Absolutely. I’m sure there’s a tidier or more efficient way but I think this will work. I’ll watch the tariff history over the next week to confirm.
I updated the code block above as I realised I could use the template to avoid having multiple automations for tariffs with multiple windows.
This would be quite simple to include logic for months, I’m just not sure if having an automation trigger every 30 seconds should be avoided for any reason.
I came up with a much simpler tariff automation that doesn’t have an ‘at’ or ‘delay’ time trigger that I think is working well. It triggers on state change as well as on boot so should pick up any missed triggers for whatever reason.
Template sensor: (this could easily have seasonal/monthly logic written in to it)
Have you or anyone else applied this data to calculating the payback of your solar system?
I had mine installed in Feb, so I’m just now getting data to build out my payback model. Thinking this could be a cool next step on top of this to see when it will pay for itself. And then a counter for how much it’s earned after that time.
I haven’t thought that far ahead.
I got solar installed last year and a few months later I started using Home Assistant.
Due to this, I am comparing current bills with bills from before I got solar installed.
The problem with my historical bills are that they are quarterly which doesn’t allow me to get an accurate daily cost over a 90 day period as the months and seasons aren’t clear cut.
I’ve got TOU rates as well, but I changed to that when I got solar. So I’m thinking of doing something like this if I can figure out how to set it up:
Total monthly calculated total cost for grid power already done by HA + monthly solar payment (I’m doing a loan, so this is static) = how much I have paid out in cash that month.
Then calculate the WHAT IF I had no solar. Total monthly consumption in kWh times the going rate per kWh regardless of Time of Use (since I wouldn’t be using it if I didn’t have solar).
The difference between these two numbers would represent whatever I’m contributing to my payback. Then I just have to figure out how to build out how to project that out for a payback date that changes each month. New to this part, so this is what you have inspired me to figure out!
Very good topic!
I’m using Shelly EM and i`m not exporting energy, so in my case this should be simpler to implement!
My Shelly gives me negative values in the consumption when I’m not consuming all the solar production energy so I would like to know if del13r Envoy works the same way?
I’m not sure how that works.
You cannot throttle the output of solar panels. If you are not exporting energy, then where does the excess solar production go?
If you are seeing negative values on your consumption, that would indicate the excess production is being detected via the Shelly EM and you can still use the 0,MAX logic to only record positive values.
In your isolated case, I would try this.
I made up the sensor name as I don’t know anything about Shelly em
- sensor:
name: Grid Import Power
state_class: measurement
icon: mdi:transmission-tower
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
state: >
{{ [0, states('sensor.shelly_em_current_power_consumption') | int ] | max }}
This code has 1 job, and that is to ignore negative values so that the integration sensor can count only positive values for the consumption energy odometer needed by energy dashboard.
I’m just going back to add in my monthly billing cycles to my own set up and noticed that you can use cron in the documentation here under Advanced Configuration:
if you replace cycle: with cron: "0 0 13 * *" then it should reset for you on the 13th of each month.
Edit cron: "0 0 13 */3 *" for quarterly on the 13th
It would be complicated to do true payback in HA using utility meter. Not impossible, but complicated.
I have done it in excel using exported data from my enphase. It accounted for energy sold, self consumption and time of use of that consumption. It was (is) a beast of a spreadsheet and when enphase changed the format of their export data I didn’t go back and maintain it… I really should.
There would be a great opportunity (for someone cleverer than me) for a solar payback integration that is built specifically with this in mind, I think.
Sorry for triple post, have been working on my energy views
This is a great idea - I’ve taken this approach and applied it to my monthly billing. As you’ll see, I’ve done this in a similar way to you but laid it out in a way that I found easier to work with.
Have also after scratching my head for a while, worked out how to get the last billing period calculating too:
- name: Monthly Energy Total Cost #calculating energy cost for this billing period.
device_class: monetary
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: AUD
state: >
{% set peak = states('sensor.monthly_energy_peak') | float %}
{% set p_tariff = states('input_text.peak') | float %}
{% set shoulder = states('sensor.monthly_energy_shoulder') | float %}
{% set s_tariff = states('input_text.shoulder') | float %}
{% set offpeak = states('sensor.monthly_energy_offpeak') | float %}
{% set o_tariff = states('input_text.offpeak') | float %}
{% set buyback = states('sensor.monthly_energy_export_buyback') | float %}
{% set b_tariff = states('input_text.feedin') | float %}
{% set daily = states('input_text.daily') | float %}
{% set reset = state_attr('sensor.monthly_energy_offpeak','last_reset') |as_datetime %}
{% set days_in = ((now() - reset)).days %}
{{ (peak * p_tariff + shoulder * s_tariff + offpeak * o_tariff + buyback * b_tariff + daily * days_in) | round(2) }}
- name: Last Month Energy Total Cost #calculating energy cost for previous billing period
device_class: monetary
unit_of_measurement: AUD
state: >
{% set peak_last = state_attr('sensor.monthly_energy_peak','last_period') | float %}
{% set p_tariff = states('input_text.peak') | float %}
{% set shoulder_last = state_attr('sensor.monthly_energy_shoulder','last_period') | float %}
{% set s_tariff = states('input_text.shoulder') | float %}
{% set offpeak_last = state_attr('sensor.monthly_energy_offpeak','last_period') | float %}
{% set o_tariff = states('input_text.offpeak') | float %}
{% set buyback_last = state_attr('sensor.monthly_energy_export_buyback','last_period') | float %}
{% set b_tariff = states('input_text.feedin') | float %}
{% set daily = states('input_text.daily') | float %}
{% set last_month = now().month - 1 if now().month - 1 >= 1 else 12 %}
{% set last_year = now().year - 1 if now().month == 1 else now().year %}
{% set reset = state_attr('sensor.monthly_energy_offpeak','last_reset') |as_datetime %}
{% set last_reset = reset.replace(year=last_year, month=last_month) %}
{% set last_days = (reset - last_reset).days %}
{{ (peak_last * p_tariff + shoulder_last * s_tariff + offpeak_last * o_tariff + buyback_last * b_tariff + daily * last_days) | round(2) }}
Thanks @Muppetteer
This code is really great.
I will soon be replacing my automations with your code.
Currently running them both in parallel for a few days to check the code works.
I see there is a breaking change from HA 2022.08 with the metering tariff command/service. I tried to change from the previous “service utility_meter.select_tariff” but couldn’t get it to work properly.
My code from your earlier posts is like this j
source: sensor.grid_import_energy
name: Daily Import Meter
cycle: daily
- peak
- go
source: sensor.grid_export_energy
name: Daily Export Meter
cycle: daily
- export
# source: sensor.gas_consumption_today
source: sensor.grid_gas_power
name: Daily Gas Meter
cycle: daily
- standard
source: sensor.garage_solar_production
name: Garage Solar Meter
cycle: daily
and for one of the automatons the automation like this:
alias: Switch to the STD Tariff for metering functionality
description: >-
This automation only changes the metering tariffs that I set up in the Octopus
- platform: time
at: "04:30:00"
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.go_tariff
state: "on"
- service: utility_meter.select_tariff
tariff: peak
entity_id: utility_meter.daily_energy
mode: single