Viessmann ViCare integration: Multiple circuits possible?

Recently the Viessmann ViCare integration was added ( and it’s working great for me.

However, I currently have two circuits with ViCare and I can switch between them with either

  username: VICARE_EMAIL
  circuit: 0


  username: VICARE_EMAIL
  circuit: 1

in the hass configuration.

Now I’m just wondering, if it’s currently possible to both of them at the same time.

I have been unable to get this to work and just added one circuit to Home Assistant at the moment.

(I already looked through multiple topics (like Viessmann Component), but it seems like no one has had this problem, yet.)

Edit: Added a post in the feature requests topic: Viessmann: multiple circuits, as it seems like this feature is currently not implemented.

I don’t use it myself, but maybe you could try like this:

  - username: VICARE_EMAIL
    password: VICARE_PASSWORD
    circuit: 0
    name: Cicruit 0
  - username: VICARE_EMAIL
    password: VICARE_PASSWORD
    circuit: 1
    name: Cicruit 1

Thanks for the idea!
I just tried it and it sadly doesn’t work:
Invalid config for [vicare]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['vicare']. Got [OrderedDict([('username',

For anyone coming along this thread: this feature was implemented in one of the latest Home Assistant releases.