10GB. Not even close to 2 hours… 5-6 hours actually :slight_smile: Very happy, i do have a mechanical plan B :smiley:

I have a full set of spare hardware and zwave stick and often take full images of the SSD too :wink:
Everything in my home relies on HA, including the heating so I have to have instant restore of anything.

Hopefully this is fixed in the patch and is the same issue previously reported - not sure yet though as my symptoms seem different.

[Z-Wave JS 12.0.0](Release Release v12.0.0 · zwave-js/node-zwave-js · GitHub needs Home Assistant 2023.10.0 or greater) (which has not been released yet).

I saw that too. Naively I thought “benefits of” required 2023.10.0 and not that the release would break the installs core functionality.
Seems off to release an add-on for an unreleased version otherwise. At least not in a beta channel.

There was a bug in zwave-js-server. That has been resolved in the official addon, but unfortunately Z-Wave JS UI shipped with the bug. There’s an open PR that will fix it in Z-Wave JS UI, we just need to wait for the maintainer to wake up/be free to review: fix: bump @zwave-js/server to 1.32.1 by raman325 · Pull Request #3305 · zwave-js/zwave-js-ui · GitHub

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The latest version of Z-Wave JS UI should be fixed! (v9.0.1)


Full restore from last night, 27th (Partial excluding only MariaDB) has resolved the issue.
Screenshot 2023-09-27 203658

Updates now pending, one or a combination of these is responsible.

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The issue is fixed in the following versions:

  • Z-Wave JS official addon version 0.1.93
  • Z-Wave JS UI addon version 2.0.1 (pending release)
  • zwave-js-server 1.32.1
  • Z-Wave JS UI 9.0.1
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I will wait a bit, if I was you. I’m waiting too…

There already is an issue posted for 0.1.93 , states, that things are not better.

So I also just will wait for several days to see, how things are evolving, before I have to restore for 6 hours again, nuking my statistics as a side product :slight_smile:


Awesome, I’ll wait to see a version increment in my updates list. Glad I resolved the issue for now as i’m flying for work at 4am and i’m sure the wife would have been super impressed the heating was broken :smiley:
Hopefully everything is merged and available when i get back!

can you share a link to this issue?

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edited my post, in the time you were writing… :slight_smile:

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Issue # #3234 sounds very much like the issue I was having already.
The logs of controller unresponsive, driver restarting are exactly what i saw.

So maybe the latest fix hasn’t fixed my issue.

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I didn’t restore MariaDB, just everything else, so i haven’t messed up the stats as much :wink:
Plus i’d hope that sped the restore up massively too (30 minutes)

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Would not help here much, as the most sensors I write in Maria are Zwave sensors, so they did not work anyway :smiley:
Exactly that is, why I will update only after I’m sure, it really is fixed :wink:

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Thanks, I did see this issue elsewhere. Will have to let Dominic look at this as it appears to be in the driver, not the server or addon

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I upgraded to zwavejs2mqtt 2.0.1 this afternoon. I was unaware of the problems, but I am still unable to connect to any of my zwave devices. Everything was working fine before. Restore the older version does nothing.

When I open Z-Wave JS, I get the following error:

Driver: Failed to open the serial port: Error: No such file or directory, cannot open /dev/ttyACM0 (ZW0100)
Error: Driver: Failed to open the serial port: Error: No such file or directory, cannot open /dev/ttyACM0 (ZW0100)

What is the fix? Can someone please help me.