Viessmann Component

The default circuit is 0, since that’s the first circuit in the Viesmann API.

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Viessmann Developer Portal:
As some of you have probably seen as well, Viessmann has now opened access to testing of the long time ago announced Viessmann Developer Portal. In the communication I have received they are suggesting making some changes in our already existing integrations:
We also have two specific advices we would like you to consider already in your current implementations:

  • For authorization, switch to the v2 endpoint:
    The v1 endpoint is deprecated and will be deactivated soon, so make sure not to use this endpoint anymore for any implementations.

You can retrieve all accessible features with one single API request. To do this, use the following endpoint:
Device features:{installationId}/gateways/{gatewaySerial}/devices/{deviceId}/features
Installation features:{installationId}/features
This saves you a API requests.

Is anybody looking into it already?

Opened an issue at the GitHub repo for “PyViCare” (the underlying library for the Viessmann integration in Home Assistant):


could anyone confirm is there’s an active outage for the API ?
I’m not seeing any data from the api in HA.

All works ok in my case but seems there were some errors earlier today:
2021-03-19 14:44:50 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [custom_components.vicare.binary_sensor] Unable to decode data from ViCare server

Dear Developer,

An evaluation has shown that you have used the web interface (API) to Viessmann IoT Services to access data from the Viessmann backend through a 3rd party application. We wanted to let you know that we now have a Developer Portal you can use for this purpose.

The Developer Portal offers great benefits for both Developers and End-users:

  • Easy to create an account and generate a new API key
  • Continued access to heating system data for development of new applications
  • Full documentation around our API to help you get started
  • First-level support to answer any queries you may have
  • And more to come!

Important Changes

In order to keep our API stable into the future, we must therefore shut down access to any old API keys that were not obtained through the Viessmann Developer Portal. On July 15th, 2021 access to old API keys will no longer be possible.

What must you do?

If you are using an old API client, which you have not created through the Developer Portal and you are a:


  1. Check your plugin to assure that it is working with the authorization flow, described here: Every user will need their own API key to access their device. This means sharing one API key will not be possible anymore and users will need to have their own API key for continued access to data.
  2. Some data points that were accessible through the old API client will not be accessible through the new API client. Make sure to check the list of features provided in the documentation:


If you are using a 3rd party application to connect to your heating device, you need to go on the Developer Portal to create your own API key. This will be your personal key, which you need to access your device.

You can also find the information on the changes in our Change Log, where we will add relevant questions and answers.

If you are unsure if this affects you, first check whether your personal Viessmann account is used to access the web interface. If you are still unsure, feel free to reach us at [email protected]

We are pleased there has been so much demand for use of our API. We want to invite you to continue to develop your applications, so please carefully follow the instructions included here.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us [email protected]

All the best

Your Viessmann Developer Portal Team


I hope the Vicare Integration will be updated soon. Viessmann integrated more sensors like solar

New data points available - Solar thermal functions
We received the feedback from users who want to integrate the solar thermal modules via API. To be able to do this, we are now providing additional data points: - Shows the status of the solar pump - Shows Solar Collector temperature in °C - Shows solar dhw (domestic hot water) temperature in °C
The list of all available data points can be found in the “IoT” section:

This Integration will stop working SOON. :scream:
There is a an already implemented PULL request for the lib. that this addon is using

Ass soon it is merged your integration will stop to work.

Thats not true. The integration will continue to work until july 15th .

Due to problems with the new API (data not provided anymore by Viessmann) and the release cycle of HA, we will not be able to fix the integration for the next release. That means, the integration will stop working on july 15th until the august release. If additional problems occur, maybe even the september release.

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That is to bad QQ. Welp nothing you can do about it… Just wanted to let you guys know :slight_smile:
What data is Viessman not providing any more?

I can only tell for my heating system which is a heat pump.

In V1 I could access statistics (compressor starts, hours), data of the heating rod (is it on, how many hours per month) and in the newest version the power consumption. The V2 has none of those properties available right now. I’ve asked viessmann if they plan to provide that data but I haven’t heard of them yet.

15th of July counts as “soon”.

What will happen with automations that control the on/off state of the Viessmann device ?

Yes, it’s soon. I said that the statement “as soon as the PR is merged, the viessmann component stops working” is false.

After 15th july you can’t control your device anymore with HA and you don’t see any data anymore.

We could still install it as a custom component as soon as it is ready. Actually I’m using it as custom integration (GitHub - oischinger/ha_vicare: Home Assistant component for Viessmann Vitodata service) due to the fact that it exposes some additional services that have not been added to the official integration (as far as I know).
I would happily test it but can’t make the development work unfortunately…

Or actually I’m mixing up two things. The HA integration (that I’m using as custom integration) and the pyvicare libraries. So we could still add it manually (at least those running the HA core like I do) to survive until it is added in the official release.

As of today I am getting these errors, any ideas what’s happening?


Same for me. Getting tired of Viessmann constantly changing or blocking access. Maybe I should get rid of their box. They act like they are providing a free service however having real time access to their heater statistics is worth a lot and by a lot i mean A LOT. Seems like they see it differently.

There are hacks for a non-cloud interface to the Veissmann optolink. It would be incredible if there was an integration that could utilize it so I could get rid of the Viessmann account completely.

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unfortunately, their most modern gas burners no longer have Optolink, they use networking exclusively.
Clearly indicating they’ll completely abandon the infrared (serial) communication.

It is 15th july and I can confirm that the integration is not working anymore :frowning: