View Assist - Visual feedback for Assist voice assistant on an Android tablet (Install info provided on Wiki)

Thanks for sharing. Really cool stuff for sure. It won’t be long before everything comes together.

I’m really curious what’s going to happen when I have multiple devices listening for wake word. Right now with the Amazon devices I have an issue with the wrong one answering so seems like it isn’t listening at all. Maybe with these it will just have two listening and hopefully will respond back on the correct one or both.

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I’m excited to see how much easier the new ‘sections’ view type will eventually make creating these views. I struggle with the CSS positioning and sizing the most but once ‘sections’ matures we will really be in business!


I can help with CSS. That’s easy to me. :slight_smile:

But I can only help after the contest judging because I’m part of the Nabu Casa team. :sweat_smile:


While still needing a bit more content, the Wiki should contain enough information for someone to install everything needed for setting up the software side (thanks @ctjameson for confirming) and I’ve added the core automations, card views, and sample custom sentences to get things going. Please let me know if you find any errors and I will correct for you and other users who might be interested.

Congrats on winning the best voice experience, looking forward to seeing you present it on the podcast!


:partying_face: congrats indeed!

I knew this project was a winner!

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Thanks to you both. I’m hoping/planning to do the next demo on the Lenovo Thinksmart and wouldn’t have gotten as far as I am with it without y’all help.


The results of the contest are out!
They may be of interest to you :wink:
Have a look!


Continuing my convo from here: Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA? - #751 by dinki

Interesting. It was detecting Browser Mod as a media player but now its saying unavailable. Is that what you ran into @dinki ? So, if i were to get back to A11, it sounds like i would have to flash stock firmware to clean up partitions and then follow your instructions?

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Yes that’s what I was seeing as well. Unfortunately this is not uncommon from my experience with BM. You can test the A8 to make sure it’s not working by opening the unavailable media player, clicking browse media, and then try sending a media file you have or use text to speech. If I remember correctly, I could not get any sound out of A8. If you can, you may be able to use it.

As far as flashing A11, I don’t remember doing anything special but I did go from flashing A8 with Linux to flashing A11 with windows. Be warned though, A11 definitely caused me issues and still have some oddities.

Curious if this is related: Entities become "unavailable" after 5 minutes · Issue #145 · thomasloven/hass-browser_mod · GitHub have you gotten browser mod to consistently stay connected in A11? I have a squeezlite device connected to the same room my smart speaker is in so i was thinking about just pushing the audio feedback to that speaker instead of having to rely on browser_mod for the audio. I’d have to have a special automation that waits for streamassist and somehow pipe the voice response to that speaker instead of the lenovo. Think thats doable?

Browser mod is odd with the media player. I often see it unavailable on boot but even then I can still play audio through it. I think you should be able to change Stream Assist to point to your preferred media player.

Congratulations! you deserved the win! well done :+1:


Well done, congrats! :+1: :bowing_man:

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I know you’ve mentioned that disabling the autoconnect setting helps boot, but if i turn it off on one of my devices, it constantly drops connection. Unsure if its the device itself or what, but it just keeps dropping connection and if i dont have autoconnect on, i have no internet. Seems like it keeps bouncing from 2.4 to 5ghz. Any ideas? Android 11 btw.

That wasn’t my tip. Someone in the thinksmart thread mentioned it to me and I shared as a possible help. I’ve never tried it. Things are a bit janky with pretty much all roms I’ve tried but A11 works the best out of all of them.

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I was referencing your wiki: Lenovo ThinkSmart · dinki/View-Assist Wiki · GitHub .This is really interesting. I have 2 thinksmarts and if they’re both on, it seems like they compete somehow for connectivity. I turned one off and the other is connecting just fine. I wonder if the rom has somehow made the mac address fixed and they’re both registering their mac with my dhcp server and bouncing back and forth between two ips.

Update: Confirmed both devices have the same mac address. Super odd. How does that get set typically? I thought that was super low level stuff and unique to all devices? They’re in fact both registering the same mac and my AP’s lose their minds and try and bounce back and forth between them.

That was me that shared the tip to disable auto connect, I in turn had received it from someone else.

This comment gives the instructions for changing the mac.


Thanks for the link!

Added to the Troubleshooting section in thinksmart thread.

There were some .prop files inside the vendor partition that needed to be modified. Though I completely missed the MAC configuration.

I guess I’m old and was expecting the MAC to be inside an eeprom somewhere, lol