Valetudo Map Card Installation Instructions

@solarsol no, absolutely I’m not asking you to integrate the vacuum with Valetudo but this thread and it’s contents are for Valetudo…, Xaiomi Map Extractor should handle your vacuums maps if not wrong… anyhow the Dreame integration as I see is providing the maps in one of this between the 172 entites in your screnshot… as Valetudo alternative… looks good…
If when you setup your MQTT there is no Vacuum… there isn’t much I can do… as the aim of the integration I’m developing is to somehow cover the luck of entities sometimes there is by using those “unclouded” vacuums in Home Assistant.
As I see from the link I provided, you should be good to Go… if you are okay with the cloud remote control… or whatever method this component offer to control your vacuum in Home Assistant…
Please remember “Never touch a running system” is the role number 1…

Anyhow I got to thank you as per… when the vacuum isn’t supported the MQTT Vacuum Camera integration should simply error “Unsupported vacuum” instead of “Unkown Error”… :wink: :ok_hand: