Viessmann Component

Hi @alop
Did you remove the custom component from the config folder and change the configuration yaml as in the official docs?

@oischinger, Yes, I have change the configuration to the new one and removed the custom component.

  username: !secret VICARE_EMAIL
  password: !secret VICARE_PASSWORD


Are you sure there are no style files in pycache or under sensor?
I have no idea why else it should still resolve to custom_components.vicare

I have now even deleted the folders and files that you have mentioned, but no change.

Ok I solved it.
I had to comment out whole component. Restart and after that uncomment and everything was working fine.
I think it was some caching problem.

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask, but how would I integrate two circuits from ViCare?
I can change which one I use with the circuit: 0 or circuit: 1, but I think I’m unable to add both of them at the same time.
Does anybody know, if that’s already possible?

(Put this in a new thread as a question: Viessmann ViCare integration: Multiple circuits possible?)

Also not sure if this is the right place - I´ve successfully set up vicare however I am missing some entities as visible in the lovelace example (
The only one´s that I got are
and for those there´s only current and target temperature.
What I am missing therefore is for example outside temp, kWh consumption, etc.

Did I miss anything? I´ve also copied the contents of the vicare directory to /config/custom_components/vicare

Thanks in advance & regards,

Most of the sensors are now attributes of the climate and water_heater components. You can still create individual sensors if you want. See my blog post here:
“Making use of template sensors and the Home Assistant Vicare integration”

Note that consumption is currently not available. We weren’t able to get it accepted upstream. It needs to be done as a sensor and since Viessmann provides the data in a non-continous way (e.g. consumption / month) it’s not really easy to do it right.



Is it possible to display two circuits in future?


First of all, thanks for the Vicare integration!

I have some problems setting the water heater target temp for my heat pump. Calling the water heater service with set_temperature gives no errors, and using lovelace the numbers change from red (unsaved?) to black, but the target temp for the water heater never actually changes. It does show the correct current water temp, target temp (that i can change in the vicare app), and the on/off-status is switched when changing modes in the climate component.

Does anyone else have this problem or any ideas on how to troubleshoot?

What lovelace type is the temperature?
I’m using thermostat but I can’t switch between eco and comfort?

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Same issue here. Attributes are getting updated properly but I can’t change the preset_mode neither to Eco nor to Comfort. It does not work neither from the lovelace thermostat component nor by calling the service set_preset_mode directly from developer tools. There is no message in the log that would explain what’s the problem. Another issue is that the burner status is always Inactive even when it is actually On. Other attributes seem to have correct data.

Today’s Vicare outage brought up an issue with this component.
Home Assistant takes ages to restart & throws errors because the Vicare component can’t reach the Viessmann servers.

Any way to handle this properly ?

Well since the Viessmann servers aren’t overly reliable anyway, but also because your internet connection could fail we didn’t introduce any strategy when the integration should give up fetching data.

What could be done is reducing the number of requests (i.e. not fetching every single attribute but instead fetching all the data with a single API call).
Unfortunately this would result in quite some rework of the PyVicare library.

@Gladz0r please see our investigations here:

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@Miss there is a bug in the water heater component. I’m working on a fix.

Local access FTW … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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hello oischinger,

did you read the future request to display a second circuit?


@Ruud2702 I guess it shouldn’t be so hard but I have no ways to test it. Would you volunteer to install a custom component and try it out?

@oischinger No problem, when you tell me how i install your custom component :slight_smile: