Viessmann Component

Yes we have the new API up and working. Now we need to update the vicare integration in home-assistant.



thanks for Your Work! How can i add the vicare custom integration ā€œoverā€ the original?
Thanks, Joe

just put the pyvicare folder from this repo to the components of HA (in my case located here: /usr/local/share/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PyViCare)
You can then take my updated ha integration from this PR:

and put the vicare folder to the HA (in my case: /usr/local/share/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/components/vicare
One more thing you have to do is to add new parameter in config:

  username: !secret vicare_username
  password: !secret vicare_password
  client_id: !secret vicare_clientid

And voilĆ , all works again (at least for my Vitodens 200-W).

Thanks. Have HA.os as VM on Synology running.
Installed SSH Community Addon and activated SFTP, browsing the Filesystem with WINSCP.

But i donĀ“t find the right place.

EDIT: Seems the ā€œResinOSā€ runs HA in a docker Container. donĀ“t know how to find the right places.

Anyway. Then i have to wait :slight_smile:


For sure you better know what you are doing when directly changing standard HA files :slight_smile:

If you want to bring the integration back to life you can install the custom component but you need to use this branch/PR:

Works fine for me so far. It also automatically updates PyVicare library


  1. Create an API key as described here: GitHub - somm15/PyViCare: Python Library to access Viessmann ViCare API
  2. add client_id=YOUR_API_KEY to the HA vicare configuration e.g.
    vicare: username: !secret vicare_email password: !secret vicare_password client_id: !secret vicare_apikey heating_type: gas
  3. Restart Home Assistant not through the UI but via command line (ha core restart if you are using Home Assistant OS). otherwise you will get a config validation error.

All the hard work on PyVicare has been done by @adorobis @crazyfx1 and others. Big thanks to you for the hard work.

Also note: the new API supports a little less sensors than the original one.
Any feedback would be helpful before we create the upstream PR for Home Assistant Core.


Do I only need to add the API key or also add the custom integration files?

Like he said :

Thanks for the quick answer. I guess I can not do that because Iā€™m using the official RPI installation and using SFTP I canā€™t seem to find these folders anywhere.

Place it under /config/custom_components/vicare

@oischinger Seems not to work. Just added the vicare folder to config/custom_components and added the PyViCare folder to it but still getting the error that client_id is not a valid config for the vicare integration.

Edit: Changed permissions and now i got the following error.

2021-07-19 16:33:28 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration ā€˜vicareā€™ does not have a valid version key (None) in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See for more details

I think you might have made same error as I did at first, you have downloaded the Master branch from github, but you need the pivicarev2 branch.

I think you might have made same error as I did at first, you have downloaded the Master branch from github, but you need the pivicarev2 branch. ( oischinger/ha_vicare at pyvicareV2 ( )


Thanks going to try it. Have you any idea were exactly i have to place the PyViCare folder? In the vicare folder itself or? Thx

Put the files in custom_components/vicare folder and restart HA.

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Thanks works fine now with the version @Tommmii provided.


Iā€™ve cloned pyvicareV2 branch of HA_vicare into my custom components folder, created the application on the Viessman developer portal as stated on the PyViCare-github page and pasted the client_id into my configuration.yaml. But i unfortunately receive an html authentication errorā€¦ My credentials are correct. Can someone help me?

I already changed PyViCare/ to log the error which is received and also tried to logout my clientid, but cannot see the problemā€¦

Thanks and regards,

works fine. Thank you for your work!

Seems like your client id is wrong. Please make sure you copy the correct client_id from the portal. Furthermore check if the redirect uri is correct.

Iā€™ve tested to access the API with postman. I was able to connect using the same client_id which Iā€™ve entered in configuration.yamlā€¦ Very strange.