Thanks but there is no need to manually enter holiday dates that you will have to update ad finitum. Use the Workday integration instead. i.e.
# Whether it is a workday or not - binary_sensor.workday_sensor
- platform: workday
country: AU
province: NSW
# Australian Ausgrid NSW Peak-shoulder-offpeak sensor defined
# Peak: 2pm - 8pm on working weekdays 1 November - 31 March;
# Peak: 5pm - 9pm on working weekdays 1 June - 31 August
# Off-peak: 10pm - 7am
# Shoulder: all other times
- sensor:
name: TOU Period
icon: mdi:clock-time-three-outline
state: >
{% set tou_period = 'shoulder' %}
{% set n_month = now().month %}
{% set n_hour = now().hour %}
{% set is_summer = (n_month <= 3 or n_month >= 11) %}
{% set is_winter = (6 <= n_month <= 8 ) %}
{% if n_hour >= 22 or n_hour < 7 %}
{% set tou_period = 'offpeak' %}
{% elif ((is_summer and (14 <= n_hour <= 19))
or (is_winter and (17 <= n_hour <= 20)))
and (is_state("binary_sensor.workday_sensor", "on")) %}
{% set tou_period = 'peak' %}
{% endif %}
- sensor:
name: Electricity Cost
icon: mdi:currency-usd
unit_of_measurement: AUD/kWh
state: >
{% if is_state('sensor.tou_period', 'peak') %}
{{ 0.3465 }}
{% elif is_state('sensor.tou_period', 'offpeak') %}
{{ 0.1397 }}
{% else %}
{{ 0.1727 }}
{% endif %}