Ventilation Systems ComfoAir CA350/CA500 Control for HASS (Zehnder, Storkair etc.)

Update, tried my self build adapter wirh USB/RS485 interface, it works fine. Tried to inject some answers via Realterm, esp gives checksum error in log, so it is getting data. Tried to connect to the ventilation box with usb to rs485 adapter and StockAir mainanence 2.53, it does not work :frowning:
I remember i tried to connect with this software few years ago, i had this software on my old laptop. In my head i remember a sucessfull connect, but can not reproduce it and i dont see any logs. Maybe i remember wrong. Any ideas how to connect with this RS485 box?

Do you disconnect the standard control panel? Only one rs device can be connected at a time (at least in case of RS232 port)

I have RS485. I have no other control panel, only the display build in in the unit. Should this be disconnected?

So. There is progress, even when small.
My ventilation is G90-300, it seems to use the same protocol as CA-500 with RS485. Not sure if it’s an older version or other difference, but it

Protocoll information I found here

Is anyone willing to help me and modify the confoair for esphome from here to work with this RS485 protocol?

My programming skills are not high, but i hope i can do some % of the work…

My communication try:
07 F0 00 85 00 32 07 0F

07 F3
07 F0 00 84 0A 00 12 00 30 4E 31 86 BE 01 00 41 07 0F
07 F0 00 84 0A 00 12 00 30 4E 31 86 BE 01 00 41 07 0F
07 F0 00 84 0A 00 12 00 30 4E 31 86 BE 01 00 41 07 0F
07 F0 00 84 0A 00 12 00 30 4E 31 86 BE 01 00 41 07 0F
07 F0 00 84 0A 00 12 00 30 4E 31 86 BE 01 00 41 07 0F

Hi. I’m very interested to use your ComfoAir integration, but not sure how to install it. I’m running home assistant on a Raspberry Pi4 with it’s home assistant OS. Sudo doesn’t work on that. Can you give me some hints on how to get started?

I’ve never used HA OS but from what I know you can’t get full access to os command line without major tinkering. In such case you need a device (e.g. another RPi or an ESPhome compatible module e.g. NodeMCU). For a linux install (e.g. another RPi) you can find pretty complete and detailed guide here:Zehnder ComfoAir CA350 integration via serial connection (RS232) and MQTT
and for ESPHome installation check out the github of that project
Depending on which option you choose either come back to me and other contributors on the “share your project” topic (first link) or get in touch with the author of ESPHome port (second link).


As explained by @adorobis, you can follow the guide, it will works without sudo (on the HA side I mean, I’m using sudo on the RPI connected to the MVHR). I’m also using HA OS.

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Thanks. Now I realize that I have to run your pyton code on another device. I wrongly assumed that it could run on HA OS directly…

I will give it a try, but first need to modify the code to work with the different command set of my old WHR950 that uses RS485. But thanks to the links of “kuna” a few forum posts up I think I can manage. When I get it to work I will report back.

Hi All. I managed to get the script modified to support my WHR950 based on the RS485 communication protocol in kuna’s post:

What is working:

  • Reading temperatures (only 3 sensors are supported, supply temperature to the house is not measured)
  • Fan % and RPM

Not yet working:

  • Reading comfort temperature
  • Controlling fan level (not sure why)
  • Some status stuff I still need to figure out

Are you willing to add support for my unit to the “official” code? I can send my modified version.

Which solution have you implemented? ESP based or the python script and connection to a computer? The best would be to file a feature request on the respective git repository.

Feature request submitted. I modified your python script running on a computer (my NAS in this case). Will probably continue to tweak it over the coming time period to try and get some of the missing features working…

This was pretty awesome, thanks @wichers !
I found a slick board with esp8266 and rs232 level translation. Too bad it doesn’t take 12v, but that’s minor.

I haven’t decided if I’ll use the relay to switch the TX line between esp and the existing control or just use a switch for it.

I’m thinking about designing a simple board that could be connected between the ComfoAir and the CC-EASE.

It would be a some effort to write a firmware that supports both connections (HA and the original) but it is possible :slight_smile:

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Keeping fingers crossed; I have actually replaced my CC controller with a HA wall mounted tablet so giving much more options than just CC. And benefited from the cabling that was already there (supplying power from ComfoAir :slight_smile: )

You can also use simple NodeMCU - it has the RS232 built in as well and there are nice 12v power supply boards as well (example here:

Hi, I’m behind the first link you mentioned at the head of your post,
Regarding the access to the ventilation unit contemporaneously by multiple controllers (such as the ESP, Homeassistant, FHEM, Jeedom, opens) AND the comfosense, it is possible if a piece of software manages the various requests from the controllers (the RS232 access being single controller based). On the github project, there’s a server (VMCserver) that does that. This enables the unit to be controlled by the comfosense, web pages and FHEM.

Basically the server provides IP connections to the clients and connects to the serial port of the ventilation unit.

Thus each client needs to connect to the server via TCP/IP, this is easily done through socat or ser2net processes that interfaces a serial port to a network connection. The client (say HASSIO) connects the to serial side and is thereby connected to the ventilation unit via the server that handles the requests of the client and sends back the replies from the unit.

The most interesting part would be to have an integration to the Home Assistant e.g. via MQTT. Have you considered this?

Hello. I have comfo 350 luxe and have had problems with
my CC Ease Controller (12V), which turns on and off every 60 seconds. Impossible to use and it shows the same numbers.
no controlling functions.
Can You recommend how to replace it or fix it. It is impossible to get it in Norway.
I use it for Zehnder Comfoair 350

Will new Comfosense C work with my Comfoair 350. thanks in advance

Hello. I have comfo 350 luxe and have had problems with
my CC Ease Controller (12V), which turns on and off every 60 seconds. Impossible to use and it shows the same numbers.
no controlling functions.
Can You recommend how to replace it or fix it. It is impossible to get it in Norway.
I use it for Zehnder Comfoair 350

Will new Comfosense C work with my Comfoair 350. thanks in advance

There are two versions of the ComfoSense controller “Zehnder ComfoSense C” and “Zehnder ComfoSense”. You have to install the second one, without the “C”. It has replaced the CC Ease Controller controller a few years ago but is fully compatible.